Siggy Flicker Says The Worst Decision Bravo Made Was To Bring Margaret Josephs On RHONJ Blaming Her For Downfall And Toxicity
Former Real Housewives of New Jersey star Siggy Flicker isn’t holding back. Following season 14’s underwhelming finale, we reached out to Siggy Flicker to ask her thoughts on the chaos surrounding the show.
It was recently reported that Bravo is putting season 15 of RHONJ on “ice” for the rest of the year with no decisions to even be made until early next year.
When we asked Siggy Flicker who appeared on the Real Housewives of New Jersey for two seasons before abruptly quitting her thoughts on how toxic the Real Housewives of New Jersey has been – Siggy says one person is to blame and that is Margaret Josephs. Last year, we asked Siggy to join us on our AllAboutTRH podcast where she revealed she quit the show after Margaret Josephs reached out to her husbands ex-wife to get dirt on the family.
Siggy says Margaret hasn’t changed at all telling AllAboutTRH exclusively, “The worst casting decision made by Bravo was to bring on Marge. It’s when ratings for JERSEY started to plunge. These are facts whether you want to hear it or not. Forget the fact that she looks like a grandmother and has no real big family, no real success and a plumber as a husband who couldn’t clean out her shitty pipes…….. what every person needs to understand is that it was Margaret who turned JERSEY toxic.”
Siggy even spoke on her experience during the show revealing that producers knew Margaret would be dirty and used her to go to a toxic place adding, “It was unbearable to film with her. Mostly everyone who didn’t like her or want to kiss her ass on the cast knew that Marge had no moral compass or soul and would dig into everyone’s past. She would go into deep dark places and dig up receipts on everyone. It was Margaret that reached out to my husband‘s ex-wife who is no longer alive and why? to bring on dirt that would only hurt our beautiful children, It was Margaret who producers knew would go into dark areas where no one else would think to go and they used her, whispered in her ear to say the most outrageous things, true or not….and she would have no problem repeating it.”
Siggy concluded, “Teresa wouldn’t do it. Dolores wouldn’t do it. Melissa wouldn’t do it. Marge did it and loved every second of it. If Jersey is over, blame it on toxic Marge.”
If you haven’t listened to our viral interview with Siggy Flicker – listen here as she opens up about the toxicity behind the scenes.
Do you agree with what Siggy had to say? Do you think if Bravo let Margaret go earlier that things would be different?
Imagine hating Margaret so much that you’re willing to speak to and give an unhinged Siggy Flicker a platform to speak lies. She admitted she doesn’t even watch the show and she spent one season with Margaret. I’m sorry you can’t admit that Louie is the one that ruined the show. By the way, what are your thoughts about Louis encouraging the girls to wear thongs and short skirts?
HousewifeVeteranAugust 12, 2024 - 1:58 pm
I still say this show could be saved if they got rid of The Felon, Haterifer Aydin and Jackie. The show this season has proven that anytime these women get together without the Felon being included, they have a good time and it makes good tv.
Enigma Wrapped in a LandslideAugust 6, 2024 - 3:34 pm
I remember Siggy introducing us to Margaret in season 8 (via Marge's assistant), and it didn't take long for Margaret to turn on her. In the very second episode (2) Siggy took the ladies to Boca, for a little getaway (and to celebrate Melissa's birthday). At an exclusive oceanfront restaurant, Siggy presented Melissa with a very fancy custom cake which Teresa and Melissa decided to have a cake fight with. When Siggy got justifiably upset, the next day Marge excluded her from a celebration on the beach honoring Teresa's recently passed mom. From that moment on, Margaret gaslit, harassed, basically drove "Soggy" off the show.
SquirrellieAugust 6, 2024 - 5:08 pm
Marge may be a problem, but the toxicity came from the felon and EVERYONE knows that.
ShayvoeAugust 6, 2024 - 9:28 pm
Then it became doubly toxic when Aydin came on, the the worst it could possibly be when Ewey was added. Those three are the reason for the downfall.
SquirrellieAugust 13, 2024 - 12:06 pm
Just want to laugh at my downvotes. hahhaaa
book7175August 6, 2024 - 4:38 pm
The biggest question here is why would anyone reach out to Soggy for her opinion?
PjCAugust 6, 2024 - 2:46 pm
There's plenty of blame to go around equally. If it was ONLY ONE HW, then only one HW wouldn't be asked back the next season (ie Soggy's boot). However, ITS ALL OF THEM, Marggie is nasty, Teresa is toxic, Messy self-absorbed and narcissistic, Jen A a gutter-mouth side piece, Dolores can't be anyone's real friend and Danielle, Rachel, Siggy, other Danielle just nutzo. The show can't operate with this total amount of disfunction. A HW villain needs to be redeemable, good intentions need to be authentic, real crazy just looks real crazy on TV. The looney bin of NJ & all their cuckolding man-boobed husbands are DONE (the steroid husbands are just as much to blame too).
ShaunnaAugust 6, 2024 - 2:14 pm
Margaret is an evil and vile person, her words and especially her actions prove what I'm saying. No need for anyone to try and twist things and blame Teresa for Marge's toxicity. Trout mouth's toxicity is overwhelming, childish and she's a bully. Her minions allow her to order and push them around, they're scared of her. There was a whole lot of crap happening way before Louie arrived on the scene. Take that Louie BS to your bank and see if they will cash that sh*t for you. The real problem is that Louie has Teresa's back and she has someone to stand up for her unlike before. The other husbands are there for their wives but it's a problem when Louie supports Teresa. What kind of asinine double standard crap is that? Disturbing. Focus on Joe Gorga's disrespectful arse, John Fuda the drug dealer and felon whose parents money kept him from doing any jail time and that puppet Joe Benigno. They are the dark and dangerous ones whose wives are wolves in sheep clothing. Siggy telling the truth.
Evil QueenAugust 6, 2024 - 4:53 pm
Couldn’t have said any better.
michersAugust 6, 2024 - 10:14 am
Yes I believe it - we have been watching it ! I knew that’s why Siggy left
holy cannoliAugust 6, 2024 - 8:15 am
My Opinion/ Margaret , is a terrible person.
I said what I said , that’s all , carry on.