After last Monday’s explosive Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode, Andy Cohen made sure to have both Joyce Giraud and Scheana Marie on last night’s WWHL show, aka the two people Brandi hate the most. LOL While Scheana didn’t really say much about Brandi, Joyce Giraud did not hold back when asked her opinion on some of the things that have gone down so far this season! Check it out
Andy first addressed that Brandi “has been working overtime,” to explain her recent behavior, and even showed the clip of that horrendous youtube video of her saying you don’t get to see why she was really being a bitch.
Joyce responded to that by saying,
“The one thing she said correct in that video is that there’s a lot of things that happened and there’s only an hour of show. Yes, there’s a lot more. She was a lot ruder. She was a lot worse. So Brandi was just a bitch, to be a bitch for no reason, because I called her out on her sh**, and didn’t let her talk sh** about her supposed BFF Lisa.”
Andy then asked what was going throught Joyce’s mind when Brandi was calling her by the wrong name, She says,
“You know, at the beginning, I thought it was an honest mistake when we were by the pool. That’s why I said, ‘Oh it’s Joyce babe, it’s Joyce.’ And I tried to fix it, and you know, no hard feelings. Then at the dinner table when she was wasted out of her mind and she made it a point to try to hurt me, then I really got upset.”
Andy brought up if she (Joyce) was upset with Yolanda as well, or just Brandi, she says,
“I was upset with Yolanda as well, because Yolanda always tries to act like she’s a girls girl and she’s above everything else, but then jumps in on the mess. It’s like, ‘Come on, I’m a bad host because I don’t wanna jump in the pool with you? And you’re justifying your friend being so rude?’ I don’t think she would justify it if her daughters were in my case. So, you know, you have to put yourself in other people’s shoes.”
A viewer tweeted asking Joyce since Brandi thinks the name “Joyce” reminds her of a fat pig, what came to mind when she hears the name “Brandi,” Joyce shares, “A conniving, alcoholic, bitch.” She did clarify that she doesn’t mean all Brandi’s, just THAT Brandi. LOL
On the after show, a caller asked Joyce if she thought Yolanda and Lisa enable Brandi since the second dinner was calm, Joyce responded,
“The reason you didn’t see bad behavior is because that night after that horrible dinner from hell, Brandi said, ‘Okay, I won’t call you ‘Hoyce’ again, if it bothers you because you were bullied,’ but watching this episode, I got really upset at myself for being so lenient on her because she did say to Yolanda, ‘Oh, I don’t wanna ruin ‘Hoycita’s’ trip. So, guess what? Her apology was fake, as she is. I should have known better. I should have trusted my gut instinct. I still gave her the benefit of the doubt. I can’t blame it on Yolanda and Lisa. I do think that they needed to stop giving excuses for her, but I can’t blame it on them. I think Brandi’s a grown woman. I’m a grown woman. We are all too old to blame it on other people.
Another caller asked Joyce if she thinks Brandi is jealous of her, she continued,
“I’ve heard that a lot. I don’t know. Maybe she is jealous, because, I have a great life. I’m very happy. I have a beautiful husband. I have two beautiful kids that I’m very happy about. I have a great career. I’m a working actress. So, maybe she is jealous that, she needs to get her act together and start being happy and start realizing that she’s in the top one percentile of the world. Stop playing victim, and stop acting like, ‘Poor me, I’m a woman who my husband cheated on.’ Guess what? You’re not the first, you’re not the last. Get over it.”
BAM! LOL Brandi sure picked the wrong housewife to fight with, cause Joyce isn’t playing her game. I appreciate that so far every time Joyce opens her mouth, she has a CONSISTENT story, unlike Brandi with everything. What are your thoughts on what Joyce said? Are you team Joyce or Brandi?