Lisa Talks Reunion! She’s OVER IT And Thinks The Actions Of The Other Wives “Speaks Volume”


It was quite clear that on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion Lisa was getting picked on a little way too much! Lisa finally talks about the reunion and says it isn’t OK to accuse someone of something that isn’t true!

“I sit here at four o’clock in the morning after watching the reunion, still at a loss for words. It certainly looked the way it felt and I have no words to describe it.

We have seen the tea party, seen game night, and I understand that is how these women roll. But it’s not OK to accuse somebody viciously or to sit there silently as you watch a friend who is under attack for hours. That speaks volumes, and I for one don’t want any part of it.

I am not going to say anymore. It is what it is, and I will bounce back. I value your comments without them validating my sentiments. I would question my own judgment.
Thank you for your support. . .”

It’s clear Lisa is referring to Kyle when she wrote “but it’s not OK to accuse somebody viciously OR to sit there silently as you watch a friend who is under attack for hours.” Lisa is a million percent right about that! Through out the season Lisa has been absolutely amazing to Kyle and VERY loyal! Hello. Besides Cedric the reason Lisa never gave Brandi a chance was because what Kyle told her at game night! I waited and waited and waited for Kyle to stand up for Lisa but she didn’t. I hope Lisa reevaluates her friendship with Kyle….thoughts?

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