RHOM Recap: A Tale Of Two Miamis


After a less than stellar first season, Bravo decided to revamp RHOM and give it a second try. Joining returners Lea Black, Adriana de Moura, Marysol Patton and “friend of the housewives” Alexia Echeverria are four new housewives: dentist Karent Sierra, socialite Lisa Hochstein, lawyer and celebrity chef Ana Quincoces, and supermodel Joanna Krupa. RHOM season 2 premiered this week to bring a whole new wave of drama and scandal in the sexiest city in America!

The season begins with an update on Marysol Patton’s life. Mama Elsa and her are at a jewelry store and we learn that Marysol (who we saw get married last season) is separated from her husband who has moved out of her house. We are then over for dinner at Ana Quincoces’s house which is a very strange and “unconventional” dynamic! Ana has her ex-husband over for dinner with her two daughters Beba and Kati. They have been separated but remain best friends and he is always over for dinner even though he dates other girls. From the outside looking in you wouldn’t be able to tell that these two are no longer a couple! The dinner is filled with laughs and taunts and Ana’s family is fun to watch on TV.

We are then introduced to Karent Sierra, a beautiful brunette in a beautiful home getting ready to start her day. She takes off and arrives at a dentist office except she is not getting a fancy dental treatment, Karent is the dentist! Hottest dentist ever to be honest! She has worked on celebrity teeth for a long time and she runs her own practice which is a dental spa, providing dental treatments and other spa services such as a laser removal. Back at home we met her sexy Latin soap opera actor boyfriend Rodolfo and her two parents who live with her. Things get a little awkward at a dinner when the couple talk about Rodolfo’s traveling schedule and the parents seem to doubt his fidelity on these work trips through Latin America!

Returner Lea Black catches us up on her recent whereabouts. She is rocking a new face and is exploring a new home with a real estate agent. This new home comes with a penis-shaped pool yet is in poor condition and Lea talks about just tearing it down and building a new one. Lifestyles of the Miami elite! The real estate agent shows her another house that recently sold in this exclusive community and Lea wants to know who bought it and who her new neighbors are. (I sense some scriptedness just to make a relation to another housewife – keep reading ahead.)

Lisa Hochstein is a sexy socialite who is married to Miami’s top plastic surgeon who specializes in breasts – hence why she calls him the “Boob God”. They live in a STUNNING mansion and have no children. Lisa spends time shopping for expensive things and hanging out with her best friend and house keeper Daisy. Although Lisa looks like a total bitch with her Botox, injected lips and huge fake breasts, I was surprised by her and I think she is actually really sweet and polite even though she says she is a spoiled brat. Her and Daisy have a nice relationship and she is working out with her to raise her confidence and help her through her sobriety process.

Joanna Krupa…this woman is just beautiful and flaw-free. She lives in Miami with her boyfriend who owns a top nightclub and we are introduced to her while she works on a shoot for a magazine. Joanna’s beauty radiates as she works the camera and we even see a glimpse of her personality when she goes off on her manager over being the editorial model and not the cover girl. She may come off as a diva to some, but to me she is just self-made and ambitious, and doesn’t take any crap. We even get some Kim Kardashian shade from her (Tahoe even organized an anti-fur protest outside Kim’s DASH Boutique). All in all, Joanna seems like a very outspoken and feisty woman and she will clearly be a great addition to the dynamic of the cast.

Lastly, we get to see Adriana and what she is up to in her life. She is still dating Fredric and he has bought her a new boat – except this new boat is so beat down and wretched and needs to be fixed. They show us this boat and Adriana talks about how she wants to live in it eventually. Ummm.

Back at Marysol’s, Mama Elsa has found her lost dog and she is so relieved. She brings up Marysol’s relationship status and this pushes Marysol to tears. Mama Elsa gets worked up and it takes the housekeeper to sing her a lullaby to clam her nerves. Mama Elsa apologizes to Marysol after rubbing her hands through a silver tray of rice, beans, and dice for energy. This woman is too much! Adriana and Lea meet up and it turns out that Adriana’s friend Lisa is the owner of the house that Lea had her eye on and now lives next to Lea’s new house. Lea invites Adriana to a wine event in Miami and she asks her to bring friends along.

In one limo, Mama Elsa rides with Marysol, Alexia, and Ana. I another limo, Lisa rides with Joanna and Joanna’s sister Marta. The ladies are mingling and introducing themselves to each other. Lea Black arrives and when Lisa tries saying hi and exchanging niceties, Lea snubs her and goes on to say hi to the other ladies. Jealousy already?

Karent Sierra arrives and it is revealed that her boyfriend Rodolfo keeps texting Ana in a less than casual way. Rodolfo even introduces himself as a stranger to Ana! Draaaama! This is definitely going to be a big storyline this season, with the love triangle going on. Moments into the night, Marta is seen crying because Joanna’s boyfriend Romain talks a to her badly. It looks like a Cynthia situation from RHOA so I hope we don’t get too much of that because it is so boring quite frankly.

The episode ends with Mama Elsa fainting due to the confined space and high temperatures! She is rushed to the hospital by paramedics and I think this sets the tone for the rest of the season – pure crazy madness!

The new cast seems to be very over the top which will make for some great TV. That, plus the nature of Miami as a city will make for a great season that is sure to redeem itself from the last time. So far, I am obsessed with Joanna and her outspoken ways, Lisa and her over the top personality, and I am looking forward to the Karent and Ana storyline. I’m not sure what role Lea will play, and I can honestly do without Adriana although that might change when she slaps Joanna across the face later this season. What did you think of the premiere? Any favorite housewives already? What are you looking forward to this season on RHOM?

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