Margaret Josephs Reveals Why She Joined RHONJ & How She’s Preparing for the Reunion!


This season of RHONJ we have a new (and pig tailed) addition to the show in the form of Margaret Josephs.

Most people have loved ‘Marge in Charge’ so far; however some aren’t a fan of the new girl. Giving a new interview to E! News, we get a better picture of Margaret including how her life has changed and why she decided to join the notorious show.

Apparently Bravo has been courting Marge for awhile (back when Caroline left the show for her family’s spin off.) As it was the same year she divorced former husband Jan for now hubby Super Joe she decided not to join at the time:

“[They] actually approached me in 2013, we were discussing it last night at dinner, and I couldn’t do it that year. It just wasn’t great timing.”

As for why she decided now was the right time to join this motley crew?

“Well, A. I’ve led many lives by the age of 50, and, at 50, I thought it was a great turning point. I’ve already had a business for a long time, all my kids are up and out of the house, and I thought this would just be a great opportunity to do something different. The truth is, my whole life has been a reality series since birth, legit. You’ve seen Marge Sr. I thought it was just the next step in my career. I thought it would be fun. I thought it was great to show people that women could be entrepreneurial. I didn’t come from the Lucky Sperm Club. I pulled myself up by the boot straps, I’ve taken a lot of hits, so I thought I was also very relatable. And Jersey could definitely use a blonde, so I thought it was a good idea.”

I’ve enjoyed seeing a ‘boss lady’ on screen as most of the NJ ladies are legit housewives (at least more than the other cities.) One of the reasons her business is so front and center is that unlike the other ‘wives, we will not be seeing much of her family life:

“My husband Joe is very funny. Everybody just acts like themselves, the girls in my office, Marge Sr. They were super excited. Of course, my children, who are not on the show, were not excited.”

Margaret has a son, in addition to three step-children from her first marriage.

“They were like, ‘Um, people know enough about us already. Do you really need to blast it all over TV?’ I mean, I got a lecture from my son. ‘Who talks about their vagina on TV the first episode?’So my children are extremely private people. I don’t discuss their names, I don’t discuss their industry. So I have to keep my kids off, but I have so many other family members, including my ex-husband, who are willing to be supportive and go on the show with me, it’s fine.”

We all know that Margaret’s step children are not speaking with her due to her infidelity with their father. I am sure they are thrilled to see it all play out on the small screen with millions of viewers.

As for how her life has changed? Margaret admits that she doesn’t have time to look great 24/7 as she has a lot on her plate!

“You’d think I have all this time for beauty routines. I don’t. That’s how my life has changed. I’m actually more stressed, less time, less time to shop, less time to do anything. But I’m enjoying it. It’s a great ride.”

Overall it has been a positive response with Marge even seeing some business opportunities coming out of the Bravo show:

“I’m waiting for the pigtail extension thing to come out. I’m just waiting for that line. A blow-up doll of Marge or something creepy will probably come out.” Regarding the Macbeth Collection which made her rich, she states people have been reaching out asking: “‘Where can we get your products?’ But we really sell to the mid-tier and the mass. So sales are starting to pick up and we’re getting new deals every day.”

As for the reunion? Marge admits she is training like a NFL player watching tapes before the big game:

“This is the Super Bowl of Housewives. That’s what I call it. That’s what I’ve labeled it. So you have to prepare for the Super Bowl. So I’ve been mentally preparing, I’ve been taking my notes. I look at the episodes, what is poignant. Yes, I am very prepared for the Super Bowl. I’m going in very strong. I have my dressed picked out. My hair, I don’t think I’ll wear it in pigtails, spoiler alert. I don’t know if I’ll be MVP coming out as the rookie, but maybe Rookie of the Year.”

Personally I don’t think I have a strong opinion regarding Margaret – I don’t love her or dislike her. I think we’ve only scratched the surface with her so time will tell on whether she can hang with the Jersey ladies for the long run.

Thoughts on Margaret so far? What did you think of her interview?

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