RHONJ Recap: A League of Their Own Worst Enemy

RHONJ -- Season:14 -- Pictured: (l-r) Rachel Fuda, Margaret Josephs, Melissa Gorga, Dolores Catania, Teresa Giudice, Jennifer Aydin, Danielle Cabral, Jackie Goldshneider and Jenn Fessler -- (Photo by: Andrew Eccles/Bravo)

The drama intensifies on this week’s episode of RHONJ as grudges and alliances shift within the cast. Let’s break down everything that went down in this week’s episode.

The episode starts with Margaret Josephs and her hubby, Joe Benigno, going on a motorcycle ride. Afterward, Marge tells Joe that everyone in the RHONJ group is off their rocker at the moment. While Margaret is still upset with Jenn Fessler about her continuing friendship with Teresa Giudice, she’s also pissed off at Jackie Goldschneider. Margaret can’t believe that Jackie didn’t give her an advanced copy of her book but gave Melissa Gorga and Jenn F copies. She’s also pissed at what a shitty friend Jackie has been to her lately, noting that Jackie didn’t even check on her when it was the first anniversary of her ex-husband, Jan’s death.

Rachel Fuda also continues to be upset with Jenn Fessler and is shocked that she hasn’t heard from her following their blowout down the shore. So, Rachel asks Jenn to meet up so they can discuss where their friendship goes from here. The 32-year-old gets emotional when discussing how hurt she is by Jenn. As for Jenn, she is confused as to why a grown woman is this upset over her having a conversation with another woman, especially one that runs in the same circle as them. Jenn tells Rachel that her conversation with Teresa was initally NOT about her or her husband, John Fuda. However, when the conversation did turn to the Fudas, she advocated for the RHONJ couple and defended them.

Still, Rachel is disappointed in Jenn’s behavior and says she’s “mourning the loss of what their friendship used to be.” On the other hand, Jenn makes it clear that she’s not going to be fighting other people’s battles with blind loyalty like Margaret and is unsure why Rachel is so upset. She ends the conversation by telling Rachel: “you know where my heart is.”

The conversation shifts to Jennifer Aydin‘s upcoming dog birthday party. Rachel says she’s not ready to attend a party with that part of the RHONJ cast, which is music to Jenn’s ears as she’s happy she can just be herself around “the enemies.”

It’s time for Jennifer’s dog party. The guest list includes Dolores Catania, Teresa, her daughter Gia Giudice, Jackie, and a new face named Lina. After a dog fashion show, the ladies sit around and chat, which is when Gia insists she’s not engaged but does reveal that her boyfriend works for her stepdad, Louie Ruelas.

As the party continues, the conversation shifts to a recent “incident” Lina, a hairdresser for some of the ladies in the RHONJ cast, had with Danielle Cabral at a charity event. Lina, who did Danielle’s hair for the charity event, was asked to leave the VIP area of the charity event, and Danielle did nothing to stop it from happening. Jennifer reveals that some shady shit has been brewing between Danielle and some people, which most members of the RHONJ cast are unaware of, and Jen is LOVING the fact that it is all coming to light.

Jennifer then reveals that she invited Margaret to the party, which results in Teresa making a not-so-funny joke about Joe B being Margaret’s only dog. Jenn F then reveals that Rachel didn’t come to the party because of Teresa and reveals that Rachel felt betrayed when she hugged Teresa at Nate’s party. Dolores is shocked by this and is freaked out by the shifting friendship among the RHONJ cast.

Despite Rachel telling Jenn to stay out of her and John’s drama with Louie and Teresa, Jenn tells the group that she’s hopeful Louie and John can talk and work things out. Dolores suggests they talk at her upcoming charity baseball game.

Meanwhile, Melissa and Joe Gorga are busy moving their daughter, Antonia Gorga, into her dorm at the University of Delaware. Antonia will be rooming with one of her good friends for her freshman year of college. Joe and Melissa get emotional saying goodbye to their daughter as she embarks on a new journey of her life.

