Margaret Josephs Opens Up About Her Grieving Process Following Ex-Husband Jan Josephs Death

Margaret Josephs and her late husband

Margaret Josephs is opening up about her grieving process following ex-husband Jan’s death saying it put her whole life in perspective. 

Margaret was married to Jan Josephs for 20 years when she cheated on him with current husband Joe Benigno in 2013. Margaret recently said on season 14 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey that Margaret married Joe two weeks after her divorce from Jan Josephs was finalized.

Jan died of a sudden heart attack in August of 2022.

Margaret’s storyline for season 14 has centered around processing Jan Josephs death two years later.

In the clip above, Margaret says it was a horrible year adding, “my husband had to watch me cry a lot about someone I used to be in love with. It was a horrible year. He would watch me cry about my ex-husband and mourn  a loss of someone I was married to for twenty years.” 

RHONJ’s Margaret Josephs with husband Joe Benigno.

Margaret says she was not easy to live with following Jan’s death.

Margaret and Jan share one biological son and Margaret adopted Jan’s three children when they were married. However, Margaret did become estranged from her three step children when she divorced Jan and married Joe Benigno.

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michers June 20, 2024 - 12:09 pm
This the poor guy you cheated on multiple times then aired it out on national tv further then had to use him for storyline this season ? Trash .
Zap It June 20, 2024 - 10:46 am
Margaret is full of sh*t. She left this man years ago for the handyman that she hired to work on their home. She betrayed him, emasculated him and now she wants to "grieve" him? I really think this woman is evil. I'm not a fan of her current husband but I think she's done the same thing to him. He's a broken man because that's what this evil b*tch does to people. I truly hope she gets what's coming to her and I hope we're all here to see it.
Shaunna June 20, 2024 - 2:13 pm
Joe knows Marge has the money, he's her "bitch boy".
Jshappyday June 20, 2024 - 12:56 am
Marge was not even invited to Jan funeral. She had her “own” service so people could sit with her and focus on her. And she wants more focus on her A year later, she will not allow these poor kids peace, an ex she cheated on. The family has no association with her, she married immediately and now she still insists on bringing it on the show. How do you think it makes Jan kids feel who refuse to speak with Marge that she won’t stop. They are not speaking with Marge, she had not been married to their father for over a decade and she still makes him a storyline. Good for those kids to standing up to Marge, more people need to do that and tell her to cut it out! I can’t imagine that family’s pain having to watch this on the show this season when they didn’t want that from Marge. Let Jan’s memory Rest in Peace and for his kids too.
Zap It June 20, 2024 - 10:42 am
Perfectly said, again.
Jshappyday June 20, 2024 - 11:44 am
Thank you Zap. ?? This one is just common decency and respect, especially once you consider the pain she has already put these step children through. There were other places Marge could have gone with her storyline knowing this. Mind boggling.
michers June 20, 2024 - 12:10 pm
She’s disgusting. Point blank period .
Shaunna June 20, 2024 - 2:21 pm
Exactly. Marge is a terrible person and she does not possess basic human kindness or respect, she's so-oo selfish. Like Michers stated, she is pure trash.
SU June 19, 2024 - 11:21 pm
What would motivate someone to cheat with a 4 foot hobbit?? I mean she is awful, but Joe B isn't much better.
Zap It June 20, 2024 - 10:41 am
He's probably not a bad guy but he's so beaten down by this woman, he likely lives in a state of fear all the time. I think she broke him.
Jshappyday June 20, 2024 - 11:50 am
Fear and free ride. Marge is always dogging Luis about his work. So what does Joe do? Is he retired. Does he work full time with contractors on housing projects or just on smaller projects? Or does he assist Marge now with her businesses. What is the scoop.
Shaunna June 20, 2024 - 2:23 pm
I believe that too! He actually seems afraid of her, she definitely pulls the strings.
michers June 20, 2024 - 12:11 pm
It wasn’t just the hobbit ;i think he’s the only that would keep coming back …
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