RHOC: Alexis Bellino Says the ‘Truth’ of John Janssen and Shannon Beador Settlement Wasn’t Shown Plus, John Speaks Out

RHOC alum Alexis Bellino spotted out with Shannon Beador's ex John Janssen

Alexis Bellino insists that the “truth” about John Janssens rejecting Shannon Beador’s settlement offer wasn’t shown on RHOC. Plus, John speaks out on being disparaged by his ex for five years.

On the Thursday, September 12 episode of RHOC, Shannon Beador declared that she would give her ex-boyfriend John Janssen half of the $75,000 she allegedly borrowed from him to get a facelift.

However, the longtime RHOC star changed her tune after learning that John had videos of her from the nigiht of her DUI in September 2023.

She then offered to pay John the total amount if he agreed to a non-disparagement clause. The 62-year-old Orange County businessman refused.

Now, Alexis Bellino, who is currently engaged to John, is explaining why her man didn’t take Shannon’s offer.

“Once again, the truth wasn’t told in that moment,” Alexis Bellino told Us Weekly. “She wanted to not pay him the full amount. It was, I believe, a small down payment and then monthly installments, which he was not going to do. He doesn’t want to have to get a monthly installment from his ex.”

RHOC’s Shannon Beador and John Janssen pose for date night photo at Shannon’s OC home

The RHOC star continued, “What a lot of people don’t consider is [that] we’d been filming at this point for three or four months and by the time the show airs, it would’ve been another seven or eight months. So any new lies that she would’ve wanted to concoct or bring out, he would’ve had a muzzle and never been to speak the truth. So there’s a lot more to it.”

Alexis also insists that the timing of John’s lawsuit isn’t as suspicious as RHOC fans may think. The statute of limitations on the lawsuit was expiring, and John had only “two days” to file it or lose the opportunity.

“The other part that really is frustrating is everyone’s like, ‘Just walk away.’ And I don’t know any wealthy person that’s going to walk away from $75,000. If there is that person. I’d love to shake their hand,” she explained.

The Bravo star also shut down Shannon’s claims that she paid for everything throughout her relationship with John.

“That’s not true either,” she alleged. “That’s going to come out. He’s not going to spend as much money as he did on her and then also let $75,000 go away when she has defamed him for the last four years. And I am going to stand by my man and I had nothing to do with the lawsuit – let’s make that very clear.”

RHOC’s Alexis Bellino & John Janssen are engaged

When asked what would make the lawsuit go away, Alexis said it would be simple: “Just [for] her to pay the money she owes him.”

The RHOC star added, “John has only wanted his money and to move on. He does not want to go to trial. We do have the evidence and we will win. And his attorneys feel very confident and we don’t want it to go there. But if that’s where he’s forced, then that’s what’ll happen. So all she [has to do] is pay him the money she owes him.”

Meanwhile, Alexis appeared on Thursday’s Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen episode, where she was asked why John refused to agree to Shannon’s non-disparagement clause.

John appeared in the audience and jumped to answer the question himself.

Alexis Bellino spotted out with Shannon Beador’s ex John Janssen

“Because I have been disparaged for almost 5 years, and why would I put a legal muzzle on myself so that I can’t actually correct the record?” John told Andy Cohen.

“What’s the biggest way you’ve been disparaged, do you think?” Andy asked John.

“I don’t want to get into those details, but I mean, she pays for everything, and she’s my sugar mama that nothing could be further from the truth, and that was damaging to me. I fat-shamed her, which couldn’t be further from the truth,” John replied.

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs on Bravo Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.

Thoughts on this all? Sound off in the comments!

