Teresa Giudice Slams ‘Hate and Toxicity’ Surrounding RHONJ Plus, Melissa and Rachel React

Frank Catania claims Teresa Giudice was asked to leave RHONJ ahead of S15 reboot

Teresa Giudice calls for “hate and toxicity” to “stop” amid RHONJ Drama: “Enough Is Enough.”

Longtime Bravo star Teresa Giudice is calling out the toxicity surrounding the RHONJ cast online.

On Wednesday, July 24, Teresa Giudice shared a lengthy Instagram post where she called for social media bullying to end and RHONJ fans to stop spreading lies about the cast.

“I have been on The Real Housewives of New Jersey for the last 14 seasons, and during that time, I have seen and been a part of my fair share of drama with my cast mates,” she wrote. “What is happening off camera on social media is absolutely disgusting and is fueled by toxic people who are not affiliated with the show or cast and are only interested in promoting themselves by spreading their hate through false narratives and lies.”

“It has affected all of us on the cast and our families,” she continued, referencing her RHONJ costars Melissa GorgaRachel FudaDolores CataniaMargaret JosephsJennifer AydinJackie GoldschneiderDanielle Cabral, and Jennifer Fessler. “They are attacking our children, going after our businesses, and they are turning something that is supposed to be entertainment into something very dark and toxic.”

She concluded: “This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my cast mates and all our families. Enough is enough.”

Later that same day, Melissa Gorga and Rachel Fuda publicly reacted to the RHONJ OG’s Instagram post.

On her Instagram Story, Melissa wrote: “Beware of wolf in sheep’s clothing. #laughable #delusional.”

Melissa Gorga continues egging on the toxicity and calls sister-in-law Teresa delusional amid a statement about the drama on the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Rachel, on the other hand, shared a post about gaslighting before sharing a meme calling Teresa a “hypocrite” with a “big mouth.”

Rachel Fuda accuses Teresa of gaslighting amid RHONJ online drama.

“There’s nothing funnier than a hypocrite with a big mouth and a bad memory,” the post read.

Rachel Fuda calls Teresa “a hypocrite” following a statement about social media toxicity.

Real Housewives of New Jersey airs on Sundays at 8 pm.

As always, stay glued to AllAboutTRH for the latest, greatest, and most exclusive Real Housewives of New Jersey tea on the internet!

Thoughts on this all? Sound off below!

