Lisa Vanderpump Denies Playing Favorites as Fans Ask Why Max Didn’t Get A House!



Poor Lisa! She can’t even seem to gift her daughter with a lovely 30th birthday present without being criticized!

Recently we reported how Lisa and hubby Ken gifted Pandora and her husband Jason with the down payment of a fabulous LA home which came furnished and decorated (for original story click here). Originally some fans claimed she was overstepping her boundaries; however some claimed she was playing favorites as son Max didn’t receive a home – to which Lisa replied he hasn’t yet!

Lisa took to Twitter explaining that Pandora just turned 30 and it was appropriate as she is a married woman (who Lisa is most likely hoping will start a family soon!)

Image Source: Twitter - Lisa Vanderpump

Image Source: Twitter – Lisa Vanderpump

Image Source: Twitter - Lisa Vanderpump

Image Source: Twitter – Lisa Vanderpump

One commenter even accused the Daily Mail for paying for part of the home as they had exclusive photos which Lisa naturally shut down immediately saying it was Pandora’s choice to go with them for the exclusive:

Image Source: Twitter - Lisa Vanderpump

Image Source: Twitter – Lisa Vanderpump

The whole ‘favorite’ accusation is ridiculous! Lisa clearly loves both her children equally and we saw her gift Max with a brand new car. Although she won’t say it – I think part of the reason Max wasn’t given a house is because she probably knows he is not responsible for one yet at this point. Pandora and Jason have a solid relationship and have their own business and can take on this responsibility at this time. I’m sure Max will be given the same gift when he is ready for it.

I also agree with the commenters who made the point that even if Lisa didn’t give them the money now for a home her and Ken would have left it in their will anyways; this way at least they can enjoy the home with their children and spend time in it together. The only thing I have to say is fully decorating and furnishing it was a bit my in my opinion! We still haven’t heard what Jason thinks of it!

Thoughts on Lisa’s tweets? Do you think she should have to defend herself on this??

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