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Steve September 16, 2024 - 3:38 pm
As is to be expected, there are 2 sides to every story. And I doubt neither Shannon's nor John's the complete truth. What is clear is that Shannon borrowed money from John and refuses to pay it back -- except with stipulations and small monthly payments over time. If Shannon really wants this gone, just write the guy a check for the amount you borrowed and then walk away. But I doubt she will, because then she losses much of her victimhood story-line and the attention it brings, which is clearly more important to her than fulfilling her obligation to John.
? Dogs Against Dorit ? September 16, 2024 - 7:57 am
The ads on this site are so intrusive and annoying, jumping and flashing around the page, that they make this site unreadable. I've got a headache from reading a single article. This is the worst managed site I've ever visited. I won't be back.
Zap It September 14, 2024 - 10:07 pm
How has Shannon been "disparaging" this guy for FIVE years? Didn't they just break up last year? Honest question. Does anyone have the answer to this. As for the 75K...he says that she said he fat shamed her, paid for everything and that she was his sugar mama. Really? That's it? OMG, this guy is such a douche.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 9:55 am
Yep, if anything Shannon, true to her nature (see: David Beador), spent the lion’s share of their relationship DEFENDING this douche FAR beyond what he deserved, then publicly grieved the cruel death of that relationship she endured. IF she trashed this douche (and she may have idk, but I’m unaware of it ever happening), first and foremost, truth is a defense ALWAYS (okuuur?) and secondly, anything she ever said about this douche good, bad or in between gets memory holed a quick second afterwards because this douche is a FULL ON nobody!!! Man oh man, this butt nugget is full of himself to think otherwise! ???? Dude is permanently high off the smell of his own farts! https://media0.giphy.com/media/eE02zU2y73H7a/giphy-downsized-small.mp4
Copacop September 14, 2024 - 10:24 am
Herman Munster wants his forehead back...
PjC September 14, 2024 - 2:29 am
Threatening lawsuits, threatening blackmail, threatening videos. . .and JJ and Alexis have truth?? Go away, Alexis and JJ, y'all add no value to the show. Narcissists can't tell lies from reality. Shannon is perfect able to destroy her own life on her own. Alexis won't be back next season and BRAVO made a bad move using Alexis to sell the DUI drama. The audience HAS spoken. No reunion is going to help Alexis or Tamra.
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 13, 2024 - 8:31 pm
Shannon is totally unhinged and always has been. I think John has a right to defend himself against these allegations of Shannon's. I thought Alexis was so rational compared to Shannon's crying all weekend and exaggerated bulls&&t at the Zen thing. I used to feel sorry for her but now she repulses me with her histrionic victim bullshit.
AnEnigmaWrappedInSnark September 13, 2024 - 3:52 pm
Shannon is a neurotic loon ya'll. She obviously borrowed a specific amount of money for a specific reason, and then tried to change the terms because they broke up. Doesn't work that way. We already knew she is unable to balance a checkbook, but she is apparently in worse financial shape than we thought (which makes no sense), but then not much makes sense with this chick. IMO, she needs rehab to dry out, a competent therapist ... and prayer. She should have put herself on pause following the incident.
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 13, 2024 - 8:28 pm
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! She needs help like 15 years ago. She is a totally insecure manipulative narcissist.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 10:52 am
Lol. Maybe so…but name one who isn’t. ? And make no mistake any name you come up with…tick effin’ tock ?? until those true colors emerge. ? And I’m not trying to be funny either. Studies have been done re: narcissism within various industries including, and specifically reality tv, which came in at THE highest, an astonishing 90%.? So, when you speak of narcissism here, know that it’s the rule NOT the exception among these broads. ?
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 11:47 am
I just wrote the greatest reply and disqus lost it!
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 11:51 am
Dang it! That’s happened to me too! Try it again cuz you are one who doesn’t argue with mere emotion but reason. ??
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 11:56 am
I had actually copied half of it before it I hit post and it saved, so I pasted what I had! I worked for attorneys and I used to copy as I was typing JUST IN CASE the computer ate it up. Saved me hours of work. I used to tell the other people to do that, they wouldn't, and then I would have to hear them bitch because they had to re-do it. I used to save the document I was working on almost every time I finished a paragraph or some long case citing. I put my OCD to good use. LOL
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 11:48 am
There is narcissism and there is victimhood narcissism. I like her, I feel for her, I just wish she would go to a real fking psychiatrist and get the help she needs before it is too late. Her new identity is "the woman who got scorned and has to pay back a loan that the mean guy gave her and his new fiance". She takes everything and turns it into a major catastrophe and drama to turn all the attention back to her and her victimhood. She is exhausting and such an attention seeker that eventually even one or two of her daughters will distance themselves to protect themselves.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 12:29 pm
I hear you. I actually DON’T like her (don’t hate her either by any means but don’t actually like her) BUT I also feel for her because regardless of how likable or unlikable she is, she’s still a human being and the same rights apply to her as well as basic standards of common decency. As for her taking everything and turning it into a major catastrophe she sure didn’t do that re: David’s domestic violence CONVICTION, did she? No, in fact, she covered for him…and lookie, lookie, chocolate chip cookie, he’s (allegedly) at it AGAIN! ? So I think people may be letting their (understandable) dislike for this woman lead them into some dark waters imo. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, compassion costs us NOTHING, but the way society is headed, you’d think every particle, every grain of it costs the very last ounce of their life’s blood! The gate is narrow indeed. ?
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 12:55 pm
Is that when David threw the leash at her? I like her, I wish she would get help - PROFESSIONALLY - because all of her narcissism is rooted in her insecurities about herself, imo, and that is sad.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 1:30 pm
