Teresa Giudice Fires Back at Dolores Catania’s Frustration Over RHONJ Season 15 Drama

Teresa Giudice Fires Back at Dolores Catania’s Frustration Over RHONJ Season 15 Drama

Teresa Giudice is firing back at Dolores Catania. The Real Housewives of New Jersey has been no stranger to drama, both on and off-camera. But with Season 15 on the horizon, tensions have reached a new peak, especially when Dolores Catania recently expressed her frustration over the cast’s inability to “get it together” for the upcoming season. Dolores, known for her level-headedness, vented that she had done everything possible to mend relationships but to no avail. In response, Teresa Giudice shared her candid thoughts, and her comments have certainly stirred up conversation.

On the AllAboutTRH podcast, we asked Teresa Giudice about Dolores’ Catania’s remarks, and Teresa didn’t hold back. Her response shed light on the ongoing rift between the women and touched on some sensitive topics that have played out over the years.

Teresa acknowledged that she had seen Dolores’ interview and expressed some empathy but also pointed out a glaring issue: the way the cast—and particularly the media—has treated her family over the years. “I mean, yeah, I’ve seen that,” Teresa began, before diving into a discussion about the criticism her husband, Luis Ruelas, has received over the last several seasons.

For Teresa, it seems the root of her frustration lies in the way her husband has been a focal point of the show for the past four years. “The last four years, everyone’s been making a paycheck talking about my husband, which I think was so wrong,” Teresa said, referencing the public scrutiny that Luis has faced since his relationship with Teresa began.

Teresa Giudice Fires Back at Dolores Catania’s Frustration Over RHONJ Season 15 Drama

Teresa pointed out that if the tables were turned and Dolores were the subject of public scrutiny in the same way, she wouldn’t appreciate it. “I know she’s not talking about me. I know she’s definitely not talking about me because I know what happened to me,” Teresa explained, implying that Dolores would have reacted differently if she had been in Teresa’s shoes.

Teresa then made a specific point about Dolores’ relationship with her ex David, “I remember when Dolores was questioned about her relationship, she didn’t like that so much. So imagine – you always have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes,” Teresa said, urging listeners to consider how they would feel in her position.

While Teresa empathized with Dolores’ frustration on a basic level, she also made it clear that the ongoing drama surrounding her family is something she hasn’t been willing to overlook. Her final comment, “You’re welcome… talking about my husband… and they all got paid,” seemed to encapsulate her feelings about how the situation has played out.

Teresa’s stance seems to be that while she has been the subject of endless gossip and drama, others have benefited from it, while she and Luis have had to endure the fallout.

Listen to part one of our interview with Teresa Giudice on Turning the Tables and part two of the interview where Teresa opens up about Caroline Manzo’s betrayal and future plans on AllAboutTRH podcast now live.

