Margaret Josephs Blasts Jennifer Aydin’s “Entitled” Jersey Mike’s Rant: “It’s Embarrassing for Our Franchise”

Margaret Josephs Blasts Jennifer Aydin’s "Entitled" Jersey Mike’s Rant: “It’s Embarrassing for Our Franchise”

Margaret Josephs is joining the conversation on Jennifer Aydin’s Jersey Mike’s controversy. In a candid conversation with SiriusXM host Kiki Monique on Reality Checked, Real Housewives of New Jersey star Margaret Josephs didn’t hold back when discussing the viral controversy surrounding co-star Jennifer Aydin’s recent Jersey Mike’s incident. If you missed it, Jennifer’s now-infamous video post—where she expressed frustration with a slow service experience at Jersey Mike’s on New Year’s Day—made waves for its tone-deafness.

Margaret Josephs Blasts Jennifer Aydin’s “Entitled” Jersey Mike’s Rant: “It’s Embarrassing for Our Franchise”

Margaret Josephs began by recalling a recent encounter she had with Jennifer Aydin just two days before the incident. At the time, Jennifer seemed sincere and emotional about the way she was being portrayed on the show. “I was feeling empathetic towards her because she had come over to me… she was very upset, saying she’s always portrayed as the villain and that’s not who she is,” Margaret shared. The two women had a cordial conversation and even expressed mutual understanding, leaving Margaret hopeful about their relationship.

But all of that quickly evaporated when Margaret saw Jennifer’s video. “I was actually in shock… I had secondhand embarrassment. I was so upset,” Margaret revealed. “How can you shame people who are working so hard on New Year’s Day? I was mortified. I was heartbroken that someone’s mother, these people are working so hard, they’re serving you, and you being so entitled. It gives… I was mortified.”

Margaret Josephs then brought Jennifer Aydin’s family up despite saying the two just had a really nice conversation, “I was embarrassed for her… and I’m embarrassed for her family that she behaves that way,” Margaret admitted. “And I think it’s embarrassing for our franchise that she behaves that way.”

Margaret Josephs Blasts Jennifer Aydin’s “Entitled” Jersey Mike’s Rant: “It’s Embarrassing for Our Franchise”

Margaret also pointed out how the video showed a complete disregard for the hard work of those in the service industry. “It’s very indicative of someone’s character, the way they treat people in the service industry,” Margaret emphasized, noting that she judges people by how they treat waitstaff, baristas, and others in hospitality. “I’ve always said that. I judge you by the way you treat waiters, waitresses, people in the service industry.”

Margaret’s disgusted reaction didn’t stop at Jennifer’s behavior; she also took issue with the fact that Jennifer posted the video in the first place. “How do you think this is acceptable behavior?” Margaret asked, adding that she was perplexed by Jennifer’s confidence in sharing the footage. “She thought this was okay to post about. Why post about it? How do you think this is susceptible behavior?”

Margaret chimed in on Jennifer referring to herself as a celebrity saying, “None of us are celebrities. We’re on a reality show where everyday people just happen to be on camera,” Margaret said bluntly. “It’s embarrassing.”

The RHONJ star also expressed disappointment that Jennifer had the nerve to belittle people who were working on a holiday. “This is New Year’s Day morning… this woman is going on a vacation, speaking this way,” Margaret pointed out. “I was so heartbroken that she would speak this way about people.” She also took a moment to defend the service workers, highlighting the hard work they put in day in and day out, especially on holidays. “Everybody is working so hard in the hospitality industry, in the service industry.”

In conclusion, Margaret sent a clear message to Jennifer saying, “All I’m thinking is, you don’t want to be portrayed as a villain, stop acting like one,”

Thoughts on Margaret Josephs reaction?