Later on in the episode, Danielle talks about her upcoming New York Fashion Week show. The moment is bittersweet for the RHONJ star as no one in her family will be attending the event due to their ongoing drama. Danielle wishes that she could share this major achievement with her family but notes that she is happy to share it with her new family, which brings her happiness and joy.

It’s time for Dolores’ annual charity softball game. While Dolores admits she’s putting the RHONJ cast into a “pressure cooker,” she also knows they can suck it up for a good cause. Dolores may be excited to host another successful charity softball game, but Melissa is still pissed at Jennifer for spreading rumors about her marriage on camera last season. She still feels like Jennifer is finding reasons to stay mad at her for no reason.

Naturally, drama erupts in the locker room.  Danielle asks Jackie, “Who invited you to Jen’s puppy party?” and in return, Jackie tells Danielle that she is the only one in the RHONJ cast who doesn’t like her. She also points out that she’s been friends with Jennifer since 2018, so why wouldn’t she be invited to the party? The mom of four then questions why she was the only one left out of Danielle’s party for Nate and why Margaret didn’t stand up for her in that instance.

Margaret then questions what she ever did to Jackie and why Jackie has been a shit friend to her lately. Jackie makes it clear that she’s done being a part of Margaret’s posse, so that is why she didn’t give her an advanced copy of her book. As Jackie storms off, Margaret calls her “self-centered” and a  “disgrace.”

The tension only intensifies when the Gorgas and the Giudices/Ruelas arrive at the event simultaneously. However, they all manage to push their drama to the side for the sake of a good cause.

Jackie then tells Teresa, Dolores, Jennifer, and Jenn about her drama with Marge while declaring that she can be friends with whomever she chooses. This puts Jenn in an awkward position yet again, and Margaret is pissed when she sees her bestie engrossed in a conversation with Jackie and Teresa. Margaret goes off on Jenn for associating with those people. Jenn fires back that she is nice to people who treat her kindly, but Marge isn’t having any of it, saying that she “can’t connect with people” who flip-flop like Jenn.

As the charity event winds down, Melissa approaches Jennifer and invites her to have a one-on-one sit down in hopes of clearing the air between them. Jenn agrees.

The RHONJ cast wins the charity softball game by 1 and raise over $200,000.

RHONJ airs on Sundays at 8 pm on Bravo.

As always, stay glued to AllAboutTRH for the latest, greatest, and most exclusive Real Housewives of New Jersey tea on the internet!

Thoughts on this week’s episode of RHONJ? Sound off below!