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Smudge love July 27, 2024 - 4:12 pm
Looks like the felon is hard up for ? Teresa Giudice was involved in yet another scam. This time, instead of wanting your money, she’s after your clicks. The controversial Real Housewives of New Jersey posted a clickbait headline to a faux news source. Instagram’s @ThePinkPopBox deterred his followers from clicking on the untrue story. “To anybody that went and looked at this. Don’t even waste your time. It’s total clickbait! Are times really that tight that you have to resort to clickbait? That’s not good. That’s like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Even more evidence that her time on Bravo has probably ended.” The Bravo fan page followed up after Teresa deleted the scam post from her Instagram page. @ThePinkPopBox joked, “Was it something I said?” While we're speaking of her scams, looks like the VIP site is still trying to take people's money, even though only 1 "winner", cough, cough was ever announced and that was over a year ago. Funny we NEVER saw photos of video of that supposed winner enjoying the shopping spree and dinner with the felon that they were promised. The site sent out this email just today. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ed23eaf5dd882e6efa29941ff86fecf05bb967bf6682187d9fcee073c47d1a0f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7242e5f73211f3e71c7855d680a1246c5f5e81262916b8f053b2783ffa0816a.jpg Scammers gonna scam! They need the money for their next vacay!
book7175 July 26, 2024 - 8:10 am
Teresa says it's time to stop so everyone must heed the call of the queen? Hahahaha. After all the negative, toxic things she's done she expects this statement (obviously written by someone else) to vault her into sainthood? Only the stans believe her. I suspect this is more about protecting her beloved Lobster Boy, the giant red flag she married. Lobster Boy started his own toxicity by claiming to have investigated everyone, and having files on them but now that backfired and every shady, nasty thing he's done is coming to light. Teresa is faced with the fact that once again her poor judgment of character has led her into a bad relationship and she's doing everything in her power to cover up a bad situation. But like when she was married to Juicy she's pretending everything is lovey dovey and fine.
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 8:34 am
You post nothing but facts! Melissa was the FIRST one to ask people to stop being vicious on social media, and the rabid STUMPS went after her when she did so. Now the felon copies Melissa and asks for peace, and they're all up to felon's ass, praising her
Enigma Wrapped in a Miracle July 25, 2024 - 4:42 pm
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 2:57 pm
Melissa and Rachel are showing they have no interest in anything but toxicity. I'm sure they're upset that they didn't put any positivity out there, Teresa did. They can try but can't discredit that post. Actually, Teresa is looking out for the WHOLE cast and those idiots still had something negative to say. They both are two of the biggest gaslighters and wolves in sheep clothing for sure! Especially Melissa who smiles and prides herself on keeping a sister and brother apart. She got her wish and still acting a fool, she is far from happy. They've shown everyone where they stand, on the toxic side, they love it there.
MookieMoo July 25, 2024 - 1:52 pm
Throwing a molotov cocktail and then telling people that playing with fire is bad. Fuda was spot on. Gaslighting at it's finest.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 5:57 pm
cammierari July 25, 2024 - 1:47 pm
Good for Tre and she is right. So typical of Rachel and Melissa to make sly, negative comments instead of embracing what they SAY they want. They just want to fight against Teresa getting any positive press. Just as John Fuda wasn't meeting with Tre to get an apology. They're there to take down Tre, no matter what they say. It's very obvious they love the toxic atmosphere....
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 2:59 pm
The hate and envy runs deep with those two.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 9:22 am
Good for Melissa and Rachel speaking out against Satan herself. I will never support that felon and just because she puts out a statement like this doesn't mean she's a good person, because it's as fake as her bad bolt-ons and weave. We've seen 14 years of her evilness on our screens with this year being her most evil.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 9:05 am
This is rich coming from the NJ felon, being she and her camp started the mess with bloggers. All the receipts are out there and if those receipts were fake you can bet your bottom dollar that the felon and company would have gone after MON, but they haven't, because they know they would lose should they try to sue her. The comments over social media platforms and news sites are not in the felon' s favor. People are calling her out and see right through her bullshit. I suppose that's why she disabled the comments on the post! The post seems to have backfired on her! And, I don't think it's a coincidence that she released this statement a few days after her camp put that article out about John Fuda. She was shut down by Bravo when she tried to bring the story about Fuda up at the watch party, so her next step was to have her camp release the story. Bravo can't be too pleased and it looks like she's trying to do damage control.
