Jennifer Aydin Clears the Air on Jersey Mike’s Drama: ‘I Was Not Rude to the Staff’

RHONJ's Jennifer Aydin smirks after throwing shade on WWHL

The recent drama involving Real Housewives of New Jersey star Jennifer Aydin and Jersey Mike’s has sparked a lot of discussion, but the reality star is now setting the record straight. Speaking with Us Weekly, Jennifer opened up about the viral incident, clarifying her side of the story and addressing the backlash she received.

Jennifer Aydin

What Happened at Jersey Mike’s?

The incident unfolded during a holiday trip when Jennifer and her family were at an airport Jersey Mike’s location. According to Jennifer Aydin, the situation escalated after she felt that she was being treated unfairly by the staff, leading to a viral video where she captured the confrontation.

“Hindsight is 20/20, but I did not think it was going to go that way,” Jennifer shared. “Not at all.”

Jennifer explained that she and her family—who were traveling in a large group—had already been through TSA and were in a rush to grab food before boarding their flight. “We’re a big group. I’m a family of seven,” she said. “We met up with my cousin who’s another family of six. … We’re 15 people, not to mention the other two families that were meeting up with us at the airport.”

With tensions running high and everyone eager to get food quickly, Jennifer Aydin said that she and her cousin, Susie, joined the line early in the morning, right after the Jersey Mike’s location had opened. “We’re already been waiting. We’re at an airport, we have a flight to catch,” she explained, adding that the process was slow-moving but she was trying to stay calm.

The Turning Point: “You Have to Wait Your Turn”

The situation escalated when a fellow customer was served before Jennifer, even though she had been in line first. Jennifer recalled politely pointing out the issue to the employee. “I reminded the employee. I’m like, ‘Hey, did you do my Italian?’ And she was like, ‘You have to wait your turn.’ I said, ‘Oh, but you did hers before mine and I was before her.’”

As the situation progressed, Jennifer said that her frustration grew, especially when she tried to add an additional order for her child. “I said to the employee, ‘OK, sweetie, I’m going to need another mini tuna.’ She goes, ‘Oh no, you have to get to the back of the line.’”

It was at this point that another customer—whom Jennifer Aydin didn’t initially notice—joined the line behind her. He allegedly made an unpleasant remark, claiming it was “kind of ridiculous” that she was adding another sandwich. This comment, Jennifer said, shocked and upset her. “I am literally so shocked and disgusted by this man’s behavior,” she expressed.

RHONJ’s Jennifer Aydin

The Viral Video and the Backlash

In a moment of frustration, Jennifer decided to film the interaction. “The whole point of me recording—I know it backfired—was to show that I was not snapping,” Jennifer explained. She went on to say that the video was meant to capture the situation from her perspective, with no intention of causing drama. “I’m just recording the window. At that point, the guy is not even in my thing.”

However, the video quickly went viral, sparking criticism from both the public and Jersey Mike’s fans. Jennifer admits she didn’t handle the situation in the best way. “I realized that I should have done it in a different manner,” she confessed. “It could have landed a little differently, and I’m learning now not to do things in the heat of the moment.”

Jennifer’s Apology and Reflection

Jennifer also apologized for some of the things she said in her original post, particularly the comments she made about the staff’s age. “I was not a celebrity in that moment,” she said. “I was an angry mom.” She admitted to regretting calling the staff “rude” and acknowledged that the video rant wasn’t the best way to express her frustration.

“I wanted to put it on blast to show how rude they were to me,” Jennifer continued. “I didn’t go about it the right way. I acknowledge that, but I was not rude to the staff in the moment.”

Jennifer Aydin Clears the Air on Jersey Mike’s Drama: ‘I Was Not Rude to the Staff’

She also reflected on the larger issue of her celebrity status, admitting that she should be more mindful of her actions as a public figure. “I’m learning now that I have to realize that I’m a public figure and that everything that I say or do will be scrutinized,” Jennifer said. “I actually have to lead by example.”

Moving Forward: No Plans to Reach Out to Jersey Mike’s

Despite the fallout from the video, Jennifer Aydin made it clear that she doesn’t plan to reach out to Jersey Mike’s or the man in line behind her. “I’m not going to,” she said, adding that she felt the situation had been exaggerated for the sake of monetizing the drama. “They’re constantly blasting me… At last, some good will come to them from this.”

Jennifer Aydin also admitted that while she regrets how the situation played out, she feels she deserves an apology. “I felt [I] was owed an apology from Jersey Mike’s and the man in line behind me,” she said. However, she made it clear that she has no plans to initiate any further contact.

