Heather Gay Shifts Her Stance, Accuses Bronwyn Newport of Betraying Her Husband

Heather Gay Changes Her Tone And Says Bronwyn Newport Threw Her Husband Under The Bus

Heather Gay has changed her tone. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star is calling out Bronwyn for betraying her marriage on the latest Bravo After Show. During Season 5, Episode 14, Bronwyn Newport revealed her husband Todd Bradley’s past infidelity, and the cast didn’t hold back in sharing their reactions. What started as a moment of vulnerability quickly spiraled into a tense conversation, with Heather, Lisa Barlow, and others questioning whether Bronwyn’s decision to open up was a wise one.

The conversation started with a producer noting how Bronwyn “opens up about her marriage,” but the cast wasn’t exactly impressed by what they heard. Heather Gay, known for her candidness, was quick to share her thoughts. “Open up about her marriage? Don’t you mean throws Todd under the bus?” Heather asked. “I mean, I did not see that coming. I did not see Bronwyn kind of betraying her marriage and betraying Todd in that way. ‘Cause all I’d ever seen and heard from her… she kind of perpetuates this love affair story, you know, of their marriage.”

Heather Gay Changes Her Tone And Says Bronwyn Newport Threw Her Husband Under The Bus

Heather’s discomfort was evident as she continued, saying, “I just kept wanting to cover her mouth and be like, ‘Don’t say this about your husband if you want to go home with him tonight.’” Clearly, Heather felt Bronwyn’s vulnerability went too far and could have dire consequences for her marriage.

Lisa Barlow shared a similar sentiment, expressing concern for Bronwyn’s decision to air such personal details in front of a group of women who barely knew her husband. “A part of me was like, I wouldn’t share this with a group of girls I’m getting to know because they don’t know Todd, and you’re subjecting him to judgment from a lot of people,” Lisa explained. “Don’t say things you want to forget that everyone else will remember.”

Despite the reservations of her co-stars, Angie Katsanevas was more sympathetic, acknowledging that Bronwyn’s revelation was a rare moment of vulnerability. “It was kind of the first time I saw Bronwyn being vulnerable and real. And she cried. That was the first time that I thought, ‘You know what? This is the Bronwyn that I like,’” Angie remarked.

However, the situation took another turn when Lisa expressed concerns about how Bronwyn’s confession could impact Todd’s professional life. Lisa explained, “For me, I absorbed it, and I was also cognizant of Todd in this moment, too. Like, he has a new fund coming out. He has business associates, he’s on the board of things. So, for me, I’m like, they always say, ‘Watch how a man treats his wife and you know how he’ll be in business.’ This could impact him in another way, and it’s not something she’s sharing with Todd. It’s something she’s sharing with the world.”

While Heather initially felt sympathy for Bronwyn, her feelings shifted after seeing how Bronwyn handled the fallout from her confession. “I just felt total compassion and sympathy for her,” Heather admitted. “But then, to see her kind of posting about how Todd’s the love of her life the next day and then being critical of [Meredith Marks] and Lisa in the way [they] responded to her confession, the pendulum spun back again. Like, I just feel suspicious of her.”

In response to the criticism, Bronwyn herself felt hurt by how her revelation was received, particularly by Lisa. “For Lisa to question what I’m sharing when I’m being my most vulnerable, when I’m trying to be as honest as possible, that was truly devastating for me,” Bronwyn shared emotionally. She also expressed frustration with the way her words seemed to have been twisted, which only made things more complicated. “It puts a negative connotation on the way I’m acting,” she said. “It makes you guys, who don’t know me as well as [Lisa], uneasy.”

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesday at 8pm

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sbud December 22, 2024 - 6:39 pm
Bronwyn is getting on my last nerve
Avid bravo fan December 22, 2024 - 2:31 pm
Her throwing her issue about Todd was more about how she wanted more reaction and love from the group aka Lisa rather than really telling her personal issues. She confirmed this when she back pedaled. She is very insecure and I’m tired of her crying complaining antics.
Evil Queen December 22, 2024 - 9:59 am
OT: just read Alexis was fired from RHOC. Ok. Carry on.
Champagne Hangover December 21, 2024 - 4:27 pm
There’s a part of me (a VERYsmall part) that wants to feel for this broad but so far? Nada. Sorry, I find her insufferable even among this gaggle of insufferable hens and that’s saying a lot! That said, maybe she will grow on me. ???? She is, after all, the Dollar Store/Party City version of Dorit whom I never really cared for either but Dorit on FIYA ??? this season. ? So, it’s not impossible that this Bronwyn broad is Dorit 2.0 in that way, and is one bitch slap away from my fickle fandom (still fan girling Dorit for tearing Kyle a new one ?), but until that happens… https://media3.giphy.com/media/FQAYogyKMRneE/giphy-downsized-small.mp4
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 23, 2024 - 3:44 pm
So there you are ... glad to see you're still with us.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 20, 2024 - 3:12 pm
I haven't finished the ep yet, but at least I'm finally caught up with the season, and I am enjoying it. There's a definite authenticity with these women; either that or they are just damn good actresses (the only real fly in the buttermilk is Mary). I'm sure Brownwin's openness is giving her brownie points with the producers (God knows they love these unfiltered psycho bitches), but it seems to me she's spilling too much too soon. Pity her? We hardly know her! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/664962c7205ab2f82e89e497944bfbc88605897e1566adc57ee0aee41caff480.png
Shaunna December 20, 2024 - 4:59 pm
Bronwyn seems so down to earth, love her quirkiness and glad she speaks up for herself. She had to grow on me but I like her!
PjC December 20, 2024 - 3:12 pm
So now ex-Mormons blame the "wife" for husbands' cheating. Great sisterhood optic Heather (sarcasm).
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 20, 2024 - 3:14 pm
Many SLC insiders claim that the "ex-Mormonism" depicted on this show is BS; that most of these women are indeed still as Mormon as Donny and Marie.
PjC December 20, 2024 - 3:22 pm
Like Angie before, the OG GROUP have it out for any newbie no matter what. Next seasons newbies be warned. LOL. Expose these fake ex-Mormos
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 20, 2024 - 3:49 pm
Angie is probably my current favorite. I think she's found the perfect combination of over-the-top drama that you never take too seriously and lots of comedy. Factor in their legitimate success, beautiful home and husband ... she's a keeper.
Coastiedude62 December 20, 2024 - 2:52 pm
I can no longer Heather. She has become way too full of herself.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 20, 2024 - 3:16 pm
Yeah, she can definitely bring it down a few or 100 notches. But I do get it; she's worked hard and she's feeling herself.
Coastiedude62 December 20, 2024 - 7:32 pm
I'm still in the fence when it comes to Brown.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 21, 2024 - 5:23 am
Same ... the woman has missing teef ... something is awry here.
Laura December 20, 2024 - 10:05 pm
Why? Heather was just basically saying... hmmmm not a good idea put this all out into the world. What is the big deal?
Karen Booger December 20, 2024 - 12:27 pm
bronHOG is about to be replaced. Todd sent that dog to kill her
Coastiedude62 December 20, 2024 - 2:51 pm
michers December 20, 2024 - 7:43 pm
OMG lol
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 23, 2024 - 3:43 pm
That dog tore her up ... thirty-seven bites to her leg and arms which put her in the hospital! I would think a serious lawsuit is forthcoming, but it happened at a dog park who are usually not liable, so she better hope the owner has money (I watch People's Court:-) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/278862b14faa7f4c268599804eadf36c439a0dff0da4ba4eb63423598dd52245.jpg
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