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HermanL22 May 29, 2024 - 2:52 pm
I never, ever, ever thought I would say this (allow me to preface with...I was SOOO EXCITED for this season): I am bored with them. You can hate Teresa, Jen, Jackie, whomever as much as you want, but without the drama they brought, it's just not a show worth watching anymore (and I definitely won't be watching if it ends up being Melissa and her crew). :(
Enigma Wrapped in Lawsuits May 28, 2024 - 4:02 am
Although Asshat Cohen has made it clear that this divide in the cast is not going to work, from where I'm sitting it IS working ... because the divide IS the story line.
holy cannoli May 28, 2024 - 12:16 pm
As much as I hate the divide ( it’s ridiculous- sort the shit out like adults). I do agree with you. It is their story line.
Enigma Wrapped in Lawsuits May 28, 2024 - 3:53 pm
BTW, it sure is quiet in here huh? I guess it was bound to happen.
Shy Sea May 27, 2024 - 8:47 pm
Marge & Rachel annoy me! Rachel is too weak to be a Housewife. She's like Melissa, they need their men to stand up for them when they don't like another female! I don't find women like that entertaining. Rachel acts like Tre murdered her family member. Sheesh! I'm glad Jen A. was fearured more this episode. She brought another storyline in and I can't wait to see how it implodes with Danielle! Gabriella is going to do great things with her life. She's bery very disciplined and mature for her age. I see her potentially getting her doctorates.
holy cannoli May 27, 2024 - 9:43 am
Margaret is ridiculous. Danielle and Rachel annoy the shit out of me., seriously in my opinion- the worst casting decision! The “ joke “ Teresa made was not funny. Delores, I like you , i really do. But girl stop acting all brand new. I remember you fighting with Margaret, Jennifer and Jackie ., you must have forgotten your “ twilight zone” now you are all friends. So there’s that.
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 1:21 pm
Yes, Jackie went to Teresa’s wedding. They have been fine for a while now and that clip of them fighting was from 2021, 3 yrs ago. That was a bad fight about Gia and her husband, but they worked thru it. Teresa knows it was from her brother and Marge. She realizes now how stupid she was to go along. She just didn’t know close Joe, Melissa and Marge were already working together. Teresa was still thinking Marge was her friend. She was dating, just met Luis, not in her right mind. Once she saw Marge investigate Luis out of the gate once she only gave Marge his name, they had not even met, she knew Marge was not her friend. Then Marge went after Jenn too and outed Bills’s affair. Teresa just was too slow putting it together, miss investigation herself, Marge.
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 12:53 pm
This episode at least has some group humor and fun. Sorry I don’t find the raunchy husband stuff down at the shore entertaining and either do viewers anymore, because rating dropped like a stone last episode during “Joe’s Big Party.” The over emphasis on the Men/Husbands this season is Not working and driving viewers away, ratings speak for themselves. The positive: Jennifer’s comments were pure gold. The worst: Marge is misery. Using her ex husband, who her own children banned her from attending his funeral, (she held her own service for show), she still is using him for a storyline a year after he passed. The very worst: Rachel keeps crying over her own son’s Adoption story line She brought to the show! If you did not want his bio mother coming out in the Tabloid Press, don’t put it on the show, simple! Sun Newspaper ran story in mid April last year, a few weeks after the Adoption episodes aired. The Sun, Daily Mail, New York Post, they have investigative staff and takes them all of 5 minutes to track a lead . Where a prisoner is kept in a Half-way House is not a National State Secret Rachel, requiring anyone a private investigator, I just can’t with the absurdity of this couple, and viewers are believing the yarn and BS the Fuda’s are spinning! The tabloid press reported on Anna Marie’s Husband, Rebecca Minkoff for NYC, and Fuda! Stop blaming Teresa and crying about it. Teresa had months of bad press herself . Others HW had lots of bad press the Tabloid uncovered. They didn’t cry every episode. 2nd who in Production sat there and allowed Rachel after a season to be blocking half the cast…what? This is a joke. Most viewers don’t even know her name yet, and she has blocked half the cast, I can’t.
Watcher May 27, 2024 - 5:47 pm
They think more highly of themselves than they ought to. And I mean the Fudas and Marge.
Enigma Wrapped in Lawsuits May 28, 2024 - 5:03 am
I'm so distracted by her f-ed up face, I can never even concentrate on what she's saying. I can't figure out if she looks more like a Hoo from Whoville or Melissa Rivers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f38cc11ea954cf27d890f8dd7dcabfa81b1309ade0ed122d9a58e9a4583cedc3.jpg
cammierari May 27, 2024 - 12:11 pm
