Erika Jayne Says Nothing Is As It Appears When It Comes To Sutton And Garcelle

Erika Jayne Says Nothing Is As It Appears When It Comes To Sutton And Garcelle

Erika Jayne is calling out her co-stars Sutton Stracke and Garcelle Beauvais

Erika Jayne Says Nothing Is As It Appears When It Comes To Sutton And Garcelle

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star says she would like to see both Sutton and Garcelle “reveal their lives.”

Erika was asked if there is any part of her that thinks some of her cast members hold back. Erika told ET, “I feel as if I was able to lay it all out there, you should be able to as well.”

Erika then specifically said she would like to see Garcelle and Sutton “reveal their lives.”

Erika says their isn’t anything that she’s privy to that the audience isn’t but that she feels as if “nothing is as it seems” when it comes to them.

Erika was later asked if they perform “fan service” and do what they think the viewer wants versus being authentic on the show in which Erika nodded saying, “at times, yes.”

Do you agree with Erika?

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesday on Bravo.

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BC November 28, 2024 - 8:47 pm
I don't know why Sutton is still on there honestly. She is so unlikeable. She thinks she's funny and cute but she is the exact opposite of that. Can't stand her! Similarly with Garcelle she's just shady and not in a funny way at all. Plays the race card at every opportunity and piles on to Dorit even though Dorit did not mean anything by the "attacked" comment. I don't give a rats arse what some folk "interpret" by the use of the word attacked. If I feel attacked I will say so!!
Champagne Hangover November 27, 2024 - 11:56 am
If virtually anyone but Erika made the same observation of the elephant in the room, it would be met with a relative echo chamber… but so very few are in pursuit of truth that the indoctrination of killing the messenger EASILY overrides all reason, logic, and sound observation just like the overloads intended. And how the micro reflects the macro!!! ???? So many will virtue signal merrily along the path that leads to the wide gate and have the nerve to be shocked when they see Erika entering that very same gate with them. ? #iykyk As always downvotes welcome ?
Zap It November 27, 2024 - 12:12 pm
SU November 27, 2024 - 7:49 pm
No downvotes will be coming from me Champs (although after this comment, I will expect them myself). I have always liked Erika, and these two bores should thank her for giving them a storyline and something to talk about for a couple of seasons.
Steve November 26, 2024 - 8:38 pm
Sutton and Garcelle are not the only two who have a side of themselves they keep protected from the cameras. Every other HW on all of the franchises have the same. One can like or dislike how they portray themselves but for one HW to claim another is not fully revealing herself (in this case themselves) is definitely the pot calling the kettle black.
PjC November 26, 2024 - 5:22 pm
Before throwing lame social media bombs on others, please Erikunty return the stolen $25Million you knowing spent & took from victims. Poor BH HWs shouldn't throw stones and she should move on from the show herself. Erikunty is overplayed; Can't own her own lies, and Rents space on RHOBH only.
sbud November 26, 2024 - 5:04 pm
Erika is so jealous. They are thriving while she is hiding the fact the court is going after her for 25 million
stuhunter November 27, 2024 - 9:28 am
Erika seems to forget that she didnt "put it all out there"...the press did. She tried to coverup her role in her husband's numerous crimes. Even her divorce and separation were phony. Erika really projects...a lot!
Starr November 26, 2024 - 4:08 pm
Not everyone has filth in their closet, so Erika should just clam up her selfish mouth.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 26, 2024 - 2:30 pm
Once again, Producer Kunty nails it. Like Bethenny, Tamra, and a very few others, Kunty has the ability to view this series from where we're sitting. But I digress; two issues here. First off, it's true ... neither Sutton or Garcelle show any of their authentic selves ... everything about them is surfacy bullshit. Secondly, they aren't even authentic with each other, because it's always been very apparent to me that Sutton's friendship with Garcelle (and now JTill) comes off as fake. If they ARE real friends, it sure as hell isn't translating on screen. In fact, for me, their interactions come off as downright awkward and forced.
michers November 26, 2024 - 5:31 pm
I always thought those two bonded over having only each other . Awkward , don’t mesh with group , didn’t try to mesh , came on gunning for people when one has no leg to stand to do so on top of race baiting and the other on sticks to stand on. Sutton is just bullshitty to me and she “ thrives” due to her ex’s money .
