Hah! I know the headline is quite hilarious. The girl who is obsessed with bashing another lady and her family is now calling me obsessive after I call her out. I’m a blogger, I make money doing this, I enjoy it and I have the most amazing readers! My job now consists of me calling people like her out and updating my readers daily. What’s funny is she calls everyone out when they’re wrong but can’t be called out when she’s wrong? Hmm. She can dish it but she sure as hell can’t take it. Not surprised.
Ever since posting my exclusive where Jacqueline reached out to viewers claiming Teresa’s hubby Joe cheated on her with their babysitter, she has been defending the fact that she has done that and think it’s totally okay. I tweeted, “The fact that Jac defends that she has been telling random people Juicy cheated on Teresa is just disgusting!” Jacqueline immediately responded saying,
“I think there is a blogger who is absolutely obsessed with me. So unprofessional and weird. Kind of amusing. Needs a new hobby! Lol! Teresa tried to imply in her blog that my husband cheated on me 2 years ago which is completely false, it was her husband so I cleared that up. Haters should know that I have way more love coming my way hate and the ones that hate barely have any followers! Go figure (suspicious) Everything’s going as planned in my life and nobody can shut me down! I’m on a roll! Life is good! Maybe I can share some of it with you at the reunion!” Check out the tweets below!
LOL who is Jacqueline trying to convince that life is good? Us or herself? It’s clear she is miserable considering she spends her day tweeting. Here’s a question. Who’s with her boys? Who takes care of them while she goes on this twitter rampage? I think she’s forgotten that she’s a parent and has invested her life into bashing her co-star. While Teresa lives her life, Jacqueline lives hers through Teresa! Who else do you know would spend there day on twitter messaging random viewers convincing them Teresa is in the wrong and that she’s been cheated on? FYI Jacqueline-I actually have an amazing life but I don’t need to prove that like you constantly do to your followers! It’s clear I’m blessed! Jac is upset that she constantly gets called out from me and I won’t stop. She gives me two things I want-a reaction and a story! Thanks boo boo!
Jacqueline added, “I refuse to read that loser’s blog but I’ve seen people tweet her pathetic name to me. Doesn’t she have a life? I should feel honored.”
Hah so the loser is calling me a loser? Let’s not forget that Jacqueline has spoke to me and admitted she reads my blog! Did someone forget to take her meds today? I feel sorry for her. Actually, I feel sorry for her children and I’ll be praying for them tonight xo

The content is about a blogger who calls out another woman and her family, and the woman retaliates by calling the blogger obsessive. The blogger enjoys their job and updates their readers daily.
: The blogger posted an exclusive where Jacqueline reached out to viewers claiming Teresa’s husband cheated on her with their babysitter. Jacqueline defends her actions and thinks it’s acceptable.
Jacqueline accuses the blogger of being obsessed with her and calls them unprofessional and weird. She defends herself by stating that Teresa tried to imply her husband cheated on her, but it was actually Teresa’s husband who cheated. Jacqueline