Part two of the RHOC reunion starts now!
Andy asks Shannon about her beliefs in holistic medicine and she says she totally defends her doctor and thinks she came back from Bali as a more peaceful person. Shannon says she does dye her hair, but tries to be green in her home and healthy in other areas of her life, which balances everything out.
Andy asks Vicki why she got along with Shannon right away but not with Lizzie. Vicki says she’s not threatened by age and that she simply had a greater connection with Shannon right off the bat and things were more awkward with Lizzie to begin with. Lizzie says it was a roller coaster meeting Vicki for the first time and she felt like she was being tested since she was the new girl. Lizzie reveals that she and Christian are going to start trying next year for baby number 3!
Lizzie says she was really hurt that Tamra didn’t show up to her birthday party because Lizzie genuinely did like Tamra. Tamra says she was trying to get her mom to come over to watch her daughter Sophia who was sick that day. Lizzie says Tamra could’ve told her earlier, but Tamra said she was trying to make it all day long which is why she didn’t tell her earlier that she couldn’t come. Tamra says she’s sorry and Lizzie says all she’s wanted is acknowledgement.
Tamra says it was hard taking care of Baby Astro and it led to tension between her and Eddie. Lizzie says she doesn’t feel sorry for Tamra because she’s a successful woman and has four children already. Tamra says Lizzie shouldn’t have made that comment because she doesn’t know anything about her life, but Lizzie says she’s entitled to her opinion. Tamra says Simon has taken her to court over custody and that former RHOC housewife Jeana reached out to her to say how sorry she is about the whole situation and offered to help in any way she can.
Shannon says she and David have been on four trips so far and they’re still sleeping in the same bed every night. Tamra says she feels like Shannon shared too much information about her husband at times, but Shannon says that’s not true and at the Halloween party she barely revealed anything to the girls about her marriage. Shannon says her marriage is better than ever and that David feels closer to her now than he did right after they got married. Shannon added that divorce is not an option for her.
Vicki says Heather’s phone call at Shannon’s Christmas party was fake because the phone never lit up. Heather says it wasn’t fake and that Terry would’ve never been able to act like it was fake because he’s way too obvious of a person. Heather says the call was just very good timing. Lizzie says she looks up to Heather and doesn’t think she uses her intelligence to intimidate other people. Heather says she speaks very quickly in real life but on the show she talks slowly and deliberately because she wants to use the correct words, which might come off as condescending. Heather says the girls should forgive her for the way she talks if they truly like her. Vicki and Tamra both apologize to Heather because they think they were too harsh on her this season.
Tamra says everyone within the group talks and that Vicki knew exactly what she was doing in Bali. Vicki says she was blindsided in Bali by what Lizzie told her, but Tamra says it’s a lie that she was bashing Brooks all season. Vicki says what difference does it make what Tamra has to say since Tamra lies all the time, and Tamra tells Vicki to go f*ck herself! Lizzie and Vicki say Tamra looks miserable and Vicki says Tamra just gets more bitter every year. Vicki asks Tamra if she’s so happily married then why is she so angry to those around her? Vicki says Tamra doesn’t even know Brooks but Tamra says from what she’s seen she doesn’t like him.
The infamous “marry, shag, kill” game gets brought up by Andy. Lizzie defends that she said marry but Tamra says she definitely remembers that it was f*ck. Tamra and Lizzie scream at each other, both calling the other a liar. Lizzie says Heather only agreed with Tamra because they’re friends so she’s going to stand up for her. Tamra says Lizzie concocted the whole Bali takedown because Lizzie was mad that Tamra didn’t show up to her birthday party. Lizzie calls Tamra a bitter old lady and says she’s below the belt in her comments. Tamra says she feels bad about what happened between her and Shannon and says she’s 100% sorry, but adds that she doesn’t feel like she owes any of the other girls an apology. Shannon says she believes in forgiveness but is worried that Tamra will say untruths about her again in the future.
Tamra says she’s a forgiving person but has a problem with people who won’t own up to their mistakes, which is why she has such a big issue with Lizzie. Tamra tells Vicki she’s really hurt by her, Lizzie interrupts and Tamra tells her to shut up and go sit somewhere else. Lizzie starts crying, so Heather gets up and brings Lizzie some tissues and tells Tamra she needs to apologize. Tamra says she’s been nothing but nice to Lizzie and has never said anything behind her back, but Lizzie says Tamra is nasty and a hateful person. Lizzie says she’s sorry for everything that’s happened and that she forgives Tamra for everything too. Tamra says she’s learned a big lesson that some friendships are easy to maintain and other friendships are never going to work.
Shannon says this season she learned what she needs to do to have a happy marriage, Vicki says regardless of all the negative vibes she’s going to do what’s right for her and be who she wants to be, Lizzie says she’s learned not to be so trusting of people and that she’s a stronger person than she thought, Heather says she’s learned to “let it go” and Tamra says she doesn’t have to talk about everything and just because she knows something, doesn’t mean she needs to talk about it.
That’s a wrap for Season 9! What did you think of this season? Do you hope Shannon and Lizzie return next season?
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