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BC January 8, 2025 - 8:43 pm
For Teresa it's always about this perception in her mind that begrudges other cast members earning salaries. In her own twisted and narcissistic mind it's always that they are "making money off her". Sorry to bring ethnicity into it, but this is sometimes a very Italian trait in my experience. Teresa takes it to the extreme though, and she'll never admit to anything.
Shaunna January 4, 2025 - 3:55 pm
Dolores should focus on Paulie who has been separated for about 14 years and using that as an excuse not to marry her. Paulie isn't buying that cow when he's getting the milk for free. She got extremely pissed when they questioned her about David, always a double standard when it comes to Teresa. ALWAYS. She put food on quite a few tables now they need that Bravo check.
BC January 8, 2025 - 8:50 pm
Agree. Paulie is a wrong-un.
book7175 January 2, 2025 - 6:02 pm
Surprised there's no article about Jen A.'s despicable behavior at an airport Jersey Mike's, it's all over the internet and Page Six.
holy cannoli January 2, 2025 - 7:18 pm
Actually I’m surprised too. I saw her post yesterday and i was disgusted.
book7175 January 2, 2025 - 7:30 pm
Yes, admittedly I never liked Jen but her behavior was beyond the pale and screams of self-entitled, out-of-touch elitist.
holy cannoli January 2, 2025 - 8:08 pm
I go back and forth with Jennifer. Sometime she’s ok. Sometimes not . That video though. Hell no!! Definitely not a good look for her!
Jshappyday January 2, 2025 - 1:57 am
When they talk about how season 14 fell apart, blame Marge! She tried to ice Teresa out and it failed spectacularly. Teresa did not cause it, nor Melissa. They were not going to speak, but if it was just those two, it could have worked. Teresa immediately approached Marge to talk, and Rachel who was a newbie, as only start of 2nd season it’s expected should have talked to everyone, had no business icing cast members! Same goes for newbie 2 Danielle.If Marge was not so determined to get no one to film or talk to Teresa, and set up Melissa with the cheating story, there would have been bumps in the season, different HWs at different events like SLC, but not the season implosion. The newbies were too willing to please Marge. Teresa will always be fine and on TV someway (on with Gia shortly, for ex). The others, not so much!
michers January 2, 2025 - 8:03 am
Exactly !
Zap It January 2, 2025 - 1:09 pm
Margaret Josephs is a cancer. She destroys everything in her path. Evil woman.
Jshappyday January 2, 2025 - 1:30 am
I was just on another blog and the amount of lies and rumors peddled, accepted and spread about Teresa with no facts or push back were just appalling: examples: - Luis had a business with Dave and Dina that went bad in some mystery time frame and blew up Dina and Tre’s friendship. Ok, what was the business name and what type of business? Address? This secret business? Where’s the paper work, taxes, advertising, promotion? Show us the money as they say. - Next Luis threatened Big Frank and Frank Jr. Yeah, that also again never happened, the opposite in fact as Luis was kind enough to give Frank Jr. employment for a year and Frank Jr. and Delores spoke only positively of how Luis treated and mentored him well. Frank Jr. left the show because he specifically did not want to be pitted between the two sides because he needed to keep it professional, about work only. - Low blow claims then about Marge and the Fudas just are hypocritical when Teresa has had poor treatment in return about investigating and having files, being in constant contact with Luis ex during an ongoing stalking court case of her daughters, where Marge gifted the ex a bracelet, so no room to complain about unfamily like behaviors.
Zap It January 2, 2025 - 1:18 pm
So true. It's like a disease.?
cammierari January 1, 2025 - 6:59 pm
I love Tre. She's so right! I think she's saying don't blame me for the pause in filming. After years of trying to get along with her brother and sister in law, she finally said no more relationship. The show probably could have survived that happily, if it hadn't been for the rest of the cast who chose sides and refused to film with Tre or Luis. I can't believe Marge & co. weren't fired for that, but hopefully Andy will figure it all out to my satisfaction lol.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 2, 2025 - 3:57 pm
Tre tried so hard to make amends with her brother and SIL as well as the others in the cast, but got crapped on at every turn. She reaches out to Joe and Melissa with a peace offering that is refused and a letter that is burned in a fire. She then even reaches out to an irrelevant newbie, only to be rejected and verbally assaulted by her thug-like husband. https://media2.giphy.com/media/BwOeMJcMGEWpNnLWBB/giphy-downsized-small.mp4 No respect I tell ya, none at all!~
