This season on Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra Barney bared her past for viewers and revealed something that she had never really spoken about before. Tamra admitted on camera to not dealing with issues well and just lashing out, because of her dark past and her upbringing which was not very love-filled.
The twice divorced mother admitted to suicide attempts, the first one being after her divorce from her first husband Darren Vieth, the father of her oldest son Ryan. Tamra opened up about this on the show, coinciding with her speech at a women’s conference in which she also spoke about the suicide attempt.
Darren took this the wrong way and has recently spoken to the media bashing Tamra for what he interpreted was Tamra blaming him for her suicidal attempt! Tamra has responded by sharing a text message from Darren, saying he has received backlash since she exposed her past. Check it out below!
Tamra is responding on her Facebook page, telling her followers that he is wrong for talking to the media when she never brought his name up or blamed her suicide attempt on him! Which is right, she never did that on TV. She just said the divorce was rough on her and led her to try and take her own life.
Tamra writes:
So finally I get a text from Ryan’s father explaining why he’s gone shit crazy with his wild stories to the press. In his tiny brain he thought I was blaming him for my suicide attempt over 20 years ago. I’m here to set the record straight. I never blamed anyone but my self for my actions. I never said you were a bad husband. I never said you were a bad father. I said we had a bad marriage and the divorce was hard on me.
But what is most confusing to me is that you called me days after the episode and asked me if I was okay and that you were always there for me …and will always love me. Then you text me days before my wedding asking where your Invitation was.
So was it money you needed? I would have let you borrowed some.Ryan and my mother have given their statement to a news outlet….now leave me alone and go on with your sad lonely life.
Love, your very happy ex wife Tamra
Tamra is clearly no angel, but I think in this case her ex husband is out of line. She never alluded that he drove her to suicide, only that the divorce did, which is always rough no matter what! It sounds like he is very bitter and bipolar when it comes to Tamra, according to what she writes about him initially reaching out after the episode aired.
Thoughts on what Tamra had to say? Do you think Darren should feel how he feels, even if Tamra never said anything directly about him?