Secrets about Melissa Gorga and the New Jersey Housewives are being revealed like never before. The former friends of Melissa Gorga and several Jersey Housewives are coming out of the woodwork to throw shade and reveal all of Melissa Gorga and the Housewives’ secrets.
As we previously reported, Margaret Josephs’ former BFF Laura Lee Jensen opened up to AllAboutTRH and spilled all the tea about the Macbeth Collection designer on our podcast. Check out those episodes HERE and HERE.
Now, Melissa Gorga’s former best friend, Jan Marie DeDolce, is coming out to respond to Melissa’s claims that she tried to come on the Real Housewives of New Jersey to take her down.
On the December 15 episode of Melissa’s On Display podcast, Melissa discussed her and Jan’s friendship fallout with co-star and guest Margaret Josephs. According to Melissa, Jan wanted to nab a spot on RHONJ and went behind her back to do so.
“I had a friend who I actually filmed with who was in my wedding who tried to come on the show, too, which, in the same season, I brought her with me to a lunch because I was trying to get her on the show. And then later on in that season, you see her have a sit-down with my sister-in-law to tell my sister-in-law horrible things about me, that I’m a cheater. Once again, all of these things: cheater, stripper, like, I don’t know what’s next? I rob banks, I hurt babies, like, at this point, who gives a sh-t?” Melissa said.
Jan, who served as a bridesmaid in Melissa’s wedding to her husband, Joe Gorga, fired back at the claims by revealing Melissa’s “dirty ploy” to get cast on RHONJ behind her sister-in-law Teresa Giudice’s back.
“As some of you may or may not remember, I appeared on RHONJ as Melissa’s friend. Unfortunately, the truth was totally hidden from everyone while Teresa was blamed,” Jan wrote in a series of DMs, shared by Love Love Love Gabriella on Instagram and reposted by AllAboutTRH.
“After the season aired, I could have sold Melissa out, yet I chose not to. Many media outlets offered me money for information, still remained silent and protected her. If my goal really was to get on the show as a [housewife], as she claimed in her recent podcast, I could have exposed her and her dirty ploy to have me write letters to Bravo so that they would cast her behind Teresa’s back, which, of course, I didn’t do,” Jan continued.
Jan then claims that she was invited to several events to film but declined because she wanted no part in the drama.
“I could have attended several events that aired that she invited me to, but I declined because of the drama. We were truly like sisters. I was privy to many events and circumstances with which I could have revealed who she really is and let her true colors show, but I never did. I stayed silent,” Jan added.
SWIPE to check out Jan’s messages.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey returns for season 13 on February 7.
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Follow AllAboutTRH On Instagram. Follow AllAboutTRH On Twitter. Like AllAboutTRH On Facebook.Laura Lee Jensen, Margaret Josephs’ former BFF, and Jan Marie DeDolce, Melissa Gorga’s former best friend, are coming forward to reveal secrets about the New Jersey Housewives.
Melissa Gorga claimed that Jan Marie DeDolce tried to come on the Real Housewives of New Jersey to take her down. She also mentioned that Jan went behind her back and had a sit-down with her sister-in-law to spread negative rumors about her.
Jan Marie DeDolce denies trying to get on the show as a housewife. She revealed that Melissa Gorga had a “dirty ploy” to have her write letters to Bravo so that they would cast her behind Teresa Giudice’s back. However, Jan claims that she chose not to expose Melissa and protected her by remaining silent.