Howdy Dallas fans! We’re still in Mexico and things are still crazy south of the border so luckily for us and the ladies, it’s almost Friday.
We start off on a dark note as Stephanie is sick and not just from drinking. LeeAnne’s suicide talk hit her hard as she is prone to to depression and the talk has brought negativity into an otherwise fun getaway. Luckily, Kary has planned a fun day to lighten the mood with a polo match and spiritual outing, but first: Stairs. Kary’s house looks like one of those brain teasers where you can’t tell if the stairs are going up or down. Kary thinks the best way to start the day is running stairs and detox the alcohol from their body; however shockingly LeeAnne isn’t up for it. If it’s not dark and depressing or involving alcohol when is LeeAnne up for it?
Apparently a little known fact about Careyes, Mexico is that it’s known for polo matches (who knew) and Kary pulled some strings to arrange a private match. I think Kary has put in a lot of effort to make this trip nice for the ladies but the one thing she forgot was ‘el bano’ situation. Whether it be the gross toilet on the way to the house or the lack of toilets at the polo match, the bathroom situation is not great.
I would say that the tequila is a bigger hit than the polo match itself as the girls get distracted and decide to do a cartwheel contest in place of watching the men. Despite the fun, Stephanie and Brandi go aside to discuss how dark LeeAnne is being this trip and Stephanie even reveals that the suicide talk gets into her head as it’s a very sensitive topic for her. Stephanie has a heart of gold and I think it’s brave of her to say how the talk of suicide affects her and her confessional was one of the most honest moments I think we’ve seen her in. Hugs Stephanie <3
Next stop is the Copa which is a gigantic meditation bowl….all we need is Kelly with a giant mallet and we’re all set. It looks relaxing but I’m with Kam – meditation is not my thing and I would have just used it as nap time if it were me. Apparently Kam and I are alone as everyone else found the experience amazing, even bringing tears to D’Andra’s eyes.
The relaxing moment is short lived as we are off to dinner and are already dancing on tables. I feel Kam is my spirit animal this episode as she’s the only one who finds dancing with bare-feet on the place they are going to eat is gross. No gracias. Things are going well until D’Andra brings up LeeAnne and Kary’s situation. Instead of the two going somewhere privately to discuss it like adults, a drunk D’Andra yells and demands they discuss it in front of everyone as if they were some sort of entertainment. I think it’s safe to say D’Andra has had wayyy too much tequila and she needs to shut it. Despite D’Andra’s drunken outburst LeeAnne and Kary are able to sit like ladies and talk out their issues.
This group is like whack-a-mole as immediately after Kary and LeeAnne resolve their issues Kameron and Brandi get into a fight, about you guessed it: the room assignment. Yes, ladies and gentlemen these are grown women once again fighting about room assignments. The fight ends with Brandi telling Kameron to suck a d**k and Kameron calling Brandi trash. I don’t think Brandi is “trash” so I don’t agree with what Kameron said, but Brandi overreacts and some of the things that come out of her mouth are trashy.
Like I said, we are in a whack-a-mole situation as once Kameron is calmed down, D’Andra and LeeAnne get into a fight about whether D’Andra is drunk or not (hint: she is.) D’Andra laughs like a lunatic then stumbles to the van, falling to reveal her Spanx and all. Once she gets back to the house D’Andra makes noises that I’ve never heard come from a woman’s mouth then decides it’s a good idea to get into a bathing suit and go swimming. I feel we need a lifeguard on duty as D’Andra is dangerous drunk at this point and should be in bed.
While someone finally gets drunk D’Andra to bed, Brandi and Kam have a heart to heart. Brandi is sensitive to being called ‘trash’ as she grew up thinking she was white trash, while Kameron defends herself saying Brandi’s actions are trashy and not Brandi herself. If you want my opinion, deep down I do think Kameron does think she is better than Brandi but Brandi doesn’t help her image in a lot of these situations. Maybe Kameron should be looking at D’Andra’s behavior right now as she is giving Stephanie a sexy dance and ends up calling her husband putting the phone to her ‘you know what.’ In the words of Bethenny Frankel: “GO TO SLEEP!”
Next week we have more drama in Mexico – stay tuned!
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