Champagne Hangover November 27, 2024 - 11:59 am
SU November 26, 2024 - 2:23 pm
These two drainers are finally being caught up with. Personally, I have never seen what people like in either of them. One is just a negative, virtue signaling bore, trying to make her adulterous son happen, the other is an overly contrived alcoholic with abnormally odd shaped legs.
michers November 26, 2024 - 5:31 pm
LMAO it’s the legs !!! Ugh they unnerve me
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 26, 2024 - 7:21 pm
I too have often wondered; what in the holy MD is going on with Sutton's legs? Girlfriend needs to keep those gams covered.
Champagne Hangover November 27, 2024 - 12:06 pm
?? Is that photoshopped? Either way, SOMEBODY make this broad an esophagus friendly double bacon cheeseburger STAT and keep ‘em coming! I shouldn’t be talking cuz I too have a good 15-20 lbs. I need to gain myself, BUT when even I’M like, ‘DAYNUM!’ ? girlfriend in NEED of some el bees fo sho!!!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 27, 2024 - 3:03 pm
I was pleasantly surprised at my weigh-in for my annual physical last week ... 164.5 lbs. Apparently the tennis/power walking/hiking all Summer long kept me in check (because my diet has been crap). However, with the weather rapidly changing, I can already tell I'm going to be in trouble. Also, they're waiting for me to do (another) cardio cathe as we speak (for more stents I'm sure), but I'm procrastinating scheduling it.
Zap It November 27, 2024 - 4:33 pm
good luck?
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 27, 2024 - 10:09 pm
If I suddenly stop posting, you'll know it didn't go well.
Champagne Hangover November 28, 2024 - 8:21 am
Don’t even joke about that! It will go well and you will continue to spread snark among us. I will not have it any other way!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 30, 2024 - 4:03 pm
My eldest cousin (the only remaining male in the family who didn't have a heart attack) went in for a "routine" CC two weeks ago, and ended up in the ICU following open heart surgery (to which thankfully, he's recovering well from). However, the difference with me is I feel fine.
Champagne Hangover November 30, 2024 - 5:07 pm
Well, you’re going to be fine cuz I said so and will not have it any other way. ? If only I had that kind of clout! But if I did, I’d pull some strings for ya ‘Niggy! Short of that ??????but I do have good feelings about this. I predict ?!!! ??
Zap It November 27, 2024 - 12:01 pm
Champagne Hangover November 26, 2024 - 11:50 am
michers November 26, 2024 - 1:31 pm
She did! Valid points . And I have to say Erika and Kyle have shared more than rest of cast even past castmates . The only think Kyle was tightlipped about , was being a potential lesbian which is understandable considering her daughters are present on and off show . I like for her to open up but I do think some things are ok not to be discussed on this platform but shit , Sutton and garcelle dwell in others lives yet we have pretty much zero on their own lives . I’m not a huge Kyle fan but as a hw she’s always represented . Could’ve done without the splits and the tears but hey , can’t please us all lol. Erika really took a beating from castmates and fans and I have to say I think she handled it pretty well
Zap It November 26, 2024 - 9:49 am
Other than those vicious attacks on Sutton which was gross, she and Garcelle have definitely had a free ride. Well, Garcelle for sure. Garcelle knows that because she's black the other ladies won't go for her. It's been a frolic in the tulips for her. ???
Champagne Hangover November 26, 2024 - 12:06 pm
Amen my sister! Say it louder for the folks in the back! Yeah, let Garcelle just try her shtick on the ATL ladies or even Potomac, but b*tch wouldn’t effin’ DARE with the ATL ladies (<—and I use that term loosely ?) cuz if those broads did not spare Tootie, Garcelle’s fake ‘icon’ ?? azz would be ripped to shreds, and but QUICK, (that’s just how we do in the ATL ?). However, I’d STILL say BRING BACK KENYA for such an occasion!<— Oh yes I DID just say that! ?
Ting November 26, 2024 - 3:51 pm
IMO the women should speak up if they have something to say to Garcelle. Everyone was scared of Erika and no one went for her and she's white. Please don't make this a race thing.
Zap It November 27, 2024 - 11:58 am
Hey, I didn't make this a race thing...Garcelle did when she called Dorit a racist because she's white. They all know that if they go after Garcelle she'll play that race card just like she did with Dorit. So please stop virtue signalling.
Ting November 27, 2024 - 4:45 pm