First of all, we need knicknames to be able to distinguish the 2 Jennifers. Jen for Jen Fessler and Jennifer for Aydin. I get too confused since both of the Jens are now fighting with different people..or the same people..whatever. This episode shows Margaret in her full hateful self. I can’t believe she called Jackie selfish and self-centered! Do they watch these shows?? And Rachel is right behind her with her evil behavior. Talk about a controlling bitch! Somehow the both of them believe they are the queen bees of the group and can dictate behavior. Te me this shows that Marge has given her “team” their marching orders for the season, and she is determined to have them follow her script. I hope there’s a mass freezing out of that evil witch this season and she runs off to find other soldiers. She goes thru people like I go through hairspray. Interesting to see Melissa attempt a sit down with Jennifer Aydin! What will happen and what will Tre think of it!
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 1:53 pm
I say next season let Melissa, Rachel, Marge, Danielle, Delores have their own show at this point. So much anger and misery. Let them fight it out for Queen Bee. Marge will turn so fast on all of them their heads will spin, including Melissa. Give Teresa and girls their own show, or don’t, she can shop it elsewhere, just drop the non compete. Jenn and Jackie can be the friends. She can go to Hulu or Netflix. She can film it over summer when they are on break.
cammierari May 27, 2024 - 2:38 pm
If they did give the Marge and co their own show, I would only miss Delores lol. Rachel and Marge strike me as being very insecure in their relationships and it isn’t entertaining to watch.
Watcher May 27, 2024 - 5:51 pm
Will the Bravocon fight be brought up? It needs to be
Zap It May 27, 2024 - 3:31 pm
"She goes thru people like I go through hairspray"??
Enigma Wrapped in Lawsuits May 28, 2024 - 3:52 am
Very interesting strategy of Melissa's ... I'm thinking payback for Teresa trying to woo JFess over to her side.
holy cannoli May 27, 2024 - 9:46 am
Joey Gorga trying to say good bye to Antonia. , really touched me .
NikkiJax May 27, 2024 - 10:57 am
Me too, I had tears.
holy cannoli May 27, 2024 - 10:59 am
It was so real and raw.. not being able to speak and tears in his eyes.. then him grabbing her to hug her and telling her to be good.. ?
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 1:07 pm
I agree! I know some have said the college goodbye scenes on both sides have taken up too much time but I love them. Gabriella is an OG and Antonia has been on since season 3. They have grown up on the show before our eyes. How wonderful to applaud their successes along with their parents. I think it’s fabulous! There were some beautiful flashback photos of Antonia.
holy cannoli May 27, 2024 - 1:16 pm
? agree.
Enigma Wrapped in Lawsuits May 28, 2024 - 5:07 pm
Thankfully, it wasn't too over-the-top ... yes Kyle, Kim, Yolanda, Ramona we're talking about you.
Zap It May 27, 2024 - 9:36 am
Margaret has taken the estrangement between Teresa and Melissa and turned it into two camps on this show. Margaret needs to go. When gone, Rachel will reach out and form new relationships with the cast and their will no longer be "teams". I think viewers are now seeing Margaret for who she really is...nasty. As for Danielle, what a disappointment. I really thought she was a great addition last season, but treating her hair and makeup person like that is telling.
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 1:37 pm
I don’t think so, Rachel is completely out of control with her own enemies list. She said she won’t film with Teresa, Jenn A, Jenn F, or Jackie. She has already blackballed half the cast! Nope, if you are already acting this way 1 season and a few episodes in that is a terrible attitude.. Rachal has no understanding how the media works, has conspiracy theories and thinks cast members gets things planted. She is completely delusional. Can you imagine if Teresa, or Ramona, Vicki or LuAnn cried and broke off with cast mates after one bad news story. Their seasons would have been over by 2 or 3. You can’t have that attitude. She didnt even face anything hard! That was her real life stuff coming out in the press. Why is that the ladies fault? So Rachel is cutting off cast members because her own family past came out in the press. What? Rachal could not handle a real confrontation or fight with these women, No Way. If Teresa and Jen really had enough and wanted to come for her with how she is acting, Rachel would melt.
Zap It May 27, 2024 - 3:36 pm
I know. It's hard to watch that kind of arrogance. It pisses me off too but I think Rachel is stupidly following Marg's lead. She seriously has to grow up or she won't be around for season 3. I think it might have been you that gave Rachel advice a few days ago. Not sure. It was excellent and I hope she reads it.
Jshappyday May 27, 2024 - 11:46 pm
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