Margaret Josephs Age, Birthday & Sign:
Margaret Josephs is 55 years old. She was born on April 9th, 1967 in Elizabeth, NJ and her sign is an Aries.
How Old Is Margaret Josephs Mom?
Margarets Josephs mother Marge Sr. is 76 years old. Marge Sr rose to fame when her daughter Margaret Josephs appeared on the Real Housewives of New Jersey.
What Rock Star Did Margaret Josephs Sleep With:
In her book, Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget Margaret Josephs revealed that she had cheated on her husband a few times and one time being with a rock star.
In the memoir, she reveals details saying that she had the affair with Kelly Hansen, the lead singer of rock band Foreigner.
Kelly Hansen, 61 years old, formed the rock band Hurricane in the early 1980s, then became the lead singer for the rock band, Foreigner in 2005.
He is married and is also a songwriter.

How Much Is Margaret Josephs Worth?
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Margaret Josephs has a net worth of $5 million. She is the founder, owner, and designer of the Macbeth Collection lifestyle brand.
Who Is Margaret Josephs Biological Son?
Margaret married her first husband, Jan Josephs in 1994 when she was 24 years old. At the time, Jan had full custody of his three children from a previous marriage. Margaret helped raise Jan’s three children as well as her biological son in 1996.
Margaret’s children stopped speaking to her following her affair with current husband. Speaking to People, Margaret said she hoped for a reconciliation, “I know they don’t hate me. They’re holding a grudge. And it doesn’t make it any easier. But I know in my heart we’ll find a way back to one another. I’d die over them.”
Margaret Josephs First Husband Passed Away In 2022
Jan Josephs died on August 26, 2022 at the age of 74 from a sudden heart attack.
How Old Is Margaret Josephs Husband?
Joseph “Joe” Benigno was born November 12, 1955. He is 67 years old.
Joe Benigno is a plumber. It is unknown if he still works. Margaret and Joe met when he was a contractor for her home. The two began an affair an fell in love.
Margaret opened up about the affair on the Real Housewives saying,
“My marriage was going down the drains, and we had this unbelievable chemistry – and we fell in love. Leaving my first husband was a big scandal in our town, but this is my f****** life, and you know what, take me for who I am!”
The two got married in 2013 and are still married.

How Did Margaret Josephs Lose Weight?
In an interview with “Two Ts in A Pod,” the Real Housewives of New Jersey star opened up about her sudden 22 pound weight lost.
Margaret said there are a lot of secrets to her weight loss explaining that she came across a Town & Country article about a wellness clinic that offers peptide therapy and decided to take her “own little cocktail of peptides,” describing them as shots.
Margaret has been accused of taking Ozempic which has become a quick weight loss trend among several celebrities but says she is not on Ozempic explaining,
“Ozempic is a brand of a semaglutide, which is a peptide, I’m not going to say, one of them is a version of a semaglutide but my doctor does his own mixture, one is for your muscle mass to maintain muscle mass, one is for joints, whatever ails you, so his is more of a wellness thing, mine is a big combination that I’ve been doing since April of 2022.”
Margaret says she does use her peloton and go on walks but she is not a gym person. She also said she was not going to lose any more weight.
Margaret Josephs good friend Jackie Goldschneider has also called out her co-stars for being on Ozempic.
Jackie told Virtual Reali-Tea that it has impacted her own recovery from anorexia and disordered eating explaining,
“I wanted to come back into a world where everyone around me was eating and loving food and enjoying life. I wanted to come back to that and I didn’t because a lot of people in the Housewives world are on Ozempic. It was tough for me to come back and suddenly no one’s eating when we go out to dinner.”

Margaret Josephs is 55 years old and her zodiac sign is Aries. She was born on April 9th, 1967.
Margaret Josephs’ mother, Marge Sr., is 76 years old.
Margaret Josephs had an affair with Kelly Hansen, the lead singer of the rock band Foreigner. Kelly Hansen is 61 years old and also a songwriter.