Teresa Giudice has taken to her Bravo blog and she is hashing out this week’s tense Real Housewives of New Jersey episode. Her sister-in-law Melissa had a former friend try to out her meeting with an ex during the Milania Hair Care party and Teresa is writing about it all. She starts off saying:
I was sorry that Melissa got into a fight with one of her best friends at the launch party. For the record, I didn’t invite Jan or Penny. The party was open to any salon owners who called in and spoke with the Youthful 8 company reps. As soon as I found out Jan had RSVPed, I called Melissa to warn her and make sure she would be OK with it. If Melissa didn’t want them to come, believe me, I would have uninvited them immediately!
We all know producers invited Penny and Jan in collaboration with Kim D, but of course, Teresa is not allowed to say that because it ruins the “reality” show! So frustrating. Teresa’s blog continues:
I don’t really know Jan, I just know she was one of Melissa’s best girlfriends, and they were in each other’s wedding. I have no idea why Jan and Melissa would have a falling out, but like I said in my interview on the show, I have Melissa’s back. Like Dr. V suggested to us, I thought it was best that Melissa confront Jan directly, and I was happy to support her. When Jan and Melissa were talking, I was right there to make sure it didn’t get out of hand. My brother was right there too, and he wasn’t upset, shrugging it off as crazy talk, so I did too. My main concern was that Melissa knew I was there for her.
Melissa and Jan have a history. They’ve been best friends for 12 years. That’s why Melissa invited Jan to lunch to talk about her new book (and me…). I’m there for Melissa, but I wasn’t going to get involved because it didn’t it have anything to do with me. And Melissa’s a big girl. I know she can handle herself. We all saw that at Lake George.
I think Melissa wanted Teresa to gang up on Jan and cuss her out, but I think that Joe Gorga not even doing that and just letting Jan talk and talk lead Teresa to not do the same either. This was still Teresa’s new business, and why would she get into a confrontation and tarnish her new product unless she had to? Plus, Melissa has never exactly done something like that for Teresa. All I can remember is when she left Napa with Teresa and Joe Giudice after Caroline told her off, but she didn’t exactly jump in to defend Teresa against Caroline either! Hmm.
Teresa then talks about Penny and how important it was to have her “vindicate” her from the constant Melissa accusations and Teresa was taking the heat for from her brother and Melissa:
Penny is another salon owner that I have met a few times at public events. As she said, we’re acquaintances, not friends. It was kind of awkward to ask her that to her face, but I wanted Melissa and Joey to hear it directly from her since they were convinced Penny was talking badly about Melissa and that she was my friend. For a whole year, my brother and Melissa believed I had something to do with Angelo showing up at the fashion show and saying hi to Melissa, when I didn’t. But them believing that was hurting our relationship. I wanted to fix that more than anything. I told them I had nothing to do with it, Kim D told them, and now Penny told them too. What more can I do? I’m done trying to defend myself. If my brother doesn’t believe me by now over strangers, there’s nothing I can do.
Then Teresa addresses how she looked uncomfortable, which Melissa and Joe took as Teresa being guilty and scared to be outed for her involvement in the rumors:
Watching myself on the episode, I look so uncomfortable because I was! My launch party was very important to me and I was praying it would be successful and not end in a big “white trash” brawl. I never know who’s going to attack who, and people came prepared for a fight! Penny even came with a bodyguard! When asked who he was, he answered, “I hurt people for a living.” A bodyguard and my brother in the same room? They were eyeing each other and I was freaked out. It was nerve-wracking having my brand hang in the balance of people who just want to fight.
It’s been really exhausting these last few seasons to be constantly accused of everything that ever happens to other people. Trying to constantly vindicate myself to my only sibling, to watch my family get ripped apart by rumors from strangers, it’s not a good feeling. I’m so tired of working on eggshells. I just want this all to be behind us.
I know it must be frustrating for Melissa to have people say bad things about her, believe me, I know! But I don’t think she was targeted this season or last season any more than any of us. It kind of goes with the territory of being on TV. People like to say stuff about you, magazines like to write stuff about you. As I told Melissa, you have to shrug it off. Life & Style has done 2 untrue cover stories about cheating in my marriage, so I know first-hand that they are full of crap.
Thoughts on what Teresa had to say? I think it’s obvious Penny was trying to get on RHONJ for some time now and when she had a chance to by exposing Melissa, whether the accusations are true or not, she took it. It’s all production and Penny in my opinion, but of course the easy thing for Melissa is to think Teresa did it.