Dance Moms Recap: The Girls Win For Mrs. Miller; And Abby Tries To Stay Strong As Her Mother’s Health Declines!



Tonight’s episode starts off with Mackenzie’s photo shoot, and unfortunately the news of Abby’s mom, Mrs. Miller, not doing well. The moms are in the dressing room talking, and you can tell they’re all really nervous about Mrs. Miller’s condition. It’s time for the pyramid, and Abby congratulates the girls on getting 12th. All the girls are at the bottom for going on despite the music trouble they had at the competition. Since Kalani got first place on her solo, and beat Cathy’s student, she is of course at the top of the pyramid.

Abby announces that she is having final auditions for her new team soon, and the girls will be competing against them. Abby tells the girls that Mackenzie is having auditions for her dance video, and she gets to make the final cuts. Oh god. Abby then starts explaining how she might not be at the competition because her mother is dying, and Melissa uses that opportunity to thank Abby, and her mother, for letting her and her girls be apart of their lives. Abby starts getting teary eyed and tells her Maddie to come over there and hug her.

Maddie and Abby are crying together, and the other girls are crying too. Abby moves onto solos, and she announces that Kendall and Nia will be doing one, and Chloe and Kalani will be doing a duet. The moms go upstairs and talk about how nice it was to pretty much see that Abby has feelings, and isn’t as tough as she puts off. Abby leaves the dance studio and she calls Melissa and warns her how everything is going to happen fast, and her heart is broken. Poor Abby.

Nia is practicing her solo, and Jill tells Holly that Kendall and Nia will be competing against each other. Holly is worried that the new team is going to ruin her confidence. It’s time for Kendall to do her solo, and my gosh someone needs to tell that kid to STOP raising her brows to her hairline every time she dances. LOL It’s time for Mack-Z’s video auditions. Abby has everything set up for her, and it’s so cute. Poor Chloe is the only one that gets cut from the group. Like really?

The girls are practicing their group dance again, and again, there aren’t enough costumes this week, so Abby decides to cut one of the girls. Abby decides to pull Nia out and I agree. Nia is not improving, and still messes up on the SAME thing. I used to be a dance instructor, and personally, Nia drives me crazy sometimes. Melissa is visiting Mrs. Miller and Abby, and they are both a mess. Abby’s mom is still fighting, which is heartbreaking, because Abby is an only child and she probably doesn’t wanna leave her alone.

The moms are still talking about Nia getting pulled from the solo, and all I can say is, at least she has a solo. Melissa arrives, and you can tell she’s been crying all day. Kalani and Chloe are downstairs working on their duet, and it already looks beautiful. Abby isn’t at the studio, but she made sure to leave a board with pictures of potential new student on it. LOL

It’s competition day, and Abby is still not there. The girls are on the bus and they are sharing stories about Mrs. Miller, and they are all crying. The girls arrive in Ohio, and the soloists and duet are getting ready. Gia calls Abby and tries to check up on her, and of course Abby says, “I don’t need them to pray for me. I need them to win.” LOL Oh Abby.

Gia gives all the girls a great pep talk to encourage them about showing Abby that there is no new team, and they are great dancers. It’s time for the duet. Kalani and Chloe and they are amazing. They didn’t miss a beat. It’s now Kendall’s turn, and her costume is so edgy and fab. Kendall’s dance is cute, but she really needs to work on her facials. If she fixed that, I think she would win a lot more. Nia is the last to go on, and she has so much personality, and her dance is so fun. I enjoyed watching her.

It’s time to get ready for the group dance. It’s a Bollywood theme and the girls look gorgeous. It’s their turn to perform, and they look great. The girls danced strong, and they had wonderful technique. Hopefully this routine gives them their 13th first place win. It’s now time for awards! Nia gets third place, which is amazing for Nia. Kendall follows Nia in second, and like I said before, had her facials been better, she would have got first. Chloe and Kalani win first place for their duet, and they deserve it. Here’s the big one. The award for the group dance. And first places goes to…..ALDC! They did it. The girls win first in their group dance!

Christi makes a great point and says that Abby keeps looking for her “dream team,” when it’s right under her nose.

That was it for tonight. It was nice seeing an episode without yelling. Too bad that isn’t going to last long. Next week, Maddie vs Chloe and not in a good way!

What did you think of tonight’s episode? Let’s discuss!

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