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notenoughtime January 8, 2025 - 3:21 pm
No member of the housewives franchise should weigh in on "behavior" of their fellow wives. What they bring to our screens is the most horrid behavior in order to garner a paycheck and publicity for their outside projects.
book7175 January 8, 2025 - 7:57 am
Hilarious that people are outraged that another HW has an opinion on this and is speaking about it. If the shoe were on the other foot Jen would be littering social media and podcasts with her self-righteous schtick just like she did to Danielle. Jen always hits below the belt and makes it a point to attack at least one HW every reunion so she's deserving of everything anyone has to say about her.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 2:55 pm
“She thought this was okay to post about. Why post about it? How do you think this is susceptible behavior?” Margaret needs a thesaurus. Actually, the entire NJ cast could use one.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 3:16 pm
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 3:22 pm
I'm listening to Margaret's faux rage on Reality Checked as we speak, one of (Radio) Andy's show's that completely sucks since Amy Phillips walked. Margaret needs to stick a sock in it.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 3:23 pm
Faux rage...yes, that's it. I really am struggling today when all I had to say was that. Thank you. It must be the antibiotics I'm on. God I hate winter!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 3:30 pm
Me too. We're digging out of a foot of snow with an inch of ice below that, and bracing for nearl ZERO temps the next few days. Then just about the time it clears, we're due for another round this weekend.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 3:34 pm
I know, such misery! I'm in T.O right now and I have to say, not much snow. And this is Canada! But the cold and flu bugs are alive and well. Crap. Good luck with the blizzard...been there, done that for sure.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 3:44 pm
Canada ... you can definitely relate! On a brighter note, Trudeau is on his way out! Yup, was sick from Christmas to New Years, and am STILL "expelling" the never ending crap from my sinuses.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 5:31 pm
Yes! Trudeau is FINALLY out. And Canada has Trump to thank. I was sick last year from Christmas to New Years with Covid...I still have those at home tests. I had to cancel all family celebrations which being the Italian Nonna I host from Christmas to New Years ( but I still hosted Christmas thank God).. It was horrible. Hope you feel well soon!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 7:41 pm
I was thinking this could have been the Chinese flu because the nonstop drip is one of those symptoms. We have at home tests too, but I don't even bother, because like what's the point anymore ¯_(?)_/¯. BTW, you do know those at home tests expire and usually give false positives.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 11:34 pm
Those at work have the same symptoms as you. Nonstop drip. Yes, I checked the expiry dates. I literally have a stack of those tests and throw out the ones that have expired. I guess the only reason I keep them is because I never get the flu, just bloody Covid. But not this year...just a bad cold with the inevitable chest infection. I can't wait for the warm weather! It's coming.
holy cannoli January 7, 2025 - 3:44 pm
That’s my issue with her. Although I do agree with some of what she said..She kept going on and on and on. Enough!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 3:48 pm
Just shows what a lousy friend she is. Who lends an ear to a friend (in confidence) and then trashes them publicly? Margaret is the Tamra of Jersey.
Coastiedude62 January 7, 2025 - 1:39 pm
I must have missed the part where Marge called RHONJ " her franchise." SMH.
RyNy83 January 7, 2025 - 1:33 pm
Margaret is Correct. I tried giving Jenn the benefit of the doubt but at the end of the day it wasn't just the words she used; it was that step further that she recorded it and then went and posted it. She needs someone else controlling her social media.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 3:16 pm
Wow, that was a quick you didn't try too hard
RyNy83 January 8, 2025 - 8:39 am
I know... Just the more I thought about it. I know I'm generally harder on the Tre/Jenn side. but wrong is wrong.
michers January 7, 2025 - 1:13 pm
LMAO!!! Bish , you’re embarrassing and have been the whole time you’ve been on ruining this franchise ya hag. Ugh ..
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 2:47 pm
She really is a hag
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 12:18 pm