Shayvoe July 25, 2024 - 10:54 pm
She's is desperately trying to claw up a greased pole to save her job. It's not working. I truly believe she is on her way out.
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 8:44 am
I hope she's out. I think the only reason Bravo would keep her is to capture the implosion of all of Louie's legal problems , because other than that there is nothing interesting about her.
holy cannoli July 25, 2024 - 8:17 am
I don’t care who agree with me or not. I think Teresa’s post is great and spot on. Btw I would feel the exact same way if Melissa, or any of these housewives wrote the same thing! I don’t think what Melissa and Rachel posted was very nice. In fact I think it is nasty, rude and immature . I’m sorry don’t sit there and say that everything is so toxic, etc. but then turn around and do it . I said what I said , sorry not sorry.. Have a great day.
michers July 25, 2024 - 9:12 am
Well said
Zap It July 25, 2024 - 10:08 am
Nothing to be sorry about...I think you're being too nice.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 10:34 am
You should never have to apologize for your opinion. I may not agree with you all the time, but I appreciate the fact that you don't attack others for having a different point of view.
holy cannoli July 25, 2024 - 10:54 am
Thank you ?.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 11:03 am
You're welcome! ?
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 3:58 pm
I wish you were this understanding and not the aggressive attacker when you posted under 675309 before you were blocked from this site. The obscenities you posted with anyone who had a difference of opinion was too much. You had no boundaries and neither did I when it came to responding to one of your attacks. Guess you've toned it down a bit so you won't get blocked again. I hope you're being sincere.
SU July 25, 2024 - 5:51 pm
No Shaunna this one was Blush and Dr Who...worse than 675, but all blocked nonetheless. Smudge returned with yet another profile and only pretends at times to be sincere...or perhaps has had her meds.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 6:22 pm
LOL! I don't pretend to be anything I'm not. As I stated before holy has always been kind and never attacks for a difference of opinion, unlike yourself and others. And there you go starting with the med crap, proving my point that you are one of the ones that attacks first. You were notorious for attacking 675309, simply because she stated truth and facts that you couldn't handle or didn't agree with. You even went to other sites to attack and DV her. Stalker much? You are also notorious for gaslighting. Furthermore I've never denied, being Dr. Who. Too bad you won't admit to using another SN which you do
SU July 26, 2024 - 5:34 pm
Let's talk in fact shall we...I have never had a fake profile and because I don't say anything insulting about others like yourself and 675 (the two of you clearly feel better about yourselves when you insult other women's looks, call them names and then even worse insult the appearance of children of housewives...vile!) I don't need a fake profile - but then I have never been blocked from a website. You are crass and have on many occasions tried to intimidate other posters and troll this site day and night with your outspoken one-sided views. BTW 675/Que Sera (whatever profile she is allowed to use on that given day/website) deserves to be downvoted, the woman is deranged and horrible, but you wouldn't see that considering you are cut from the same cloth! Good Day!
Smudge love July 27, 2024 - 1:06 pm
You can say you've never this or you've never that, but that doesn't make it true. Like I told your buddy down below, I'm not going anywhere!
Shaunna July 26, 2024 - 1:38 pm
Yes, you are correct! When I first starting posting on this site the 3 of them came at me with all they had because i supported Teresa. Thank you SU!! :-)
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 4:32 pm
I never posted as 675309. Yesterday you accused me of being another poster, so who is attacking who? Aldo, you attacked that poster by calling her or him the C word when they had done absolutely nothing to you. I don't come for someone first unless they come for me.You, Marc and several others came for me first and I was called some of the most vile names, but you didn't see me crying and asking the site to block you all. I'm not here to make friends, as I have plenty of those in my life and I don't give two craps if anyone on this site likes me or not. I'm here to state my opinion and if you or anyone else doesn't like it that's just too bad. You can choose to ignore or block. Don't worry about me being sincere with holy, she knows my intentions. She is one of the handful of people here that has never attacked me because they don't agree with my posts, therefore I'm not toning anything down with my comment to holy. I have thanked her in the past for always being kind and for not attacking others for difference of opinions. I don't play games and pretend to be sincere when I'm not. Hope that clarifies things for you. ETA: Never did I see 675309 attract anyone aggressively or otherwise. It was the other way around; she was attacked aggressively by you and several others. The gas lighting is real with you.
