The drama in Potomac is bubbling along and taking its good old time to come to a boil.
I feel like the last few episodes of the Real Housewives of Potomac have all been the same. It’s the same conversations, just slightly elevated. This week things intensified a bit but not that much. We are still tip-toeing around the drama.
The episode starts off with Candiace storming off after Gizelle tells her that Chris made her feel “completely uncomfortable” at last year’s reunion when Chris asked to speak to her in private.
When Candiace questions what Chris did or said to Gizelle to make her uncomfortable, she says she doesn’t remember but says she didn’t feel right being in a room alone with a married man. Gizelle alleges that Chris knew her glam team was gone when he asked to speak to her in private in her dressing room.
Candiace is furious over Gizelle’s allegations against Chris and breaks the fourth wall before storming off to talk to a producer. She makes it clear she won’t stand for women in the group maligning her husband when he’s done nothing wrong and says if the ladies want to go after one of the husbands, they should go after Michael Darby since he’s actually guilty of crossing the line and making people feel uncomfortable. Candiace then leaves the studio.
Gizelle then takes Mia aside to address their issues concerning Mia’s health scare. Ashley says she feels bad because they all have questioned Mia’s health issues, but Gizelle is the only one getting heat for it. Gizelle seems to better understand everything Mia is going through and apologizes for her doubts. The two hug it out as the rest of the ladies begin got bicker, with Wendy insisting she never doubted Mia’s health issues as Robyn has suggested. Robyn then invites the ladies, except for Wendy, to a family day with all their kids. Wendy leaves and then gets got in a hot mic moment, revealing that she believes Mia is lying about her health issues. Turns out Robyn was right about Wendy being phony.
Karen and Ray go to get pedicures while Ashley checks out a house with her brother. She has made offers on three homes but has lost out to all-cash offers. Michael doesn’t seem to want anyone to know they are buying a house together amid their divorce. Something shady seems to be going down with their split and Michael’s finances as Ashley lists off some nonsensical reasons why they can’t buy their house in cash. Ashley is having some second thoughts about her divorce as she’s worried about being alone as her new reality is slowly sinking in. Speaking of money concerns, Robyn approaches Juan about getting a prenup. Juan doesn’t seem to care, quipping that he makes more money than her anyway. Wendy goes to the doctor for some hair loss she’s experiencing. Seems like it could be stress or something more.
Robyn and Mia meet up to hash out their issues. Robyn grills Mia about her health scare and, at the end of the conversation, is just as confused as she was in the beginning. She decides to let it go and just accept Mia’s vague explanation. Robyn then brings up Gizelle’s issues with Chris. Mia seems to have her own claims about Chris, saying he was looking her up and down at the Spring Fling party. Production rolls footage telling a different story. I feel like Mia has a crush on Chris.
While Candiace attempted to squash the ridiculous claims about Chris by going straight to production, it seems they are intent on running with this storyline. Gizelle and Karen must both be desperate as they are meeting up to chat. Karen says Chris owes Gizelle an apology and notes that Gizelle is justified in feeling uncomfortable. Karen says she’s had her own issues with one of the husbands. Three years ago, one husband hugged Karen too tight and made her feel super uncomfortable, but she kept quiet about it. Totally not the same thing.
Meanwhile, Candiace and Chris grab lunch, where Candiace reveals her egg-freezing journey isn’t going to plan. The doctor told Candiace that her numbers aren’t where they should be at this point in her journey. She is stressed about it, and Gizelle’s comments about Chris are only making her more stressed. Chris tells Candaice his side of Gizelle’s story, and it’s very different. I honestly don’t see Chris as the guy to be creepin’ and sliding into DMs or doing things to make women feel uncomfortable. We’ve never seen him be inappropriate towards any of the ladies; he always seems super respectful. Gizelle seems to be reaching and a little desperate for a storyline.
Robyn then pops up at the lunch and makes it clear she doesn’t believe Gizelle’s claims. She also doesn’t think Chris was doing anything inappropriate when he messaged Ashley via DM. Seems like the green-eyed bandits are coming apart at the seams.
The Real Housewives of Potomac airs on Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on Bravo.