Carlton Gebbia Says Kyle Richards Was Never Invited To Her Family’s Celebration And Continues To Bash Her



Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Carlton Gebbia can’t seem to stop complaining about Kyle Richards. She dedicated her blog, once again on explaining how bad of a person Kyle is and made sure to point out that Kyle was never invited to her family’s celebration. See what Carlton had to say below

“I love working with my husband we have such great chemistry. Helping my family orchestrate this huge affair was soooo fun. Eric Tassel who is not our event coordinator but is our corporate service director did a phenomenal job too. We all work really well together and got really silly in the process.

I will admit it was really hard to watch myself get emotional and remember my own personal experience with prejudice and hate. Some may not think that being called anti-Semitic is not devastating to hear — but I was fourteen years old when I moved to South Africa. I understand hate. I had friends before I left England who were black so when I moved to this land foreign to me at such a pinnacle age of my life it was a major culture shock. I couldn’t have black friends and it made no sense whatsoever to me. I didn’t understand apartheid and nor did I adhere to it. I was really harassed for that. I was at an all white public school, and when I was 14 and I had to do a paper on Evil World leaders. My paper was on the Holocaust and the evil horrific atrocities, the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of millions of Jewish people and the millions who were not Caucasian. I spent days in the library doing the research, and I will never ever forget the gruesome photos of the ovens, the rulers to measure nose size, the trucks with the gas sprinklers, and all the death and pure evil I read about still to this day. That’s pure hate. So to be called such a hateful name by someone who is so reckless with a word that should have meaning to her but who obviously has no respect and understanding for her adopted faith is shocking and gut wrenching. That’s why it affected me so deeply.

Speaking with Lisa about the whole Kyle ordeal was painful again, but after explaining I knew she saw my point of view. I definitely think Lisa was absolutely right about Kyle after watching the flashbacks from last year. And now Kyle keeps speaking negatively about Lisa behind her back at every opportunity she has, then smiles to her face. But Lisa consistently defends Kyle to me. As if I didn’t have enough reasons to dislike her. I personally know Lisa to be a wonderful soul, certainly not mean or manipulating, and she always seems to be the voice of reason. I don’t like watching some of the women starting to talk negatively about her. That has not been my experience with her at all.

Just to be very clear here Kyle you were “never” invited to my husband and family’s business celebration. Reality check.

I adore Brandi but with all due respect she called it wrong. Brandi wasn’t actually there when she hurled the defamatory anti-Semitic lie. So, no I strongly disagree with that. Also she has had first hand experience and repercussions with false accusations being called a racist. There has to be consequences for people that just throw out dangerous and baseless lies and then pathetically apologize like it’s no big deal.

Lisa looked stunning for her magazine cover shoot, and congratulations to Yolanda on becoming an American citizen. It’s the best feeling especially when we do consider America home.”

Carlton sounds so immature pointing out how Kyle was never invited. It’s clear producers invited Kyle and she didn’t make that up and Carlton just had to go out of her way to make sure Kyle didn’t show up despite being told by producers to show up. Carlton now claims that she dislikes Kyle even more after seeing Kyle talk behind Lisa’s back and smile in front of her face. How come Carlton is afraid to call Brandi Glanville out about this but is so quick to call out Kyle for this? Thoughts on what Carlton had to say?

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