Enigma Wrapped in a Miracle July 25, 2024 - 7:32 pm
Unless you are certifiably schizophrenic (and were having public conversations with yourself for all those years), you could not be 675309 ... may she RIP.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 7:42 pm
Thank you. Since 675309's fan club had her banned, I have now been accused of being the poster PJC! ?? Maybe Shaunna is SU?! They both have an S and a U in their names, so could be! ??See how that works? ? 675309 was kind and more patient with the over zealous felon stans that me. They worked hard to get her banned for simply having a different opinion of the felon. Listen, I like Marge, Melissa and Joey, but I'm not going to get all hot and bothered when somebody makes a negative comment about them or troll that person's every comment and refute what they say. I guess the difference is is that I like these people, whereas these felon fans seem to actually love the felon, as if she's some part of their family, and they will stop at nothing to get people who don't care for her banned from this site. If they don't get you banned they will troll you so hard hoping that you will leave on your own volition. I have seen many posters on another site say they used to post here, but they left this site because they were relentlessly trolled here and they just got sick and tired of it, so they left. Much to the dismay of those that are in love with or love the felon, I'm not going anywhere!! No amount of trolling my comments is going to run me off! They could all block me, and I still wouldn't leave! ?? it's really not that serious to me. It's kind of become like sport! ??
PjC July 26, 2024 - 4:05 am
LOL. I'm PjC. And only PjC :) ME. Other sites?? Not there either. Won't start none. Won't be none. And don't check me BOO and I won't check U too. HWs should be fun (and shady too).
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 8:47 am
They have accused me of being a bot, Melissa, Melissa's mom, Melissa's sisters, etc. I don't know why they find it so hard to believe that there is more than one person in this world who does not care for the felon. BTW, I'm not mad at them for thinking I'm you... I take that as a compliment! Happy Friday!
PjC July 26, 2024 - 1:48 pm
And have yourself a great weekend :) too.
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 2:05 pm
Thank you!
michers July 27, 2024 - 7:46 pm
No one gets banned from here just for having a different opinion on any HW so that’s not accurate . I’ve posted here since this site was started as Holy Can has also ; we’ve seen alot and even been targeted ourselves so no, not just for little HW opinion . If people have so many complaints about this place - why come back here constantly ? No answer needed , just sayin ‘.
Smudge love July 28, 2024 - 9:26 am
Since you decided to insert yourself I will reply. Yes, people get banned for having a different opinion, because this site is paid by the felon. The Stumps can continue to say that I attack them first but that is bullshit. The people that I mentioned have always come for me first. I respond back and then they start whining and they report my comments and I get banned. I have been called the C word and other names, and that is against commenting rules, yet the site doesn't ban those people. So there goes your theory. No reply necessary. Furthermore, I come back and I will continue to come back, because I refuse to let some overzealous fans run me off. And to prove my point again, Shaunna called PJC the C word without any provocation just the other day , again which is against the commenting rules, but she still posting, because she is a felon fan. Hope this clears everything up for you and answers all of your questions. Have a great Sunday.
Shaunna July 27, 2024 - 12:14 pm
Wait, you just confirmed Marc and others came for you. That was in retaliation when you posted as 675309!! Your long explanations haven't changed and thank you for proving my point. Good luck dear.
Smudge love July 27, 2024 - 12:56 pm
You clearly have reading comprehension issues among your other issues. Move on troll. Ain't nobody got time for your gas lighting. You keep trying to run me off this site but it's not going to work. I'm here for the long haul! ??
Shaunna July 30, 2024 - 4:25 pm
LOL, please stay as long as you want. We could never be that fortunate to never have to read another of your lengthy malicious posts. Everyone is a troll but you. Umkay. You shouldn't speak on reading comprehension, trust me.
Shayvoe July 25, 2024 - 10:57 pm
