Let’s be serious most housewives especially on Real Housewives of Orange County has done some kind of procedure but the newest star Heather Dubrow spoke exclusively to OCregister and claim’s that the only plastic surgery she’s done is fillers!
OCR: Have you ever gotten any plastic surgery done?
HD: I’m very open about getting Botox. And I’ll get fillers when I’m really skinny. Not my lips. I don’t like that whole thing. But I, like my husband, like a very natural look. Of course, after having four children, everything doesn’t always go back in the same spot as where it started. So I do think about that from time to time, but it’s not something that’s so pressing in my life, that I felt compelled to go do it.
OCR: When you say fillers, but not lips, what do you mean?
HD: Oh, in here (touching her temples). Nasolabial fills. When you get really skinny, you get those marionette lines. ‘Cause the whole thing about aging is facial fat. But now my husband does Sculptura, which is genius, because women at some point in their lives, you do lose facial fat. And the joke is, at some point, you have to decide between your face and your butt. Because, if you keep your weight up a little bit, your face will look good, but your butt might not. But if you want your butt to look good, then your face might get a little shallow, hollow, I mean. So Sculptura was created for AIDS patients. And what it is, it’s not really a filler, it’s an injectible that rebuilds your own collagen. And it’s very cool.
OCR: Have you ever tried it?
HD: I have, because right in here, in the temples, which seems like such an odd space, like who would ever think about something like that, but it had gotten very hollow in here. I looked at pictures of myself and showed them to Terry and I said, “Why don’t I look like myself?” Terry said, “You’re just getting a little hollow in here. You could put in some Sculptura.” Literally, he put it in. He injected me with it. It takes a few months for collagen to regrow. I looked at pictures, and I went, “Oh wait, I’m back. I look like me.”
OCR: Have you heard or read people speculate that, of course you’ve had plastic surgery because you’re married to a plastic surgeon?
HD: You go online, and people like to talk, and I hear that I have cat eyes and cheek implants. If you want to touch my cheeks, you’ll just feel bone.
OCR: Fillers are as far as you’ve gotten?
HD: That’s as far as I’ve gotten. I’m a big proponent of plastic surgery when it’s done on psychologically balanced, appropriate, consenting adults.
Do you believe it?