There have been reports that Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra barney would be landing herself another spin-off. While we knew there was no way Andy would give Tamra of all people a spin-off he still addressed the rumors and said it’s not happening! Now Tamra is shutting down those rumors! In her official Facebook page, Tamra writes,
“Let me crush a stupid rumor that won’t go away.
I was NEVER asked to do a spin off show! A blogger wrote a story stating a few of the OC housewives were getting spin off shows (me,lizzy,vicki). But it was a lie!!!!!
No one has been offered a spin off! I’m sure a lot of woman would love to have their own show and are working on standing out to get their chance? It is a lot of work to hold your own show and you need to have a lot going on in your life. #TamrasOcWedding
Thought’s on Tamra’s response? Which housewife do you want to see have their very own spin-off?
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