Tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta begins with an emotional Kandi. My heart is hurting for Kandi. This is supposed to be the happiest time in Kandi’s life, getting married and all and her mother isn’t allowing it to happen. This is Kandi’s first marriage and a day she’s probably been dreaming about it for a while and her mother continues to be selfish and bring her down. Kandi decides to vent to Cynthia who went through a similar situation when she got married to Peter.
Kandi and Cynthia talk about Kandi’s dress fitting and both get very emotional. Although Cynthia went through a similar situation, it’s not as bad as what Kandi’s going through. No mother should put their daughter through the crap Kandi’s mom is continue to doing.
Kandi’s mother goes so far that she actually meets up with Phaedra Parks at her law firm to ask about a pre-nup. Kandi should be handling this not Momma Joyce. Momma Joyce talks about a pre-nup then blames Phaedra for hooking up Kandi with Todd. Kandi’s mom feels like if Phaedra was a good friend she would hook her up with a “lawyer” or someone up to Momma Joyce’s standards not a man who “works for them.” How offended do you think the people taping RHOA feel when watching what Momma Joyce is saying considering she thinks their job is pretty much stupid! LOL. In the end of the day, all Kandi’s mother cares about is money adn it’s sad that she’d rather have Kandi be with a rich man who would be an ass hole then a good guy who makes average income.
Kandi meets with her mom to set things straight. It’s obvious Kandi’s mom is totally breaking her daughters heart and the conversation ends with Momma Joyce saying she is going to let it be. Why do I have a feeling that’s probably an absolute lie?
NeNe Leakes is at her clubhouse waiting for the ladies to come for the Savannah trip she has planned. NeNe has asked everyone to meet her at 11am and you would think all the ladies would considering what happened last time. Kenya is the first of the housewives to attend and she looks a hot mess. It looks like it’s going to be another day where the ladies are late and while I expected NeNe to get upset, Kenya seems to really be bothered by this.
Cynthia comes next, then Porsha, then Kandi. Kandi explains she went to eat before she came which then causes Kenya to talk crap about Kandi’s weight as usual. Why does Kenya think she should always talk about someones weight when she is irritated with them? Especially considering her body isn’t anything special. Phaedra comes in last and NeNe is over it.
All the ladies enter the bus and Kenya starts going all kinds of crazy. I get it. It’s really annoying the girls are late and I myself hate waiting but nothing I hate more than a loud mouth chick who just likes to be the center of attention. While everyone hops in the bus, Kenya starts making rules and continues to complain about the ladies being late. Kenya then says she and NeNe will get to pick rooms first and everyone at this point wants to jump her. Even NeNe is getting irritated considering Kenya isn’t even the host of this. Kandi is especially getting annoying. Kandi is already going through a lot and now she has to deal with someone who just wants to be talked about and make her 15 minutes last. I’m seriously over Kenya’s ridiculous behavior episode after episode. She’s a miserable person who thinks everything should be her way. Kenya and Kandi are going at it and things are getting out of hand but Kandi is tired of how Kenya approaches situations. I’m proud of Kandi for being the one to put Kenya in her place. We’ve all been waiting for someone to do it! So Kudos, Kandi!
Thought’s on Sunday’s episode? Let’s Discuss!