Alexis Bellino was forced to leave Tamra Barney’s “gym” party on the Real Housewives of Orange County and things soon got ugly! Alexis is now opening up to US weekly about the party telling them that she definitely regrets attending and speaks about her relationship with Tamra now!
She says,
“I definitely regret going to Tamra’s party. Who wouldn’t? You don’t ever want to go somewhere and be treated that way by anyone. It threw me off guard when Vicki asked me but I went in with pure intentions, with the hopes that everyone was ready to move on . . . I just went in open minded, and I got the door shut in my face. Which is okay!”
Alexis added that she would only go to the party if Vicki double checked with Tamra and Tamra was okay with it telling Vicki to let Alexis leave the nonsense at home. Alexis says that a simple phone call of Tamra telling Vicki that she doesn’t want her to be there would be perfect but she instead said she was okay with her coming.
Alexis continues to talk about her relationship with the women and says that she went into the season thinking Lydia was her friend and hopes that it ends that way. She says that looking at the season she has questioned Lydia’s motives wondering if she’s a real friend but says she will have to watch the full episodes to see how it plays out.
Alexis speaks about her relationship with some of the ladies and says viewers will be shocked on how the season ends! Last month, Tamra tweeted that Alexis finally unblocked her on twitter and it seemed like the two joked with one each other showing us that they are probably civil and in a better place. Tamra wrote, “you finally unblocked me hahaha!” While Alexis responded, “Ya, cuz you stopped talking smack! Lol!” This should be interesting…