Mob Wives star Ramona Rizzo spoke to Hot 97 about everything Mob Wives! She didn’t hold back and answered all the hot questions! Ramona talks feud with Drita and of course speaks out about Mob Wives plus talks her all the drama that went on with her ex husband!
Ramona first off explains her grandfather who was involved in the Mob. Ramona adds her family is the ‘real deal’ and says they will never be on the show. She says they actually disapprove of the show. She says her mom ‘has no love for the show.’ Ramona says ‘you see what you get’ when it comes to the show and everything has stood the same from the beginning of the episode. When asked if the feud between Drita and her were real. She says it’s “so real” and adds, “I’m not into being a fraud. I don’t wear anything fake so why would I be fake.” Great comparison, Ramona LOL. Ramona accuses Drita of ‘creating Drita.’ The host brings up Drita being in a music video and Ramona says she is doing some rap but surprisingly says for the sake of her two children she wishes her the best and more ‘power to her.’ Ramona also talks Victoria Gotti and trashes her husband saying he’s a ‘liar’ and a ‘thief’ I think its wrong Ramona continues to bash the father of her 4 children especially because he can easily come out and I’m sure share tons of stories that all of us would be interested in hearing about Ramona. If her husband is a ‘liar’ and ‘thief’ she was married to him for quite some time so it’s obvious she was involved in a lot. Ramona was asked “was your husband married for 10 years when you met him and you took him away from his wife?” Ramona answers, “first off I don’t believe you can take away anyone. If someones married you need to talk to that person because they made a commitment to you. I didn’t make a commitment to you. That ain’t my problem. So yes he was married but he did come to paperwork with me and showed me he was divorced but was he shady? Yes he was shady a 100% but it is what it is. I didn’t take no one from nobody.” She reveals she met her ex husband by working with him and says he was in the Mob. Thoughts on the interview?