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Brielle Biermann has been accused of being an entitled young woman with no career plan or real world skills (I’m guilty of those accusations as well.) Unfortunately neither her mother nor herself help that image, and it seems that Kroy is the only one worried that Brielle is not ready to enter the real world. Brielle doesn’t seem to have a ‘Plan – B’ either and is really gunning for this reality show gig to continue.
Similar to her mom Kim, Brielle seems to be hoping that marrying a rich man will have her set for life as she reportedly is hoping to tie the knot with minor league baseball player Michael Kopech.
Brielle stated “I think he’s the one” when asked about getting engaged. Despite the two dating long distance, Brielle has faith that he is not straying stating “He would never go to a party. He doesn’t go out – ever.”
Proving that the apple doesn’t fall from the tree, Brielle stated that she would get engaged tomorrow if he asked, “just for the ring.” Note to Michael: run – and fast! If you want to see what your future would look like, just look at Kim as Brielle is basically a clone of her mother.
Regarding her future and career, Brielle is hoping that the American public cares about her life (which we really don’t) and states that she may be the next Lauren Conrad. Per Brielle: “Brielle takes L.A., I feel like that’d be funny…kinda like ‘The Hills.’ I’ll bring my friends.” While L.C. was spoiled as well, she came off a bit more likeable than Brielle in my opinion.
Overall, Brielle comes off as one of the most entitled Bravo kids (that’s saying something) and doesn’t seem to have any work ethic. Her mom seems to have passed on her love of material items and rich men which is all Brielle seems focused on. I would have a lot more respect for Brielle if she followed her dreams by pursuing a degree in journalism or broadcasting in order to be the next Giuliana Rancic vs. just expecting it will happen as her mom ‘knows people.’ I personally would never watch a Brielle spinoff so hopefully Bravo isn’t taking the bait.
Would you watch a reality show based on Brielle? Thoughts on her desire to get engaged so young and her career plan?
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