Dorit says things that have racist undertones and then she acts dumb and plays the victim. She does it with everybody whether it has something to do with race or not. I understand Garcelle being exhausted with her, Dorit saying she was "attacked" was a massive overreaction. But Dorit can scream "LET ME TALK GARCELLE!" and that's fine with you. I'm not virtue signaling but I'm giving my opinion just like you. Nobody is playing the race card but you so maybe you should check your bias or microagressions also. I clearly "hear" you.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 27, 2024 - 6:15 pm
We clearly hear you too. BTW, Crystal is that you?
Ting November 29, 2024 - 9:11 am
It's just me Ting and glad you hear me clearly. We can agree to disagree and sincere well wishes on your future cardio cath.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 30, 2024 - 3:30 pm
TY ... and I have no beef with you (I was just defending my friend). What can I say, I'm Italian:-)
BC November 28, 2024 - 8:52 pm
Completely disagree. Who are you to say that Dorit didn't feel attacked. She WAS being attacked in my opinion. Garcelle plays the race card every time.
Ting November 29, 2024 - 9:14 am
It's ok to have a difference of opinion
Ting December 19, 2024 - 9:08 pm
Who are you to say she was? Like you said yourself, it's your opinion.
BC December 19, 2024 - 9:41 pm
Yes it is my opinion. BUT it's only Dorit's opinion that matters. If she feels attacked, then that's how she felt.
Ting December 20, 2024 - 3:25 pm
ok dorit
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 27, 2024 - 6:27 pm
Exactly ... let's take a walk down Memory Lane. Garcon' (that's what I'm calling her from here on out) made it about race in her very first talking head during her very first season when she said "These damn White women" (can you imagine any of the White women saying "This damn black chick?" Yeah .. no. Then right out of the gate Garcon' made it about race when Kyle called her out on being a deadbeat charity contributor. Garcon' then made it about race again when she complained that as a black woman she doesn't feel "heard" by the other (White) ladies. Garcon' then more or less insinuated that it was about race when Rinna said that Harry was hurt because Garcon' never properly thanked him (for the spaghetti sauce). Garcon' then made it about race again when a drunk sloppy Kunty was a meanie to one of her Kid n' Play boys. Garcon' then made it about race again when Dorit said she felt attacked, a word that allegedly triggers her. Who knew black people have a monopoly on the word "attack".
Champagne Hangover November 28, 2024 - 8:30 am
Right on, my brother! That ain’t the only monopoly either…?
BC November 28, 2024 - 8:51 pm
I totally agree!!! Just because a certain group interprets the word "attacked" in a certain (and incorrect) way, doesn't mean they are right. If someone feels attacked then they feel attacked. If Garcelle chooses to put a racial connotation on it that was not in any way meant by Dorit, then that's 100% her problem. She can go scratch, honestly.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 30, 2024 - 3:34 pm
Imagine had Dorit called her "angry". Gasp!~
Champagne Hangover November 28, 2024 - 8:28 am
BC November 28, 2024 - 8:49 pm
Correct !!!
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark November 26, 2024 - 6:59 pm
Garcon's free ride in the tulips may be over, because on WWHL last week, I thought you could definitely see @sswipe Cohen flinch when Dorit called her out. I'm digging this new sassy/angry Dorit. It appears to me that the stage is being set for a Dorit/Kunty alliance (with a little help from Bozo). I'd love to see the three of them knock down (or knock out completely) Garcon' and Sutton.
Zap It November 27, 2024 - 11:59 am
I'm in for that...especially Garcelle after what she said and did to Dorit last season. I hope they wipe that smug look right off her face.
Champagne Hangover November 27, 2024 - 12:10 pm
Lol with that pic I’m hearing some George Thorogood ‘Bad to the Bone’ in my head! ? Get it, Dorit! Get down with your bad self, girl! ??
Ryan November 26, 2024 - 9:21 am
Suttons gone 5 years and no storyline. I only thought she had a daughter. Garcelle doesn't have her own storyline either. and she can't use her son anymore.
ScrappieONE November 26, 2024 - 10:09 am
Well Kyle or Erika have had zero storylines for years. I think this equates to most HW's across all franchises.
Champagne Hangover November 26, 2024 - 12:14 pm
Some are more ‘equal’ than others. I know it, you know it and so does Erika. And credit where credit is due re: Erika being willing and able to restrain herself from going SCORCHED EARTH on these two fake azz, uppity broads, but I for one would like to see her do just that, quite frankly…in the name of, you know, ‘equality’ ?, but…well…see my first sentence. ?
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