I don’t know what happened but she tried to cover that up like a cat in a sand box. So…? Whatever happened it scored David a conviction. Now he’s looking at #2 so IJS. ???? Supposedly, Shannon is getting and has been getting professional help since the DUI (for all the good that quackery really does), but the awful truth is, the Shannons of this world are simply high strung, the prototypical hysterical woman that have brain dead, indoctrinated feminists foaming at the mouth at its mere mention. ? Nonetheless, in the spirit of ‘sisterhood’ they would rather see one of their own dead by suicide or lobotomized through pharmaceuticals than concede the frailties of the female psyche. (Oh I done stepped in it now! Lol ?. Better get us a mop for that feminist spittle! Here it comes…?)
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 12:56 pm
Sometimes compassion is to stop enabling someone's self-destructive behavior.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 1:14 pm
Oh, no doubt….and sometimes that very notion is used as a VERY convenient excuse to withhold compassion. IJS. Cuz remember, we’re ALL going to face judgment some day and in THAT court of law the mercy you’ve given is the mercy you’ll receive. ? Terrifying concept even for me BUT there’s fertile training ground in cases like these cuz who is it that’s in need of mercy? Those with power, influence, those in the right? Nope. They don’t need mercy, but the flawed, the weak, the afflicted
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 1:47 pm
I have empathy for some, but the ones who refuse to acknowledge or take responsibility after decades of the same behavior lead me to lend my mercy elsewhere. It gets tedious to be around people who refuse to change and keep doing the same stupid shit over and over. I have people in my life like that and they all use someone else as their punching bags, so I limited myself.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 2:22 pm
Yes! That’s what I’m talking about. You distance yourself, you limit contact, cut them off even, but you don’t take any and every opportunity to kick them when they’re down; you don’t pile on or cheer on those that do. You cut your losses and move on. You don’t take joy in their downfall inevitable though it may be. Not making yourself a target is reasonable self preservation, but dehumanizing someone who is troubled and actively participating in their suffering? That’s what we all have to be VERY careful to avoid cuz the lines can get blurred. ?
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 2:48 pm
She subjects herself to it because it satisfies her craving for attention via Victimhoodness. I have a friend who does the same thing with this man who treats her like shit, and she doesn't even confront him. She calls and bitches and reveals the most vulgar details and then defends him when you tell her to tell him to fk off. After 10 years, I don't want to hear it. They are not married, don't live together. are financially independent of each other - if you want to keep repeating the same pattern, I really don't to hear about it anymore. When I bring up his past humiliations of her she either giggles or grunts or defends. I'm done caring, offering advice or listening to it. It is what it is. Some people never change except to get worse.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 3:41 pm
Yes, but you’re not attacking her, kicking her when she’s down, piling on and cheering on others that do. You tried to help. You did your best; she wasn’t having it, so you’re not having it. That’s the way it should be. Perfectly understandable. There’s a time to be done, no question about it. Even the Bible is very clear about that. Be done, sure, but you can choose to be done with honor and dignity, like you are, or you can choose to take a parting shot or drive a dagger deep into someone’s back, or taunt, ridicule, publicly humiliate them etc. People don’t have to choose to be sadistic and cruel to be done. You can close a door, even lock it , without slamming it. There’s the difference I’m talking about.
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 4:15 pm
I understand what you are saying. My problem with Shannon is her unwillingness to remove herself from the spotlight and from women who make their living whipping up drama. She keeps herself in that situation, thus driving the dagger into her own back.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 4:26 pm
Yeah, she should have sat this season out. I hope she’s taking care of herself because this level of stress and public scrutiny is not conducive to physical well being as well as mental. I wonder if she was contractually obligated to film this season before the DUI? Idk, but I reckon she needed the money? ????
LiberalMediaIsCorrupt September 15, 2024 - 4:30 pm
Then she might have to change her lifestyle to change her life and if she chooses not to, then she has to live with the chatter, insults, back stabbing, exposure, criticism, etc., etc.
Champagne Hangover September 15, 2024 - 5:10 pm
I guess it comes down to options and perspective? She did choose it, though, cuz no matter what, that’s how those broads roll. No wonder there is such a high rate of narcissism among reality stars. Can you imagine CHOOSING this? Surely there must be perks, but worth all the bs?! ???? I don’t get it but I’m not a famewhore, so…?
Champagne Hangover September 13, 2024 - 12:30 pm
And of course, 100% of the information fed into Alexis’s bubble head was fed by none other than Johnny J himself, COMPLETELY unbiased and accurate info dontcha know ?. And sorry not sorry, if Shannon has the receipts to back up being his sugar mama, paying for virtually everything for the first two years of the relationship, that is NOT disparaging. That’s perspective based on FACTS. So deal. And whether or not he ever fat shamed her is about manners and etiquette. It doesn’t have ANY legal standing whatsoever that he has lost ANY income as a result! If he never did that, Shannon should NOT be claiming otherwise, but again, this is petty bullsh*t based on perspective. He’s not the first nor will he be the last to fat shame a partner. These ‘body positive’ azzholes have made telling the truth a mortal sin in that respect. (So, there’s your TEAM JOHN all you who whine about Shannon enabling ?).
michers September 13, 2024 - 11:10 am
OMG sthu already . Its not your fight , he’s a lying Ahole , he ruined his own so called reputation , and you had zero right to threaten dropping vids !! You’re extortionists and you’re defaming her at this point
michers September 13, 2024 - 11:10 am
OMG sthu already . Its not your fight , he’s a lying Ahole , he ruined his own so called reputation , and you had zero right to threaten dropping vids !! You’re extortionists and you’re defaming her at this point
Zap It September 14, 2024 - 10:08 pm
Yeah the vids has douche written all over it.
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