I almost vomited reading this utter BS. Josephs is exploiting this with all she has. Sticking up for the poor, hardworking service industry. I mean, it's just too easy. So charitable and tolerant of her. As someone who worked in the service industry for years while at school (no not fast food but bartending at nightclubs etc and well actually fast food too once at the CNE during high school)....and as someone who frequents fast food joints from time to time, I know bloody well that servers can be RUDE as hell. So please stop with the bleeding heart liberal BS Margaret Vindictive Gossip Josephs! It's embarrassing for Margaret's franchise? Oh wow. So now it's HER franchise! And after having a heart to heart with Jenn just two days before...this is how Margrat responds? This woman is so toxic that she is a thousand times worse than anything Jennifer Aydin could ever do or say. I literally had to re-write my comment because I admit I didn't read this article in it's entirety at first. In this once instance...Team Jennifer all the way! You go babe and don't give a dime to that foul mouth server's Go Fund Me.
michers January 7, 2025 - 1:22 pm
She’s a damn fool . Certain castmates will be doing this verbal diarrhea tour to make themselves appear “ better “ then others and trying to sell this bullshit to bravo ; look over here , we’re trying to be decent “… lmao , they’re frauds at this point. I can’t .. the fact that someone will actually believe this and backs her ,is hilarious to me . Her character sucks ass and she’s been vile , stalker, lying ass, riddled with tax bills and lawsuits . Kick rocks trout .
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 2:47 pm
Thank you have a right, strong backbone under fire. You always tell it like it is.
michers January 7, 2025 - 4:23 pm
I try .. it’s just annoying at this point ; all of it in re to NJ and the fact we have the “ faux outrage” hypocrite cast members out and about to bash Aydin is pathetic. You want back in a show where you publicly trash cast mates? Nice . Well Whorga did age shame her basically recently so we’ll chalk it up to cranky lady fits from menopause …no one ever taught these ladies silence is golden sometimes !
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 5:48 pm
I still can't get over those who say here they know who Margaret Josephs is and then say they agree with her. It shocks me. The "faux rage" by some of the posters here just blows my mind. Again, thank you for holding the line and telling it like it really is.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 7:43 pm
Coastiedude62 January 7, 2025 - 11:48 am
Well stated Marge. Jennifer is and has always been vile. She and her family also caused a ruckus at a hospital a few months prior to this latest incident. I feel bad for her children and for Bill. He'll probably leave her lazy, entitled azz, as soon as the last child turns 18.
Champagne Hangover January 7, 2025 - 11:34 am
Like her or not, Margaret is right. Whether or not this little tiff is indicative of Jennifer’s over all character or not (SPOILER ALERT: it is ??), it is a facet of her personality that needs to be reined in. When you repay evil for evil (wrong doing for wrong doing), you’ve done precious little more than participate in evil. Imo, that is what Jennifer did, tit for tat with tacky, rude, unacceptable and yes, entitled behavior. The best response to unkind or unwelcoming behavior being leveled against you in a place of business? Do not lower yourself to even engage. Leave and do not return. Spend your money elsewhere where you will be welcomed properly.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 12:20 pm
Evil? Really? Well, I salute you if you've never had an evil moment after being treated badly by wait staff.
Champagne Hangover January 7, 2025 - 1:13 pm
Honey, all unrighteousness is evil at its core. It’s scriptural and that is how I speak. End of. And yes, I’ve been treated badly by more than just waitstaff. I salute YOU if you’ve been able to navigate this evil world such that being treated badly by waitstaff is the hill you’re willing to die on, but to the rest of us bruised and battered soldiers it’s a paper cut at most and water under the bridge a good 90% of the time. Repaying evil for evil (meaning unrighteousness) will get you what you paid for-evil. She could have and should have risen above it. She chose otherwise. Oh well.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 2:54 pm
I say this with respect...I'm not your honey. And scripture isn't one sided. It applies to all. Including waitstaff. So go and find your own hill to die on because I'm not dying on any hill today. But maybe you are. Thank you.
Coastiedude62 January 7, 2025 - 1:29 pm
I am in awe of your writing style! Well said and on point. On a lighter note you always crack me up! ETA: Even when we don't agree on certain subjects, we have never hurled insults or assumptions at each other.
Zap It January 7, 2025 - 3:18 pm
Oh please...
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark January 7, 2025 - 3:38 pm
Depends what kind of mood I'm in. Having a low tolerance for assholes who work with the public, I can either "Let them have it", or do a 180 and sympathize with them by relating to them and asking them not to take it out on me!. The latter usually works.
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