Oh no he didn’t just go there! Eric Williams sure has a lot of …..! The former husband of Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams has a lot to say about Chad Johnson hitting his new wife Evelyn Lozada and none of it is nice either!
Eric started talking reckless and after finding out the news tweeted,
“Please let their be a Pre_nup!!!!!! Ha ha.. 39 days Half ur Cash??? Thats a bUsiness I should coin Called “How 2fake #love 2get a TV show”..”
He didn’t stop there either! “@IamJennifer, u was a friend 2a Bad soul. I was there 2yrs ago u2 got #Baptise. Look @both of u. Naked Pics &eRR_thing else. #Lost_Souls.”
“I guess @EvelynLozada really do like rough #sex.. a little over-board this time Chaddy… I said it..”
“Trouble in Chaddy-Dise!!! @EvelynLozada say, are u gonna Keep the #lastname like your apprentice @IamJennifer trying 2do… Ha ha.. Gotcha!”
“What? Condoms?? Fuck u talkN bout” I miss 3 catches 2day dont start no shit @evelynLozada, Bammmmm! (head-butt) I told u quick FuckN w me”
“New Show VH-1 “2Bumps u Cant get enuf” Starring: Eric “Knot chO Cheese” Williams & Evelyn “Chad Head-Butted you” Lozada Who’s Watching???”
He sure has a lot of nerve! Domestic Violence is no laughing matter and Eric doesn’t know when to quit it. Do you think Eric went too far?!