Sunday’s episode of RHONJ was supposed to focus on peace, love, acceptance and instead focused on the negativity from the ladies. Caroline Manzo’s brother was celebrating his wedding to his partner of over 13 years and while everyone is supposed to be happy for him- it looked as if some of the ladies were just sticking to making the day about them!
Jamie was live tweeting during the episode excited to see his wedding play out when he retweeted a viewer who wrote, “@CarolineManzo let him enjoy his episode @chefjmelaurita and stop making jokes with your mini me @JacLaurita its gross how uve made her.”
Caroline Manzo’s youngest son Chris got extremely upset responded to the tweet with “??” adding, “I guess it literally only takes 2 seconds of being on TV to forget everything that got u there, practice what you preach, your full of shit. Not usually one to talk shit on twitter, but I can’t stand seeing certain things un fold, done biting my tongue. This is not about any housewife. —I’m done.” Caroline’s mother Nettie saw this tweet and tweeted her grandson saying, “@chris_manzo a little out of line here Chris.” Chris Manzo wasn’t the only one that had to say something, Albie and Lauren did as well!
Lauren tweeted her uncle saying, “Wondering what the reason is for RTing neg comments about my mom @chefjmelaurita” Jamie responded saying, “@Laurenmanzo As you know i dont live there. I just was happy everyone came. Where have you been? I miss you. You had tne best hat!” Albie Manzo chimed in adding “then why are you rt people who are saying negative things about her and jac?”
I kind of felt bad for Jamie. Jamie was just excited to celebrate the happiest day of his life with the world but was getting called out publicly from his family. Do these people not believe in cell phones anymore?! Albie Manzo continued, “@richlane1111 @chefjmelaurita it’s just disappointing to see (3 times) on a night we were excited and supportive of u guys. @richlane1111 @chefjmelaurita but it’s understandable, I’m sure you guys are both excited. A great night for you both, and the family.”
I think Jamie and everyone else is just over the drama. It must have been annoying to see Caroline make nasty faces throughout the episode. Who do you think was in the wrong?!
UPDATE: Albie Manzo took to his twitter to write this,
“Long story so im sorry in advance, but I wonder sometimes why I seem to pay any mind to the opinion of a complete stranger. But I have come to realize, it’s weirdly the way I was brought up. About 6 or so years ago my Mother was in a McDonalds during Christmas time. She was eating a hamburger but leaving the bread to the side (watching her carbs). An older lady (I’m assuming late 60’s) came by and asked her if she was going to eat the bun. Mom said “umm no. Why?” the woman said she was on a fixed income and asked if she could take it. Mom watched as the woman took the bun of a cheese burger and wrapped it up, saving it for later. As she started to walk away mom said, can I get u a cup of coffee? And the woman said sure, and they walked up to the counter all excited. While getting the coffee, mom asked the girl behind the counter to for a $50 gift card. She put it in her pocket and then sat and had a cup of coffee with the older woman. She learned that she was basically living off of the dollar menu at McDonalds w her husband and her social security check. When they finished she said, well it was nice spending time with you, I hope you have a great Christmas, and handed her the gift card. The woman started crying and mom said “hey tomorrow, have a big Mac.” and the woman said, “no no that’s 50 cheeseburgers.” now besides this being another one of my long rants, that story reminded me of why I am the way I am. I was made that way, I’m supposed to care about strangers, the things they say, their hardships, their experiences. I can’t turn that off, I wish I could. But the way I see it, for every bullshit opinion that bothers me, there’s one of these 50 cheese burger stories that make it worth dealing w. Say what u want about the fam but the bottom line is we work hard, we’re good to people, and we don’t pretend to be anything other than ourselves. I’m really proud of that, mom especially. I’m sorry for coming off dramatic, it’s not usually my style but I guess I’m in that kind of mood. Hope I didnt bore you guys, gonna get off my twitter now and back to selling water. But as far as the comments go, I think Jay said it best “only god can judge me so I’m gone, either love me or leave me alone.”
Love you old lady!”