And so the drama continues between the two newest housewives- this time it’s about who has an education! On Monday’s episode we saw Joyce Giraud and Carlton Gebbia go back and fourth about religion. After the two went at it, Carlton stated she could put a spell on someone and Joyce revealed that when she went home later that night her husband was so sick and wondered if Carlton’s “spell” had something to do with it. This shocked many considering Joyce stated she doesn’t believe in that type of stuff. Joyce then took to her blog to explain she is not scared of Carlton’s “spell.” She also tweeted that God protects her and that’s when Carlton got involved calling Joyce names and saying she needs an education! Check out the dramafied tweets for yourself below
I get Carlton is vocal about her religion but she doesn’t need to bash anyone who disagrees with her or what she does. It’s seriously getting so out of hand. And I don’t really know what education has to do with religion but I’m seriously over Carlton and her being so damn judgemental. Thought’s on Carltons response? Do you think she goes too far?