We start this week’s episode right where we left off last Monday — Dinner from hell at SUR! Brandi and Joyce are still arguing, and Michael (Joyce’s husband) points out that Brandi isn’t even drunk and she’s acting like that. Joyce agrees and says, that Brandi is trash, and she doesn’t need rehab, she’s just tacky, and that’s just her real self. Brandi tells Michael to “F— off” and says she doesn’t have a husband so they need to baby her and take whatever she says. Only in Brandi Land is that an excuse. Unbelievable. Brandi is crying and saying that she is depressed and misses her dog. She might be fooling everybody else at the table, but Joyce and Michael aren’t buying it. Yolanda escorts Brandi to her car, and Brandi leaves crying. Yolanda is trying to tell Joyce and her husband that Brandi is a beautiful person, but they want to see it for themselves. Joyce also points out to Yolanda, that if Brandi treated her the way she’s been treated, Yolanda and Brandi wouldn’t have a great friendship. Yolanda agrees.
Ken then uses the group as an example for how many love Brandi. Funny, ’cause now everyone at that table, with the exception of Yolanda, now hates Brandi, and has been burned by her. Michael thinks Brandi is a train wreck, and hasn’t seen this beautiful person everyone is talking about. Kim’s dog Kingsley is finally returning home to her after his week long training. Kim is excited to see him and it’s cute. Carlton is with her girls and they are beautiful. She’s a good mom and is sweet with them. Nice to see her nanny around the children for once, instead of only Carlton. LOL Kyle and Joyce are meeting to play some golf. They both look very fashionable in their golf-wear.
Joyce is filling Kyle in on what happened with her and Brandi at SUR. Kyle doesn’t look at all surprised at what Joyce is telling her Brandi said. Joyce then breaks out the victim routine Brandi pulls when she fights with other people, and she is on the money. What she is describing is what Brandi has done in every public fight we’ve seen her in. Joyce tells Kyle if Brandi was a pleasant person, she wouldn’t be single, because no man wants to come home to that kind of negativity.
Yolanda is visiting Brandi to go over what happened. Brandi is ready for Yolanda to laugh and justify her behavior, and kind of looks shocked when that doesn’t happen. Yolanda is being honest with Brandi which is good. Brandi needs to know her behavior isn’t “gangster” and IT IS “embarrassing.” Brandi simply says that is who is she and she isn’t going to change for anyone. Brandi then says she isn’t herself because she misses her dog and her kids, and is depressed. Oh, and she has problems with her ex-husband. Sorry, but the Eddie card doesn’t work anymore. Especially since Brandi has given MANY interviews stating she is OVER the things with her and Eddie and has been for a long time, and things are good. Which is it?
Carlton is getting a neck tattoo and is kind of being a wimp. I mean, I have one in the exact same spot, and it doesn’t hurt. Maybe I just expect more from her since she comes off so tough. LOL Lisa is shopping with Ken for furniture for their new restaurant, “PUMP.” The subject then goes to the fight between Brandi and Joyce, and Lisa is defending Michael for sticking up for this wife. Despite Ken disagreeing, she knows that Ken wouldn’t just let someone attack Lisa and sit quiet. I think that dinner was a major turning point of her opinion about Brandi. Kyle is getting ready for her fashion show, and everything is beautiful.
Brandi and her friends are on the way to the fashion show, and she is telling the story of how she and Joyce first fought. She says how she made the harmless joke of saying Joyce was like “a black person” and her friend (who is black) looks at her with big eyes and repeats, “A black person?” Brandi plays dumb and says “Oh I don’t remember what I said.” How does she not remember it? She JUST repeated it. Brandi agrees that it was dumb and she shouldn’t have said it, but still till this day, she justifies it. The ladies arrive at the fashion show and they are all headed to the fitting rooms to get ready.
Before the show is starting, Kyle is sharing a moment with Jamie Lee Curtis. In case you don’t know, Jamie and Kyle were in the original 1978 film “Halloween,” together. The rest of the ladies arrive, and Lisa asks Brandi if she has talked to Joyce. Brandi says it’s hard that someone who doesn’t know her is trying to take her down. Jamie is on the mic and her speech is fabulous. She announces to the crowd that Kyle and Mauricio have given a very, generous donation to the children’s hospital in LA. The fashion show has begun and ALL of the ladies look stunning. Carlton looks turned on by Brandi on the catwalk, and Lisa looks mad nobody asked her to model. LOL After the show, Lisa invites Joyce over for a drink — just them two. I think Lisa should have done this first before her dinner, but it’s good she is doing it now.
Carlton is amazed that Kyle was in her favorite movie, “Halloween,” but that doesn’t mean she likes her still. Poor Kyle. If only she were a bee, or a squirrel. Joyce arrives at Lisa’s house and both ladies look lovely. Only Lisa can make clogs, not look so blah. LOL She still looks fancy even when she dresses down. Lisa apologizes for dinner, and Joyce goes right in and tells Lisa they make excuses for her. Lisa says she doesn’t make excuses for her, and then proceeds to make an excuse for her. I think Lisa sees that Joyce isn’t going to backdown and let Brandi’s behavior slide like the rest of the women. All Brandi used to have to do was say one “F-word” and that silenced the ladies. Now, she has Joyce who won’t let her bitchy-ness slide.
Next week, Brandi strikes again. Hopefully it won’t as bad as it did at dinner.
What did you think of tonight’s episode? Whose side are you on? Let’s discuss!