DS484 January 2, 2025 - 4:02 pm
Oh my, you must watch a different Housewife of NJ as the rest of us! So funny!
BC January 8, 2025 - 8:48 pm
Agree! I wonder what show they are watching LOL
suz January 1, 2025 - 6:32 pm
tre and joe's parents raised 2 animals. bravo made billions. everyone who stirred the pot should be ashamed, but they are richer.
Teeje651 January 1, 2025 - 12:36 pm
Teresa is absolutely right about this and Dolores is a punk bitch and a shitty fake friend. That’s the gist of it.
michers January 1, 2025 - 12:44 pm
And realistically where did say anything derogatory about her and Paul here ? She didn’t . Dolo would’ve went “ Patterson” if anyone dared do to her with attacks and questioning her relationships , in fact , with minimal questions she got lit the F up . Like are you and David moving in, getting engaged , is Paulie divorced - logical relationship shit - she could not handle . Teresa says zero wrong here and nothing personally negative . Haters take what they want from anything Teresa says ; hypocritical bullshit spins
cammierari January 1, 2025 - 6:41 pm
Spot on michers. And I wonder if Dolores was trying to stay Switzerland with her comments but Tre heard them different?
michers January 2, 2025 - 8:01 am
Dolo is always trying to do that but it’s impossible 100 percent of the time , and I think it’s a game to her - her schtick … the more she says she is Switzerland she actually believes it . When someone is wrong and you witness it ,you call them out / being from Patterson she should know that . Either keep mouth shut and head down always , or at least have some conviction when needed and not just calling out Marge ONCE ..Teresa could’ve responded a lot differently to this - I would’ve lol ; this , the others with ultimatums . Ugh Dolo isn’t much better than the asses who always come for Teresa . When has she ever told any of them to stfu and stay out of Teresa’s marriage, come for Louie ? And that’s after 30 some years of friendship , but ask her if paulie is married or divorced lmao
Teeje651 January 2, 2025 - 11:22 am
I miss Dolores from season 7 & 8. She was so much more real and I especially loved that it was Old Hag Magoo sucking up to her in season 8 but she stayed loyal to Siggy. Then season 9 came and she started getting shady and became a snake in the grass because she got scared of Old Hag Magoo. *** I remember near the end of season 11 when Dolores flipped out on everybody for talking about her relationship with David. This was at a party hosted by Michelle Pais. So Dolores is a fucking hypocrite.
michers January 2, 2025 - 2:34 pm
Same ! Dolo has been more on my nerves lately than not. I don’t like when someone I liked as a viewer makes me wonder who the “real” person they are , is ! She flipped shit on Staub - but not Marge ? The Fuda gang ups in her friend , Cabral being an Ahole ? I don’t get it
DS484 January 2, 2025 - 4:19 pm
She sure flipped on Marge when she thought it would look like she betrayed Tre, when she brought up she was invited to her home for a meeting. Her real self came out.
michers January 3, 2025 - 10:46 am
Patterson Dolo .. only when it really concerns herself looking a certain way ..
Teeje651 January 2, 2025 - 7:14 pm
Dolores’s priority is that Bravo paycheck and she kisses the ass of whoever she thinks will keep those checks coming but Bravo called mean girls’ bluff so she’s getting screwed either way temporarily. It just sucks that Dolores probably is coming back when she doesn’t deserve to be.
cammierari January 1, 2025 - 6:41 pm
Bam! Nuff said lol
Teeje651 January 2, 2025 - 11:35 am
Frank Sr. is also looking suspect to me because he was living with David while David was dating Louie’s other ex who is also named Vanessa, but she’s not the crazy one that keeps stalking Louie. Someone said at the season 12 reunion that Louie ghosted that Vanessa when he met Teresa so maybe she was talking shit about Louie to Frank Sr. knowing their connection and maybe he passed that gossip on to Old Hag Magoo and the FameWhorgas? Both of the Catania’s are starting to look like rats to me. I wonder if he felt guilty about it and that’s why he talked to Louie after the season 13 reunion and didn’t want to go to that pre reunion meeting at Old Hag Magoo’s.
DS484 January 2, 2025 - 4:14 pm
Delores reminds me of Mary Brown with Teresa. She sure had a fit when Margaret brought up being invited to her house for a meeting, shocking just shocking.
sheila mouton December 31, 2024 - 3:39 pm
I am so glad Teresa spoke up about this. She is absolutely correct. The mean girls have been coming after Luis since Margaret started the BS with all her innuendos trying to Make Luis look bad from the first time she heard about him. She never gave Luis a chance and when he tried to defend himself Marge turned into poor pitiful me Luis is coming after me. If you read instagram Delores pissed off a lot of fans with that comment.