Final Thoughts

As Jennifer Aydin reflects on the entire experience, it’s clear that she’s learned from the fallout. “It was wrong for me to go in my stories and then bash their bad customer service,” she admitted. “I’m learning now that I’m not allowed to complain. It’s not entitled. This is not privilege. I’m a paying customer.”

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cammierari January 11, 2025 - 7:33 pm
Jen's tone sounds like an attitude. She thought she was fine, she didn't think it would land like that, blah blah blah. Enough about the sandwich. I will LOL if this is what gets her fired.
SU January 10, 2025 - 3:46 pm
Someone help...we are still talking about a sandwich right?? This seems to have gotten too far blown over a couple of pieces of bread and some tasty stuff inside. Must be good sangers.
macaroni January 10, 2025 - 7:28 pm
Best comment
notenoughtime January 10, 2025 - 12:24 pm
The moral of the story is that it is not necessary to broadcast every interaction on social media with or without context.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 5:00 pm
Although Jen's annoyance over seeing a customer (behind them) receiving their order first wasn't really warranted, it is common (those who never worked in food service generally don't understand), but the employee telling her that she would have to go to the back of the line just for adding an item is BEYOND ridiculous. So Jen was frazzled and had a diva moment, BFD. Nope, I remain Team Jen all the way!~
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 7:42 pm
Something else to keep in mind ... it's never a good idea to pi$$ someone off who is preparing your food. J/S.
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 8:03 pm
Especially, someone who likes anchovy oil...
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 9:43 pm
Oh trust me, it could have been worse:-)
Teeje651 January 9, 2025 - 6:22 pm
I’m glad that she admitted that she wasn’t innocent and I understand that she was frustrated but posting that video was still wrong. If she wasn’t trying to publicly humiliate them, why else would she post it? She’s a rich woman messing with people’s livelihoods posting stupid shit like that. Keep it between you and your inner circle out of the public eye next time.
michers January 9, 2025 - 1:04 pm
Like Jennifer or not -Some are lying their asses off if they would not have been as equally frustrated with family in tow and a worker did some dumb shit like this to you . Hell some here get hostile for less lmao , I guarantee ! Now I may not have recorded anything as plenty of other morons do , but given rude ass slow service I would’ve spoke my mind to a manager . That’s not good customer service at all , regardless .
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 1:45 pm
?It's unfortunate that one's popularity can determine the public response to a situation. Totally agree that many would lose their collective sh*t if this had happened to them. It sometimes surprises me who takes the bait. ?
Shaunna January 9, 2025 - 4:02 pm
A Whataburger employee that was obviously having a bad day lost it when I asked her to add an apple pie to my order in the drive thru. She rudely told me I had to come inside to order it and shut the window in my face. I wasn't given the chance to say that's ok, just let me pay for my original order. Ticked. Me. Off. I parked and went inside, gave her a few choice words, spoke to her manager and got my FREE order (pie included, lol). I gave her the same energy she gave me and should I have handled it better? Yes. Did I want to at the time? Nope. That's been years ago but it's really not about the food, it's about being treated with a certain level of respect. I remember my brother always saying "don't start none, won't be none." I wish Jenn wouldn't have posted it but hey, I can relate!!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 6:45 pm
You reach a certain point in life where you just don't take the BS anymore. IMO, just taking it and not saying anything only adds to the problem.
michers January 9, 2025 - 6:56 pm
Exactly . Sometimes people need reminder that they’re here for a purpose . Whether it’s food service , hospitality , medical - don’t matter . Human decency , service with a smile - if you’re annoyed with customer or your job wait til they leave and flip them off , idk … lol
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 7:50 pm
At my first job as a 15 yr. old at Pizza Hut, we used to pour anchovy oil all over the pizzas of those who gave us grief. Of course these days, it's far worse.
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 7:59 pm
LOL, gross...I never did that because I hate anchovies but I do know some people ( not me) who took a mouthful from a drink and then redeposited that mouthful back into said drink. We didn't know about DNA back then.
michers January 9, 2025 - 9:21 pm
Ha! Cringe , but understand..
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 9:39 pm
... or hidden cameras.
Shaunna January 10, 2025 - 6:39 pm
Zap It January 10, 2025 - 7:23 pm
Hey it wasn't me! Promise!
Shaunna January 10, 2025 - 6:48 pm
It's been a minute but I remember either reading this or hearing it on the news. A manager at an Arby's was whizzing in the milkshake mix.
Zap It January 10, 2025 - 7:22 pm
Oh, not good
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 13, 2025 - 2:45 pm
Just two weeks ago, a man posted a video of himself in a Walmart spraying produce with bug spray. $1M in damages.
