Joyce Giraud has definitely been showing fans lately that she is not one to be messed with by going to head to head with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ “Gangster,” Brandi Glanville! Joyce spoke with TMZ’s Harvey Levin and Charles Latibeaudiere, about Brandi’s recent racial remarks on Monday night’s episode, and let’s just say, Joyce Giraud is not backing down. Check out what she had to say
Harvey first stated he was really pissed off about what Brandi said and then asked if Brandi planned to say those things or did producers put her up to it, and how much “booze” was involved, Joyce said
“You know unfortunately one I’ve learned being on the housewives is, that reality is reality. I know that there’s a lot of scripted reality, but in the housewives, there’s no script. What you see is what you get, and you see bad behavior, it’s because there is bad behavior. So, that was something I had to learn the hard way. I thought that it would be a little bit guided, but there’s no guidance. It’s what you see, is what it is.”
“It just came out of the blue, and I can’t blame it on the alcohol ’cause she wasn’t drunk at that point. She was drunk at the table, at the dinner table when she started again calling me by my wrong name, and being disrespectful and a lot of other things that unfortunately don’t make it to the cut, ’cause it’s only one hour, so you have to compact it, maybe three hour dinner, two hour dinner, to a one hour show with a lot of other things so — She was very rude and disrespectful, but you’ll see more as the season progresses.”
Charles then asked if producers encouraged the ladies to drink to create more drama
“Absolutely not.” Joyce says. “One thing that I really do love about the show, and I’m not trying to kiss-up, and I’m not trying to kiss-ass, but the producers really are great, and the — Especially the camera crews. I mean, they’re amazing. They make you feel like you are in a little family, so, even in the midst of all the drama with the craziness of the ladies, when you look out and see them, you’re like, ‘Okay, there’s still sane people here.’ They don’t make you do anything you don’t wanna do so, you know, I can’t blame it on alcohol.”
“At the beginning we had just arrived when we were in the pool so she (Brandi Glanville) can’t blame it on alcohol. She wasn’t drunk. Actually, we made her first drink together. I went with her to the kitchen.”
When asked if she thinks Brandi has racial issues, Joyce had this to say
“I don’t know what Brandi has, I pray to God that she’s not a racist. I don’t know what she has. I just know that in my presence, I’m not gonna tolerate these remarks and regardless if it’s racial, or segregation of any kind — I’m not gonna tolerate it.”
Harvey then brought up a controversial guest from Big Brother who also made racial remarks on her show, and pointed out that even though it was disgusting to watch, it brought in big ratings, and wondered if that’s what Bravo producers told Brandi to do.
“Listen, honestly, I think producers were just as shocked as I was, and just as shocked as the other ladies were. Her remarks were not a setup, and I can say this flat-out, being real and being honest — Nobody told her to say those remarks. I think even after she said it, she was like, ‘Uh-oh, I got myself in trouble,'” Joyce said.
Charles said if producers didn’t know what Brandi was going to do, then Brandi knew. She knew how much attention the contestant from Big Brother received, and must have sat at home and thought she could get attention making remarks like that. Harvey pointed out that the all the housewives want to be relevant and the center piece of the show.
Joyce responded
“No. I didn’t try to create or instigate drama at any time. And that’s a good moment to actually clarify the whole Lisa incident. Brandi and Yolanda brought it up on camera, and I’m the type of person that if I’m gonna say something on camera and talk crap about somebody, and talk about Lisa with Yolanda and with Brandi — I’m gonna tell Lisa to her face. I’m not gonna let her find out six months down the road when she watches the show. That’s just not me. So, I don’t think you need to instigate anything. I think drama comes natural when you’re with a group of such strong women.”
“So you know if Brandi — I don’t know what’s in her mind. I don’t know why she wants to create drama. I know she wants to stay relevant. Maybe she thinks it’s a good way of staying relevant, but trust me, making racial remarks is not a good way. Maybe go back to your drunk antics. You don’t need to make racial remarks. And if she wants to do it in my presence, I’m gonna call her out every single time.”
Lastly, the subject of Joyce taking swimming lessons came up. LOL She had this say
“You know what? I took swimming lessons in Puerto Rico this summer after the show, and I’m just not good. I swim. I swim like a puppy. And I’ve swam my whole life like a puppy. And it’s embarrassing. That’s why I didn’t wanna swim on camera. I’m like, ‘I don’t swim cute. I don’t wanna jump in there. I don’t swim cute. People are going to make fun of me.’ So — But I do swim. I can save myself as a puppy.”
I like Joyce. And I do think that Brandi is the one using HER for a storyline, and probably thought Joyce was going to be weak and easily intimidated. Her not wanting to get into the pool because she was embarrassed about her swimming makes sense. I know the ladies were saying it was about her makeup, but if you watch it again, she hardly has any on. I look forward to seeing more of her. What did you guys think about what Joyce had to say? Do you agree with her?