Fact Checking Policy

Everyone here at allabouttrh.com, works tirelessly to be as accurate and truthful with the content of our stories, and headlines, as possible. Our posts can sometimes be funny, hurtful and serious, and we take verifying all of our content very seriously. These are the steps we take to ensure our content is as fact-based and honest as possible:

  1. Verify the source: It’s important to ensure that the source of the information is reliable and trustworthy. This can be done by double checking other primary sources, verifying through multiple sources, and removing any bias that may exist.
  2. Check for accuracy: Before sharing any information about a celebrity, it’s vital to fact-check the information. We do this by cross-checking with reputable sources, reviewing previous articles or interviews, and checking the accuracy of the quotes or statements that are being attributed to them.
  3. Avoid spreading rumors: Rumors and unsubstantiated claims are something we pride ourselves with not sharing. We do this by fact-checking our information, avoiding clickbait articles, and avoid sharing information that sounds too good to be true.
  4. Respect privacy: While celebrities may be in the public eye, they are entitled to privacy. When discussing celebrities, it’s important to respect their privacy and to avoid sharing information that could be considered invasive or inappropriate.
  5. Disclosing biases: It’s important to be as transparent as possible about any known biases or conflicts of interest when discussing celebrities. This can involve disclosing any relationships or affiliations that may impact our views or opinions, and avoiding any undue influence that may impact the accuracy or fairness of our reporting.

We also afford relief to the celebrities we write about. They can easily contact us at any time if corrections need to be made, via our contact page or send a direct email to info@allabouttrh.com.

By following these guidelines, allabouttrh.com ensures that the information we share about celebrities is accurate, reliable, and respectful.

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