PHOTOS: RHOC Ladies Party In Mexico For Tamra’s Bachelorette With Rumored Housewife Lydia Stirling McLaughlin


The Real Housewives of Orange County headed south of the border to Puerto Vallarta for Tamra Barney’s bachelorette festivities! The ladies, minus Alexis Bellino and other rumored housewife Kayla, all atteneded including Vicki who we thought was no longer friends with Tamra. A new face was also present, Lydia Stirling McLaughlin, who is also rumored to be a new Housewife. Check out the photos that Tamra shared on her Twitter:

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Lydia Stirling McLaughlin (@lydiastirlng) lives in Dana Point with her husband and children. She is the daughter of a famous Canadian communications tycoon and she is also an editor for Beverly Hills Lifestyle magazine. She runs her own marketing firm and also has a puppy jewelry line!

Do you think Lydia seems like a good addition? Why do you think Tamra invited Vicki? Is the friendship fixed?

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