michers December 31, 2024 - 12:32 pm
Well she is right , they have done it for years . Still doesn’t even make ultimatums, talks about herself , good . Even before Louie - she was in everyone’s mouth
stuhunter December 31, 2024 - 1:41 pm
..because Teresa put herself in "everyone's mouth"..Teresa has been making a good living for years using everybody else on the show to do so....maybe she should stop projecting so much.
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 6:14 pm
You can't PUT yourself into someone's mouth. Jeez.
michers December 31, 2024 - 3:37 pm
How so? Seriously , how did she put herself there ? They did that ; as soon as Gorgas joined and started aligning w/ everyone who came after to do nothing but make her their main point . What else has anyone EVER talked about ? Every once in a blue they tried to get into jen ‘s family stuff , they tried with Cabral her first season but mainly they only go after Teresa’s life . She is the only one who has not made a living “ using “ everybody on show to do so .
book7175 December 31, 2024 - 8:04 am
Oh lord, Teresa playing victim again. Get out the tiny violins. Maybe if her picker was better she wouldn't have hitched her wagon to a smarmy, lying con man who threatened the cast with investigations by Bimbo Dietl, and then no one would have anything to say about him. Typical narcissistic behavior taking credit for everyone else's good fortune. No one is indispensable (see for eg.: Nene, LVP, Vicki, the entire cast of NY) so she shouldn't get too comfortable.
ontoiran January 2, 2025 - 7:46 am
She seems to have a thing for “smarmy, lying con” men.
Bbj December 31, 2024 - 3:48 am
She’s right. Teresa has been the focus of every season, relentlessly targeted by the cast except Jennifer and Dolores. She has every reason to move on. She doesn’t rely on them; they’re insignificant without her. Melissa, the fake Chanel bag seller, is scrambling after the wedding drama because they need the money. Even when he had a paycheck, Joe was caught stealing at Home Depot—they’re now completely desperate.
Dulcette December 31, 2024 - 11:31 am
Teresa made herself the focus every season. If it wasn't one thing, it was something else. She can't help herself really. She has never been the brightest bulb on the tree
stuhunter December 31, 2024 - 12:41 pm
...and Teresa's husband inserted himself into the show and really made every attempt to be another NJ Housewife. Delores's boyfriend did not do that. Delores's boyfriend did not call in a detective to get dirt on other housewives and their husbands. Teresa is just so stupid and self important she cant comprehend the difference.
michers December 31, 2024 - 1:22 pm
Hello have you seen Joe Gorga , Frank , Fupa? Why diff standards always for anything in re Teresa ? Marge has had people dig up dirt as you put it , since her first season. Do you know what she did to Siggy family ? Disgusting . And you cannot tell me that without Marge “ researching” that anyone would know about Louie psycho ex or anything else .
stuhunter December 31, 2024 - 1:39 pm
Hellooo...read the above article. Teresa wasn't talking about her brother or Fuda..she was specifically yapping about Delores's boyfriend, David. Try to keep up. You cant compare your personal (opinion) about Marge to screwy Louie actually acknowledging that he used the detective.
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 6:15 pm
"Try to keep up". So rude.
michers January 1, 2025 - 12:40 pm
LOL… I just love love love ! Happy new year !
Zap It January 2, 2025 - 1:16 pm
michers December 31, 2024 - 3:34 pm
I can and I did . They all are getting paid wile doing nothing else but inserting themselves into Teresa’s personal life , family , and pick sides doing so.
michers January 1, 2025 - 12:49 pm
What did she actually say about David that triggered you? Because - nothing . No one else can make a comparison to provide proof of how they are attacked ( teresa for years) and she ( dolo)has skirted the F by with no personal drama or line of questioning? You try to keep up . Dolores could never handle anything Teresa has endured by a cast , she proved that while with David and now paulie . Go back and watch her throw a fit when anyone asked her one relationship question…
sheila mouton December 31, 2024 - 3:30 pm
Luis came on the show as Teresa boyfriend if that is inserting himself than I guess that's what you could say about everyone coming on the show..sounds like you can't comprehend a lot of the difference
sheila mouton December 31, 2024 - 3:25 pm
Teresa is on a show. Of course she made herself the focus. Too mamany came after her because they were jealous. Mainly her brother and sister in law who wanted to be the main focus and played dirty to do it. For not being the brightesbrightest bulb she is doing dang good for herself and her daughters.
