For many Brandi Glanville’s departure from RHOBH came as a major shock. While some fans celebrated, Brandi’s exodus others weren’t so happy about the casting move.
The question on many Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fans’ minds is why was the show’s most infamous bad girl let go?
It turns out that,“Brandi got too big for her britches. She was a diva, and it came around to bite her. By the end, she couldn’t get along with anyone, and no one wanted to shoot with her.”
During and after season five of RHOBH Brandi constantly admitted to her frustration about the hypocrisy on the show. In one episode, Brandi broke down and told Yolanda Foster how frustrating the shows double standards were. “I’m sick of the lectures, I’m sick of the bulls— that everyone can say whatever they want and take punches at me and say I drink too much and say do a cleanse. I can’t speak my mind freely, but you guys all can? It’s bulls—.”
And perhaps the fact that Brandi’s two biggest alliances on the show Yolanda Foster and Kim Richards aren’t returning full-time had something to do with Brandi’s exit.
Another source told PEOPLE,“To be fair, she brings drama, and viewers love to hate her, so in a way she will be missed.”
I may get yelled at for saying this, but I think I might miss Brandi’s drama on RHOBH. I think that Brandi, Kim, and Yolanda may become friends of the Housewives much like Camille, Taylor, and Adrienne did.
Why do you think Brandi was let go from RHOBH? Did Brandi get “too big for her britches?” Is Brandi a diva? Would you like to see Brandi as a friend of the Housewives on RHOBH?
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