Shannon Beador Tells John Janssen To Go Away After His Tell-All Interview

Shannon Beador Tells John Janssen To Go Away After His Tell-All Interview

Shannon Beador is so done speaking on her ex John Janssen and just wants him to go away.

Shannon Beador Tells John Janssen To Go Away After His Tell-All Interview

The Real Housewives of Orange County star is responding to John Janssen’s recent interview with Entertainment tonight where he opened up about his experience on the show and the $75,000 lawsuit.

John told ET that he just wanted to set the record straight following the reunion saying, “There was so much out there that was inaccurate and that the final reunion scene kinda capped that off and that made my decision then, I have to talk and just set the record straight. I’m doing this for me and for setting the record straight for truth. So, I’m speaking to that portion of the audience that wants to hear the truth and wants to be reasonable to me. And then once I talk, I’m done.”

Happier times for the former couple

John spoke about the night of the DUI explaining he and Shannon weren’t together that night, “I got home at about 11, Shannon was in my home at 11, uninvited. We hadn’t talked. I didn’t expect to see her there. The level of intoxication was shocking, and her issue was she had lost her phone. I was always there to help Shannon with her issues, and I guess it had been left in an Uber.”

John says the Uber driver brought back her phone to her house making her rage adding, “She went into extreme rage because I hadn’t brought the phone back to her. It’s like she was possessed, and she continued to physically attack me for probably the next minute, and I’m backing away the whole time.”

John Janssen talks the night of the DUI

John says that his daughter came around the time that Shannon was raging and that Shannon was screaming at the top of her lungs following him and “threatening” his kids. That’s when John explains that Shannon hit his daughter, “I’ve got scratches on me, and I’m pretty upset. Archie is now out running around the street, so that’s causing a scene. And finally, she gets Archie. She comes over to try and get her car. I stand in front of her to stop her from getting in her car, and I finally said, ‘Shannon, you’re a drunk idiot and you’re making a big mistake.’ And she gets in her car, she floors it in reverse out of my driveway, comes within inches of hitting one of my daughters.”

He says that he basically gave up after that because he wasn’t going to touch her and didn’t want to be accused of that. He recalls that when he heard the crash, his daughters told him to stay back and they went and checked out the situation. John adds that he knew she was arrested and called the hospital to see if she was there, “After that, I was on the phone off and on the entire night, zero sleep, with Shannon’s daughter, and the next morning I was at the police station waiting for her to be released from jail.”

John recalls, “I put aside my sadness, anger, frustration of being terrorized that night, and my daughter being terrorized that night. I took her home, I helped her get undressed, I bathed her, I fed her, I did her grocery shopping, I took her laundry to the cleaners, I took her to her doctor appointments,” he stated. “I cared for her for the next 10 days. Is that a guy who didn’t care?”

One person that does not care what John has to say is Shannon Beador. After hearing about John’s interview, Shannon told Jeff Lewis that she doesn’t care saying, “Do your interview, whatever you need to say, and then go away. I paid you your money. Go away. I don’t want to talk about you anymore.”

Thoughts on Shannon’s reaction? Do you believe John actually cared for Shannon?

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Steve December 3, 2024 - 4:43 pm
Of course Shannon does not want to talk about him and wants him to go away. She is an alcoholic and clearly a dangerous one. She wants her version of the story to be the only one the fans see. But she can't continue her fabrications if he is going to give interviews and if she keeps talking about him. Unfortunately for her. Alexis (plus John) will likely be around next season. If Shannon wants to stop this on-going conversation, all she needs to do is leave the show. Which would be best for her mental health and sobriety, assuming she ever really gets sober.
Jillian Fox December 3, 2024 - 12:34 am
Honestly, I believe him. When u watch the interview u see he's calm n speaking clearly about what happened. I'm no fan of JJ but after watching Shannon's behavior year over year, ur lying if u say there's not a detectable pattern there, n it ain't pretty but it was so freaking toxic for both. The fact he kept it together as long as he did is wild. I've heard a ton of ppl say Shannon is entertaining to watch on TV but they wouldn't want her in their lives n I think that rings truer than anything else.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark December 2, 2024 - 3:21 pm
Of course John benefitted from Shannon's reality TV career, but the fact alone that Shannon had to borrow money from John suggests who was controlling the purse strings. Alexis' alleged $340K+ receipts are just topping on the cake. Hell, we saw with our own eyes that she didn't even know how to pay for a utility bill.
Champagne Hangover December 2, 2024 - 11:14 am
No one cares about your drunken girly man drama with your crazy drunk ex, you effin’ narcissistic bully! Go be happy with the ‘love of your life’ (whomever that turns out to be ?) and your impending nuptials, which btw, according to scripture is and will be nothing more than an ADULTEROUS relationship. ? But don’t worry! You and Jesus Jugs can cherry pick your way into heaven regardless because somewhere there’s a SPREADSHEET that says so ? AND you two are just the kind of special snowflakes for whom God makes exceptions. ?? Repent or STFU! K? K!
Zap It December 2, 2024 - 10:25 am
I watched the interview and I think he's telling the truth, otherwise Shannon would be screaming that he was lying at the top of her lungs. People who are angry drunk are dangerous and Shannon was dangerous that night. I think he did what he could. Now, going public is another thing. But his point is that Shannon has been publicly trashing him for years and he wanted to publicly get his side out. Nothing wrong with that.
Dulcette December 2, 2024 - 9:55 am
Somehow I don't believe that's the truth. There is a lot of 'victim' in that statement JJ. But the good news, he is out of her life and Shannon can move on. It was a wake up moment and she is lucky she hurt no one. From what I see, she is doing better than she ever has in the past. She's a work in progress. And I hope neither of the JJs appear next season :(
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