Dulcette December 31, 2024 - 6:02 pm
Jealous: - she clears a table violently, at least three times I recall on tv. - she has a 'white trash' mouth - she can not control her temper, no matter how much help she receives. - she picks losers as husbands - she is jealous beyond belief - she is a CRIMINAL - she takes no responsibility for her actions, including going to jail because she blames that on Joe. Stupidity isn't a defense. - she believed Melissa should have controller her brother (Melissa's husband) and yet, couldn't control her husband from f*ing around on her, committing a crime and being an a$$hole. - states she is ALL about family, but called out her S-I-L to be a stripper on tv. - struggled letting other family have the limelight. - physically attacked two people we know of - Ashley-hair attack and Danielle-with a fork The list literally goes on to your local hero. She makes for great(?) reality tv and she earns per paycheque for being a classless human being. What she has done right, is her daughters, as long as they learn reality TV is not the path to take for their futures.
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 6:24 pm
Agree about the daughters but no point in anyone discussing Teresa with you. Fatal case of TDS. Happy New Year. Lighten up and have some fun tonight. All the best! :-)
AnneB December 31, 2024 - 6:51 pm
YOU’RE WELCOME… With the first clearing of the table Teresa put the whole housewives franchise on the map. YOU’RE WELCOME Yes, she has a sailors mouth. She will deliver a natural, spoken as herself, trashy response. Have to love the realness in that. Best believe if someone comes after your kids you’re 100% coming after them. My bad, maybe not you, you may be a loser for all I know. Who and what is Teresa jealous of? Let me know what season and scene you base your statement on. I’m curious. She blames her ignorance for the jail thing. Stupidity and ignorance are completely different things.Either way she’ll admit she is a felon. If you’re a wife, we all know wives have some say in what our husbands say & how they act. So, she is right, Mel does have some control over Joe Gorga. Except Mel only exercises that control when it comes to the Marco family. They don’t seem to have to beg and plead for Joe’s time, the way his own parents had to. MELISSA WAS A STRIPPER (allegedly) Ashley pulled Danielle’s hair, not Teresa. Teresa held up a fork, get over it. Is Teresa MY hero? No, but she is the face of RHONJ
Dulcette December 31, 2024 - 7:11 pm
Ahh, you resort to name-calling. Says so much of who you are. Cannot have a conversation without it.....no wonder a T fan. And, I'm not a Melissa fan, just calling it as I see it. You are the one who brought up jealousy of all the others. The response was to yours. Who could remotely be jealous of that behaviour. Neither stupidity or ignorance is an excuse for being a criminal.
AnneB December 31, 2024 - 8:46 pm
I do believe you called Teresa’s husbands losers. Is that not name calling? Stating my opinion does say a lot of who I am. I am a strong willed woman who cannot stand to see someone wronged and will speak up for them. Did you notice, not a single curse word. Also, you began your statement with the word JEALOUS, then proceed to state that Teresa is “jealous beyond belief”! I simply asked for proof of that. No, neither stupidity nor ignorance is an excuse for criminality, but ignorance is a cause of some criminality. May you nor any member of your family ever experience it. Sometimes our words come back to bite us in the butt…
Dulcette December 31, 2024 - 9:02 pm
A right fighter. You win!
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 11:15 pm
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 11:23 pm
Yes, Teresa is a felon ( oh how they love that word) she did her time and paid her debt to society. She owes no one anything. She was overcharged and over sentenced. She did her time. I don't hold anything against her and neither should anyone else.
AnneB December 31, 2024 - 6:19 pm
Had the Gorga’s been willing to share the good, bad & ugly of their own relationships with someone other than Teresa then maybe they too would’ve been the main focus. Instead Melissa came up with the dumbest fake storylines EVER (not the brightest move). Teresa’s willingness to be real and share her truth no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it has been has made her the main character for 14 YEARS. Sounds like a smart business move to me. That is why Teresa is an ICON in the housewives world and Melissa is just another crayon in the box
Zap It December 31, 2024 - 6:18 pm
Teresa Guidice IS the show. Happy New Year Everyone! Have fun!!
Stevie_Rave_On December 31, 2024 - 8:16 pm
Agreed. Sprinkle cookies 10, 15 years after they were relevant EXUDES desperation
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