RHONJ Recap: On Lock Down


What’s up Jersey Fans? Clearly you were digging the premiere as you’re back for more and I promise this season will not disappoint!

We start out with Tre getting shredded at the gym, working out stress as Joe had been transferred to ICE and is miserable. I will say, not only is Tre a strong person but girl is physically strong – get it Tre! Things are better over at the Gorga’s as Joey s following in his wife’s footsteps and releasing a book that no one read. Joey is feeling guilty as his book launch party is the same day as Joe being transferred to ICE and I think saying bad timing would be an understatement.

Naturally the Giudice girls are a disaster as their father is still not home; however it’s Milania who is taking it the hardest and the youngest Audriana who is getting taunted at school. The whole thing is heartbreaking but seeing the girls even gets me emotional. Our favorite TV lawyer comes over to explain to use in layman’s terms what’s going on and in a nutshell – the fight is not over. Joe calls and the girls hear first hand how awful the ICE detention center is and are heartbroken their father is still not home with them. The scene is incredibly hard to watch and since Joe did his time I too think he should be home with his family.

Across town, the Catanias (the original Flipping Exes) are working together to build Dolores and her boyfriend new house. Talk about awkward. Dolores is excited about their next chapter but admits that she wouldn’t move in without a commitment or a ring so at this point she doesn’t exactly have a move in date. Frank seems a little jealous that he is building a dream house for his ex-wife and her boyfriend and I still think there is a lot of love between these two.

Over at Jennifer’s she is trying to incorporate exercise into her family’s life and is taking baby steps by starting out with a brisk walk. Jennifer’s daughter is having a rough time at school due to mean girls and bullying. I hate to see any child hurt and middle school is rough. Jennifer gives her some words of wisdom and I wish I could send her a virtual hug as well – hang in there sweetie!

The night of Joe Gorga’s book launch party is here and Tre pulls herself together to show up and bring her father with her. Dolores is the epitome of a ‘ride or die’ friend as she sticks by the old school Italian rules as that’s how Teresa rolls. While others may poke and prod, Dolores keeps it light and plans a day out for Tre and the girls to get physical and laugh. Things only are light for so long as Joey gives an emotional speech about his father which makes everyone (including myself) tear up; however this only reminds Teresa how important a father’s presence is.

The Gorga party planning continues as Melissa is planning her 40th and say what you want about Melissa – girl looks damn good for 40! It’s a good thing Melissa has a big budget as she wasn’t forced to pay for the $300 wine glass; however that’s not the most dramatic part as Jackie throws a fit when she finds out she’s not invited to the obstacle course. While Melissa and Jackie shop – Margaret is doing the same thing across town and gossips with her friend about Danielle’s quickie engagement. Apparently Marge’s friend dated Oliver right before he went to Danielle so perhaps this guy is the Tom D’Agostino of New Jersey?

The ladies arrive for the ‘grit and wit’ course and it looks intimidating to say the least – def not my idea of fun. Also not fun? Danielle who is supposed to be coming and was recently called Beverly by Jennifer (which I had to admit made me laugh as a viewer.) Despite the cold, the obstacle course looks fun and made Teresa happy so mission accomplished! Although Melissa and Margaret were the fastest, Tre and Danielle are crowned the winners and as it made Teresa that happy – no one was going to question the validity of it.

Back at Dolores’ things get tense as while Jen is talking about her daughter being bullied Margaret compares it to Jennifer’s video about Jackie. I think Jackie is throwing stones in a glass house as Jackie’s public article about Jen was publishing tracking someone but I don’t thinks he will ever admit it. If that wasn’t ridiculous enough, Danielle gets into it with Margaret and the two argue about who cheated more in their past and I don’t think either side wins when this is the argument. Danielle storms out and Tre runs after her like she always does. Does Danielle know where Teresa buried the bodies? I have no idea why Teresa is so obsessed with Danielle as Danielle isn’t exactly the world’s best friend.

Next week we have Melissa’s 40th and Joe being deported – be sure to come back for the epic third episode!

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