Ouch! Things are getting heated between former friends Gretchen Rossi and Tamra Barney. In fact, Tamra is now calling out Gretchen for being a liar and never taking responsibility for anything wrong that she does!
It all started after Monday’s episode when Gretchen tweeted, “Thanks for all the supportive tweets tonight about #RHOC glad the truth came out about the accusations that were made last week.”
A viewer then responded, “I think yall need to call out @TamraBarney..Who’s friend is she?”
Tamra then chimed in and wrote, “I’m friends with everyone. Is that a problem. But I don’t like to be lied too!”
Another viewer then wrote, “Vicki lies to you, but you aren’t mean to her and call her out!”
Tamra responded calling out Gretch saying, “Because she [Vicki] apologizes and takes responsibility. Gretchen never ever says she’s sorry and will take a lie to the grave…”
Can things get worse between these two? I think not? Are you team Gretchen or team Tamra? Sound off below!