Tammy and her other daughter Meghan Knickerbocker pleaded on social media for everyone in the Las Vegas area to keep their eyes open for Lindsey. According to Meghan, their “last contact” with Lindsey was January 9, and noted that “she was scared for her life.” “No one has heard from her since. Absolutely gone with a trace,” Meghan shared.

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Follow AllAboutTRH On Instagram. Follow AllAboutTRH On Twitter. Like AllAboutTRH On Facebook.Lindsey Knickerbocker is the daughter of Tammy Knickerbocker, who appeared on the reality TV show “The Real Housewives of Orange County.” Lindsey has been reported missing, and her mother and sister have reached out on social media for help in locating her. The last contact with Lindsey was on January 9, and she expressed fear for her life. Any information regarding her whereabouts is appreciated.
Lindsey Knickerbocker is described as being 5’5″ tall and weighing 110lbs. She has brown eyes and blonde hair. She is currently 34 years old. A recent photo of Lindsey is available for reference
Yes, Lindsey Knickerbocker has had previous encounters with the law. In February 2022, she was arrested in Arkansas for meth possession and forgery. During a routine traffic stop, police discovered meth, counterfeit money, forged checks, and a device for printing counterfeit money in her car. Additionally, in 2013, Lindsey was arrested for DUI, blowing four times the legal limit. She received probation and community service as part of her sentence.