Shaunna January 14, 2025 - 11:03 am
What in the world?? Unfortunately, we live in scary times...
Shaunna January 10, 2025 - 6:35 pm
I totally agree!
michers January 9, 2025 - 6:54 pm
You get what you give .. I mean sometimes I can let shit got but it depends
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 7:56 pm
on what mood you're in LOL
Shaunna January 10, 2025 - 6:49 pm
Yep, it depends on what it is!
Miss mich January 9, 2025 - 3:40 pm
She didn't clear the air. She made herself look even worse. Go away Jen, you're done
book7175 January 9, 2025 - 7:54 am
Okay, let's break this down. By her own admission Jennifer states she was a party of 7 and her cousin a party of 6 which probably meant their order at Jersey Mike's was quite large. And news flash Jen everyone in line behind you was waiting and had a flight to catch not just you, and I bet most of them were only ordering 1 sandwich. We've all been there stuck behind the person who has a huge order while we only want one thing. According to the Jersey Mike employee she was also changing the type of bread she wanted mid-order. The woman behind her got her order first because she probably only ordered one sandwich, and made no modification mid-process, and pointing that out to employees doesn't help your case. Calling an employee "sweetie" is also condescending and passive-agressive. Using the excuse of being an angry mom for disrespecting staff is lame. And after already placing a large order to tack on another sandwich at the end is rude to everyone in line behind her. She deserved to go to the back of the line again. And she still fails to highlight what rude behavior she encountered other than being told to get back in line for another order. She also admitted in another video she allowed her cousin to cut the line and place her order with Jen so again rude to everyone else behind her. Bottom line from this interview is that she's not apologizing, still doesn't think she did anything wrong and is just sorry she put the video out there and everyone is publicly calling her sorry azz out. She should have kept her mouth shut because this interview does nothing to rehabilitate her image (if that is possible) or make her look any better, doubling down on what a self-entitled idiot she is who still thinks she's a "celebrity" is not a good look.
Coastiedude62 January 9, 2025 - 10:57 am
You nailed it with this comment! Nothing but the truth and facts!
michers January 9, 2025 - 1:07 pm
While I do agree with some points - I have to say no one is going to back of line ( and we know this lol) during something like this . They usually leave , after complaining to a manager .
book7175 January 9, 2025 - 1:39 pm
Yep, I just would have gotten food elsewhere. This is all self-inflicted and only a big deal because she posted her video. We all have moments when we're frustrated and impatient but the world doesn't know about it because we don't record and post those moments. What bothers me is she still thinks she was right to post it because she felt she was wronged. Oh well, hope we hear no more about this.
michers January 9, 2025 - 6:49 pm
I can agree to that
Tina Lusk January 9, 2025 - 12:49 pm
I mean, it's not outside the realm of possibility that the staff at JM was rude. Customer service is 99% dead most of the time, so I understand her level of frustration.
michers January 9, 2025 - 1:13 pm
Exactly. I get some don’t like her but let’s keep it real ; most of the work force these days aint working. And it’s more true now more than ever post damn covid . Lazy entitled aholes getting paid to NOT do their job . Gotta love it then add to it a hw that some love to hate / and boom , recipe for bullshit
Coastiedude62 January 9, 2025 - 10:56 am
Jennifer is even more vapid and an even bigger liar than her felonious friend and that is quite a feat. There was also another airport incident before this Jersey Mike's incident and there was also that incident at the hospital, not to mention Bravocon. This entitled, evil bish will never change. I'm glad the cruise line fired her.
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 10:46 am
I said it before and I'll say it again. Jennifer unfortunately over reacted publicly and the fast food employees were rude.
Champagne Hangover January 9, 2025 - 9:56 am
This broad just doesn’t get it ?? Oh well. I mean, it was a meltdown over a sammich at the end of the day. Sure, this woman showed the whole WORLD her azz and that is ? on her. No sympathy whatsoever for publishing your assholery. None. You do that and you’re ASKING for a response. She got it. As for the meltdown itself, it ain’t like b*tch started some brawl or threatened violence. Yes, she was an entitled azzhole, no question about it. No, she has no genuine remorse. It is what it is, but what it ain’t is a scandal worth this much media attention. ?
holy cannoli January 9, 2025 - 10:21 am
Exactly- well said !!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 6:57 pm
People are being run over in the streets, burned alive in subways, and blowing themselves up in Teslas while California cities (with the Pacific Ocean for their back yards) have no water. Yep, I'd say we have bigger problems.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 9, 2025 - 7:32 pm
10 days, 17 hours, 28 minutes ... (((tick tick tick))).
Champagne Hangover January 9, 2025 - 7:58 pm
I chose that one just for you…?
Zap It January 9, 2025 - 8:00 pm
Upsetting. 2025 is NOT off to a good start.
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