Once you become an official housewife, your name obviously gets out there and then you get asked to do paid appearances. Almost every housewife gets asked to do a paid appearance but not all housewives do it because it’s not there thing, or most of them don’t need the money. As most of you know, Melissa AND Joe Gorga are obsessed with doing appearances. And when I say obsessed. That’s a total understatement.
My whole thing is how the heck do you have the strength to literally go to these paid appearances constantly? Melissa has been tweeting a lot lately and was asked if she ever gets tired of hosting and if it’s her new job. Melissa responded that she doesn’t and said, “I love meeting everyone! I’ll do it as long as they keep booking me!”
Speaking of appearances, check out this video of Joe and Melissa at an event giving advice to the newly pregnant Snooki who Melissa thinks should join the cast now!
If you desperately need to do paid appearances constantly, you definitely are having some money issues! If Mel loves meeting her fans so much, why charge them? Just a thought! Think about it, Melissa.