I can assure you, not the same poster. There is more than one person who can't stand the felon. I know it's hard for you guys to understand and accept, but it's true. 675309 posts with me on other sites and she is a sweetheart. I read here before I started posting a little and never once did I see her be ugly to anyone first. Same with Smudge. You guys are the ones who always start with her. And before you start saying I am one of them, I have been posting on HW sites for YEARS and have only had this one name since the beginning! I never posted here, because I always heard how this site loved the felon so much, I just wasn't interested. I would read from time to time and lately saw there are more people here with like minds so I post occasionally. I really don't understand why anyone cares so much what we post about her...it's a blog site, it's not curing cancer.
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 8:44 am
Thank you!
Shaunna July 26, 2024 - 3:31 pm
Shayvoe, she may have been a sweetheart to YOU and that's great. If you saw the post of others responding to 675309 then you saw hers as well. Stop playing illiterate. I experienced it first hand so there is nothing you can tell me about that one. If you choose to support the criminal who pistol whipped people/drug dealer, thieves who swindle hard working people and don't pay their bills, thieves who are banned from home depot, rapists, losers who have lost their parents home to foreclosure, disbarred attorneys, etc then go for it. There is more than one person who can't stand those type of people so it shouldn't be 'hard for you guys to understand. Nothing sweet about Smudge going after peoples kids either. I support the felon who did her time unlike the others who have not. Why do you care about what I posted here since it's not curing cancer, it's just a blog site.
Shayvoe July 30, 2024 - 3:06 pm
Honey, I am far from illiterate. Thanks for proving my point, that it is YOU who starts the name calling for absolutely no reason. Not once did I call you a name, but you called me illiterate just for giving my opinion. Again, why do you care who I support? I DAAF who anyone else supports. It's not that serious for me. You can love, love, love the felon for eternity and my life will go on.
Shaunna July 30, 2024 - 4:15 pm
You care and that is why you are responding to me. Life does go on...
Shayvoe July 30, 2024 - 5:06 pm
I see why the other two posters you accuse of going after you, do so. They were taking up for themselves after you attacked them. Continue, as I know you will. You can't help yourself.
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 3:04 pm
Sending you a virtual hug!! Thank you for calling it like you see it.
CFF July 25, 2024 - 11:46 am
I stand with Melissa and Rachel. Teresa's post is laughable and beyond hypocritical.
notenoughtime July 25, 2024 - 11:32 am
Enough with the toxicity. Instead of having some class, dignity and agreeing with a end to the nonsense, the typical wives have to continue the darkness. If there is not a cast change, will be tuning out. Nothing more than high school mean girls with plastic surgery and glam squads doing whatever necessary fearing a loss of a paycheck.
Zap It July 25, 2024 - 10:22 am
I can't believe they're that stupid. I mean, didn't they just prove Teresa's point?
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 2:59 pm
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 10:18 am
ION: Juicy Joe is going to box Antonio Sabato Jr. ? These Jersey fools will do anything for money.
Smudge love July 25, 2024 - 10:12 am
Anyone with a brain knows the felon did not write that statement, because there are words that contain more than one syllable. The audacity of her to speak on hurting people's children, when she has stated more than once that Joey is not Joe's biological son Then there's the going after people's families when she tried to destroy Jackie's marriage and for years she's also tried to destroy her brother's marriage. Truth is the bitch can't stand to see anyone happy.
Shayvoe July 25, 2024 - 10:52 pm
All true!! Every.Single.Word.
Smudge love July 26, 2024 - 8:40 am
Thank you!
Zap It July 25, 2024 - 10:07 am
Well, Melissa just blew her cover. Not so sweet after all. See, this is the REAL Melissa. And Fuda is a joke. Just vile and so is her husband. This was a post to ask people to stop targeting Teresa AND her cast mates AND their families. Did Melissa and Fuda miss that part?? And what do those two do? They immediately target Teresa with hate. Now, we see what is really going on behind the scenes. Pure poison.
michers July 25, 2024 - 9:17 am
Sorry not sorry - this reaction from Mewhore and her mini me - just shows their true character and how thirsty they are in re to anything Teresa . Speaking terms or not - that is your family Meliar- can you ever grow up and just support or zip it? No because then you get no attention … Anyway . Good for Teresa for stepping up . People all over even here - nasty nasty nasty ( obsessed)At some point - someone needs to address the hateful chaos . When someone is coming from a good place just support it or don’t but there’s no need to add ugly to it .
holy cannoli July 25, 2024 - 9:49 am
Shaunna July 25, 2024 - 3:02 pm
Yep, they both could have kept their bitterness and hate to themselves.
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